AccuTec-IHS Inc

AccuFIT 9000 series User Performed Maintenance Guide


4 Pages

User-Performed Maintenance for AccuFIT 9000® & AccuFIT 9000®PRO The AccuFIT 9000 series of products are precision instruments utilizing a finely-tuned optical bench which counts size-enhanced particulates using a pulsed laser beam, which is refracted by the shaped cloud of particulates passing through the beam at a known velocity. Any significant deviation in the behavioral dynamics of these sensing parameters affects the accuracy of the count, which in turn could lead to inaccurate fit tests. For this reason, we strongly discourage non-factory-trained personnel from opening the instrument itself and attempting any internal service. Doing so will void the warranty. There are however several common-sense maintenance procedures that we do encourage users to perform. These are listed below: 1. O-Ring Lubrication: The wick assembly consists of a canister which holds the actual wick which is saturated with the isopropyl alcohol necessary for the particulate size enhancement. The canister is held onto the latching handle with a polymer O-ring. This O-ring should be periodically VERY LIGHTLY lubricated with the Dow-Corning DC4 lubricant included in the accessory kit. Separate the canister from the latching handle assembly by gently twisting the canister with one hand while holding the latching handle in the other. Touch your index finger to the DC4 lubricant and apply to the O-ring as shown. Rotate the latching handle assembly to ensure the O-ring is lubricated all the way around.  CANISTER  LATCHING HANDLE  O-RING  After applying the extremely light lubrication, reattach the canister to the latching handle by rotating the canister while gently pushing onto the O-ring. Continue turning the canister 360° to ensure that the O-ring has not become pinched or distorted during reassembly. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1408 South Denver Ave Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119 USA  CONTACT US COPYRIGHT 2020 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  Tel: (800) 896-6959
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File Name: AccuTec-IHS Inc - AccuFIT 9000 series User Performed Maintenance Guide - 2021-06.pdf

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