APC Cardiovascular

MICRO-PACE Ref 4575 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual

33 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS Key to Panel Controls and Display  iii  Description of Control Pad Keys  iv  Summary of 4570 Series Parameters and Values  1  General Description  2  Key to Status Indicators  3  Indications, Contraindications and Warnings  4  Indications Contraindications Warnings  4 4 4  Programmable Modes and Parameters  5  Single-Chamber Modes Dual-Chamber Modes Basic Rate Pulse Amplitude Pulse Width Sensitivity Refractory Periods AV Delay Maximum Tracking Rate Blanking Period / Crosstalk  5 5 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 10  Additional Features/Options  11  Ventricular Safety Pacing Inhibit Output PV Delay PMT Termination Algorithm PVC Response Resume Operation Pacemaker Operations  11 11 11 12 12 12 13  Power On/Off/Lock Lead Connection Standard Pacing Emergency Pacing  13 14 14 14  Programming  15  Mode Parameters Automatic Programming of Parameters for High Rate Dual Chamber Pacing I  15 16 17
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