
Microwave Tissue Ablation (MTA) System

Accu2i pMTA applicator Instructions for Use Issue 6.0

Instructions for Use

12 Pages

1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.  TABLE OF CONTENTS  2.	Accu2I pMTA APPLICATOR 		  2.	Accu2i pMTA APPLICATOR 2  Intended Use  2  		 2.2.  Description  2  		  2.3.  Accu2i Applicators  3  		  2.4.  MTA Temperature Probe  3  3.  2.1.  INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE  4  		 3.1.  Training  4  		  3.2.  System Set up  4  		  3.3.	Removal of Applicator from Packaging  4  		  3.4.	Connection of Accu2i pMTA Applicator  4  		  3.5.  Connect MTA Temperature Probes 5  		  3.6.  Coolant System Operation  		  3.7.	Placement of Accu2i pMTA Applicator and MTA Temperature Probes 6  		  3.8.  		  3.9.	Disconnection of the Accu2i pMTA Applicator and MTA Temperature Probes 7  FIGURE 1 1.  Applicator handle  		  3.10.	Accu2i pMTA Applicator Fault Condition  8  2.  Applicator shaft  3.  Radiating tip  4.  CONTRAINDICATIONS  8  4.  Cartridge connector  5.  HOW SUPPLIED  9  5.  Spike for coolant reservoir  6.  Umbilical cable  7.  Coolant reservoir feed/return  8.  Microwave link  		 		  System Operation  5.1.	Accu2i pMTA 14cm Standard Applicator 5.2.  6  9  Accu2i pMTA 29cm Long Applicator 9  		 5.3. Accu2i pMTA 19cm Intermediate 			 Applicator 6.  5  9  EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS  9  7.	EXAMPLES OF COAGULATION SIZE ACHIEVED IN EX-VIVO TISSUE  9  CAUTION Federal US law restricts this device for sale by or on the order of a physician. The Accu2i pMTA Percutaneous Applicator has not been cleared for laparoscopic use in the U.S.A. or Canada. Please note: Canada only. Throughout this document any reference to “soft tissue” means tissue types: liver, kidney and muscle.  2  2.1. Intended Use The Accu2i pMTA Applicator is intended for the coagulation of soft tissue during open, laparoscopic (except in the USA or Canada) or percutaneous procedures. 2.2. Description The Acculis* Microwave Tissue Ablation (MTA) System when configured for use with the Accu2i pMTA Applicators consists of the Sulis* VpMTA Generator, optional MTA Temperature Probes, Acculis Local Control Station (LCS) and Accu2i pMTA Applicators. The Acculis MTA System is used to deliver energy to soft tissue
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