APC Cardiovascular

AccuPace Series 4800 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual

40 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS Specifications - Pacing Tests  iii iv  Panel Controls and Display - Figure 1  v  Key to Analyzer Controls  vi  International Classifications and Certifications  ix  General Description  1  Accessory Cables - Connection and Care 2 Key to Status Indicators - Figure 2  3  Indications, Contraindications, Warnings, and Potential Complications  4  Programmable Modes and Parameters  7  Single Chamber Modes Dual Chamber Modes Basic Rate Pulse Amplitude Pulse Width Sensitivity AV Delay  7 7 8 9 9 9 10  Non-Programmable Parameters  11  PV Delay Refractory Periods Maximum Tracking Rate Blanking Period Ventricular Safety Pacing PVC Response PMT Limit PMT Termination Algorithm  11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13  General Operations  14  Power On/Off Special Features Nominal (Standard) Value Pacing STAT (Emergency) (DDI) Pacing Inhibit A / Inhibit V Temporary Maximum Output Menu Operations  14 14 15 15 15 16 17  Atrial and Ventricular Capture Data Audio Patient ID View Archive Information  i  17 17 17 17
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