
Microwave Tissue Ablation (MTA) System

Acculis MTA system Operators Manual Issue 10.0

Operators Manual

50 Pages

1.  TABLE OF CONTENTS  1. TABLE OF CONTENTS p2-3 2.	ELECTRO-MAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC)		 p3 3.	GUIDELINES FOR AVOIDING OR IDENTIFYING AND RESOLVING ADVERSE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC EFFECTS p3 4. ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE p8 5. GENERAL INFORMATION p8 6. INDICATIONS FOR USE p8 7.	ACCULIS* MTA SYSTEM DESCRIPTION p8 8. CONTRAINDICATIONS p8 9. HOW SUPPLIED p10 		 9.1. Acculis MTA System Components p10 		 9.2. Acculis LCS (Local Control Station) p10 		 9.3. Accu5i MTA Surgical Applicator p10 		 9.4. Accu2i pMTA Applicator p11 		 9.5. Accu20s MTA Surface Applicator p11 		 9.6. MTA Temperature Probe Kit p11 10.	Sulis* VpMTA GENERATOR INSTALLATION p11 		 10.1.	Mount the Sulis VpMTA Generator onto MTA Cart p11 		 10.2. Check Operating Voltage p12 		 10.3. Attach Power Cord p12 		 10.4. Transportation Position p12 11.	ACCULIS LCS (LOCAL CONTROL STATION) INSTALLATION p12 		 11.1.	Mount the articulated mounting arm onto the MTA Cart p12 		 11.2.	Mount the LCS onto the articulated arm of the MTA Cart p12 		 11.3.	Connect the LCS Microwave Cable and Data Cable to the Sulis VpMTA Generator p12 12.	Sulis VpMTA GENERATOR FEATURES p13 		 12.1. Description p13 		 12.2.	Front Panel: Display And Control Features p13 		 12.3. Rear Panel Features p14 		 12.4. Explanation Of Symbols p14 13.	ACCULIS LCS (LOCAL CONTROL STATION) FEATURES p15 		 13.1. Description p15 14.	INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF THE ACCULIS MTA SYSTEM p16 		 14.1.	Sulis VpMTA Generator Setup p16  2  		 		 		 		  14.2.	Turn the Sulis VpMTA Generator On 14.3. Connection Of Applicators 14.4. Connect MTA Temperature Probes 14.5.	Confirm Sulis VpMTA Generator Ready 		 14.6.	Confirm The Temperature Probes Are Functional 		 14.7. Select desired power and time 		 14.8. Set The Coagulation Time 		 14.9. Set The Microwave Power 		 14.10.	Confirm Settings And Connections 		 14.11.	Confirm Proper Placement of MTA Applicator And MTA Temperature Probe(S) 		 14.12. Microwave Activation 		 14.13. Confirm Activation 		 14.14. Elapsed Time Display 		 14.15. Temperature Display 		 14.16. Output Power 		 14.17.	Microwave Energy Delivery Termination 		 14.18. Coolant Reservoir Replacement 		 14.19.	Disconnection of the applicator from the Acculis MTA System 		 14.20 Termination of the Acculis MTA 			 System 15.	Sulis VpMTA GENERATOR CARE AND MAINTENANCE 		 15.1. Cleaning 		 15.2. Storage 		 15.3. Maintenance And Service 		 15.4. End of life disposal 16. ACCULIS LCS CARE AND MAINTENANCE 		 16.1. Cleaning 		 16.2. Storage 		 16.3. Maintenance and Service 		 16.4. End of life disposal 17. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 18. SPECIFICATIONS 		 18.1.	Sulis VpMTA Generator Specifications 		 18.2.	Acculis local Control Station (LCS) Specifications 		 18.3.	Accu5i MTA Surgical Applicator Specifications  p16 p16 p17 p17 p17 p17 p17 p18 p18  p18 p18 p19 p19 p19 p19 p20 p20 p20 p21 p22 p22 p22 p22 p22 p23 p23 p23 p23 p23 p23 p24 p24 p25 p25
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