Quick Reference Set Up Guide
2 Pages
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PurePoint™ Laser Quick Reference Set Up Guide LCD Screen
Laser Port 1
Laser Port 2
Power Knob Port LED Illumination Ring Pulse Duration Knob Port Selection Buttons
Inter-Pulse Time Knob
Emergency Switch
Standby/ Ready Mode Button
Menu Knob
LIO Illuminator Power Knob
Aiming Beam Intensity Knob
LIO Illuminator Power Port
On/Off Key Switch
AT YOUR COMMAND ©2008 Alcon, Inc.
PurePoint™ Laser Quick Reference Set Up Guide CAUTION: This Quick Reference Guide is not intended to substitute reading and understanding the PurePoint™ Operator’s Manual.
SET UP 1. Ensure that the following items are installed and/or properly connected: • Footswitch • Remote Interlock • Power cord to a properly grounded main power outlet (220-240 VAC, 5A; or 100-120 VAC, 10A). • Doctor/Observer protection filters are installed in the optical path of the slit lamp or microscope, or connected to the Doctor Protection Filter ports on the rear panel. • Slit lamp, LIO, and/or endoprobe. 2. Ensure Red Emergency Switch is pulled out. 3. Verify that the power switch on the rear panel is in the ON position. 4. Insert key into keyswitch on front panel. Leave in the OFF position.
SYSTEM POWER UP 5. Turn the key to the ON (horizontal) position.
8. Select the port connected to the device to be used for treatment. 9. Set the treatment power. 10. Set the pulse duration. 11. Set the inter-pulse time. 12. Set the aiming beam intensity. WARNING: Do not attempt treatment if aiming beam is not present. Patient injury may occur.
OPERATING PROCEDURE WARNING: In the event of a system malfunction, press the Emergency Switch to immediately disable the system. 13. Ensure that all personnel are wearing protective eyewear, OD 4 or above at 532nm. 14. For Slit Lamp: Adjust the Intra-pupillary distance and the biomicroscope oculars focus so that the image is clear. F or LIO: Adjust the intra-pupillary distance on the headset so that the image is clear.
6. Verify Presence of Dr. Filter(s). (For slit lamp and endo selections.)
15. Target the red aiming beam on the area to be treated.
WARNING: It is the operator’s responsibility to properly install the Doctor Protection Filter.
16. Go to Ready mode by pressing the Standby/Ready Mode or footswitch sideswitch (if enabled).
7. Set the shot count to zero.
WARNING: Laser is ready to fire.
WARNING: If unsure which settings are required, select a low power, short duration, and large spot size. Failure to titrate delivered energy may lead to patient injury.
17. Press the footswitch when ready to fire. 18. Repeat the firing procedure as often as necessary, making adjustments to power output and duration as appropriate to complete the treatment session. 19. When the treatment is complete, release the footswitch and press the Standby/Ready key. 20. To shutdown system, turn key to OFF (O) position and rear panel power switch to OFF (O) position.