Alcon Laboratories, Inc

Phaco Machines

SERIES 20000 LEGACY V3.25 Operators Manual

Operators Manual

133 Pages

Legacy ® Everest ™ System  TABLE OF CONTENTS  SECTION ONE - GENERAL INFORMATION  PAGE #  Introduction... 1.1 General Information... 1.2 Abbreviation Descriptions... 1.3 Accessory Equipment... 1.3 Environmental Issues... 1.3 Universal Precautions... 1.3 EMC Statement... 1.4 Cautions and Warnings... 1.7 Cautery, Diathermy, Coagulation... 1.15 Product Service... 1.15 Limited Warranty... 1.16 SECTION TWO - DESCRIPTION  PAGE #  Electronic System... 2.1 System Design... 2.2 Front Panel... 2.2 Cassette Housing... 2.7 Connector Panel... 2.7 Rear Panel... 2.8 Other Features... 2.10 Audible Tones... 2.10 Remote Control... 2.11 Modes and Functions... 2.13 Irrigation (Irr) Mode... 2.15 AdvanTec™* Mode... 2.17 Ultrasound (U/S) Mode... 2.22 Irrigation/Aspiration (I/A) Mode... 2.26 Vitrectomy (Vit) Mode... 2.28 Coagulation (Coag) Mode... 2.29 Custom Mode... 2.31 Custom - Program Mode... 2.34 Custom - Sound Mode... 2.41 Custom - Voice Mode... 2.42 Custom - Language Mode... 2.42 Custom - Footswitch Mode... 2.42 Custom - Remote Mode... 2.44 Test Mode... 2.45 Footswitch... 2.47  8065750595  iii
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File Name: Alcon Laboratories, Inc - SERIES 20000 LEGACY V3.25 Operators Manual - 2000-01.pdf

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