ambIT Pumps

ambIT Pump Patient Manual April 2020

Patient Manual

32 Pages

Table of Contents SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION...1 1.1 Definitions and Symbols...1 1.1.1 Definitions...1 1.1.2 Definition of Symbols...3 1.2 Warnings...6 SECTION 2 - PRODUCT DESCRIPTION...8 2.1 Welcome to the ambIT® Pump Family...8 2.2 What to Expect?...9 SECTION 3 - OPERATION...10 3.1 Your Pump’s Control Buttons...10 3.2	Attach Cassette to Pump ...11 3.3	Battery Replacement...11 3.4	Pump Power On and Off...13 3.5	Pause Infusion...14 3.6	Resume Infusion...14 3.7	Silence Alarm...14 3.8	 The BOLUS Button...15 3.9 The FUNCTION Button...15 3.10	Summary of Operating Controls...16 SECTION 4 - ALARMS AND TROUBLESHOOTING...17 SECTION 5 - GENERAL CARE INSTRUCTIONS...20 SECTION 6 - ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY (EMC)...22 SECTION 7 - CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE...24  i
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