
RibLoc U Plus Chest Wall Plating Systems Instructions for Use

6 Pages

RibLoc® U Plus CHEST WALL PLATING SYSTEM FOR THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF THE OPERATING SURGEON  INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE DESCRIPTION  The RibLoc® U Plus Chest Wall Plating System of bone plates, screws and accessories are designed to provide f ixation f or f ractures, f usions, and osteotomies of the ribs, and reconstructions of the chest wall.  INFORMATION FOR USE Anatomical dimensions determine the size and shape of implant used. The surgeon must  INDICATIONS  select the appropriate size, and contour the plate if necessary, to match the patient’s anatomy f or close adaptation and firm seating with adequate support. The RibLoc® U Plus Chest Wall Plating System is intended to stabilize and provide fixation f or f ractures, f usions, and osteotomies of the ribs, and f or reconstructions of the chest wall, and sternum.  CONTRAINDICATIONS  • Contraindications for this system are active or latent inf ection, sepsis, insufficient quantity  or quality of bone/soft tissue, and material sensitivity. If metal sensitivity is suspected, tests should be perf ormed prior to implantation. • Patients who are unwilling or incapable of f ollowing postoperative care instructions are contraindicated for this device. • This device is not intended f or screw attachment or f ixation to the posterior elements (pedicles) of the cervical or lumbar spine.  WARNINGS  • For saf e and effective use of this implant, the surgeon must be thoroughly familiar with the  implant, the methods of application, the instruments, and the recommended surgical technique for this device. • Surgeons must caref ully consider the likelihood of healing being achieved when plating f ractures, osteotomies, or reconstructions of the chest wall. This system is only designed to withstand loading during a reasonable healing time period and is not intended to be a permanent prosthesis. • Surgeons must consider a possible need for emergent reentry, such as sternotomy, before plating the sternum. • Improper insertion of the device during implantation can increase the possibility of loosening or migration. • A poorly contoured plate may result in an abnormal load on bones or may result in patient discomfort. • Device damage or breakage can occur when the implant is subjected to increased loading associated with trauma, delayed union, nonunion or incomplete healing. Device breakage could lead to additional surgery and device removal. • The patient must be cautioned, preferably in writing, about the use, limitations, and possible adverse ef fects of this implant. These cautions include the possibility of the device or treatment f ailing as a result of loose f ixation and/or loosening, stress, excessive activity, or continuous load bearing past the average healing time (6-8 weeks), particularly if the implant experiences increased loads due to delayed union, nonunion, or incomplete bone healing. • The patient must be warned that failure to follow postoperative care instructions can cause the implant and/or treatment to fail. • As with any surgical implantation there is a possibility of nerve, bone or soft tissue damage related to either surgical trauma or the presence of the implant. • The implant system has not been evaluated f or use in pectus def ormity repair, or costochondral junction fracture.  CAUTION: Federal Law (USA) restricts this product sale by or on the order of a physician or hospital. PKGI-011480 Rev. B Page 1 of 6 Effective 4/2021
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File Name: Acumed - PKGI-011480-B - RibLoc U Plus Chest Wall Plating Systems Instructions for Use - 2021-04 - Rev B.pdf

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