
S10 Light Guide

3M Curing Lights Reprocessing Guidelines

2 Pages

Guidelines for Reprocessing 3M Curing Lights This document contains information from our parent company 3M US in regards to the US-based Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations1 in dental settings for medical devices that come in contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin, which include all orthodontic curing light guides. You should always follow your provincial guidelines. The 3M™ Ortholux™ Luminous Curing Light meets the CDC recommendations in the US for sterilization, high-level disinfection or barrier with intermediate-level disinfection as outlined below.  3M Curing Lights+  Non-removable Light Guide++  Criticality/Reprocessing  Validated  All semi-critical items should be sterilized using heat, including curing light guides.  Validated  If a semi-critical item is heat-sensitive, replace with a heat-tolerant alternative. If none available, process using high-level disinfection.  Validated  Feasible  If the item cannot tolerate heat or high-level disinfection, at a minimum, protect with an appropriate barrier. Disinfect with a hard surface disinfectant with intermediate-level activity between patients.  + Example: 3M™ Ortholux™ Luminous Curing Light. ++ Example: Valo Grand Cordless.  Instructions for Cleaning and Disinfection of a 3M Curing Light Shield and Curing Light Handpiece  Disinfection or Sterilization Options for 3M Removable Curing Light Guides  Cleaning: Wipe thoroughly with CaviWipes™, or equivalent wipe, for 30 seconds or until visibly clean, according to manufacturer instructions.  Intermediate-Level Disinfection (only when using a sleeve) 1. Select cleaning option A or B. 2. Disinfect with an alcohol-quaternary ammonium wipe, such as CaviWipes™ and wipe for the contact time on the disinfectant label.  Disinfection: Disinfect with an alcohol-quaternary ammonium wipe, such as CaviWipes™ for the contact time on the disinfectant label.  Cleaning Options for 3M Curing Light Guides 30 sec.  Option A: Wipe thoroughly with CaviWipes™, or equivalent wipe, for 30 seconds or until visibly clean, according to manufacturer instructions. Option B: Manually clean by submerging in an enzymatic detergent for five minutes and scrubbing with a soft plastic brush until visibly clean. Rinse in purified water according to detergent instructions. Option C: Washer-disinfector with an enzymatic detergent and a minimum of five minutes at 95°C thermal rinse cycle.  1  High-Level Disinfection 1. Select cleaning option C with thermal rinse for five minutes at 95°C. Sterilization 1. Select cleaning option A, B or C. 2. Package light guide in a single sterilization pouch. 3. Sterilize the curing light guide according to the instructions (below). Sterilization Pre-vacuum Gravity  Temp. (°C)  Time  Dry Time  132  4 minutes  134  3 minutes  121  20 minutes  30 minutes, or until dry in the autoclave being used  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Dept of Health and Human Services; October 2016. Page 12.  June 2020
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File Name: 3M - 2006-17693 - 3M Curing Lights Reprocessing Guidelines - 2020-06 - Rev E.pdf

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