ARJO Huntleigh Healthcare
ARJOHUNTLEIGH Pressure Redistributing Mattress Overlay
ARJOHUNTLEIGH AtmosAir Mattress Instructions for Use Rev C April 2015
Instructions for Use
28 Pages

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AtmosAir Mattress Replacement System User Guide Instructions for Use AtmosAir with SAT 4000 Series AtmosAir with SAT 9000 Series AtmosAir with SAT APod 25 Series AtmosAir with SAT T-Series AtmosAir with SAT V-Series AtmosAir with SAT M-Series
407384-AH Rev C • 04/2015
...with people in mind
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF REMEDY ArjoHuntleigH HereBY DiSClAiMS All eXPreSS or iMPlieD WArrAntieS, inCluDing WitHout liMitAtion AnY iMPlieD WArrAntY oF MerCHAntABilitY or FitneSS For A PArtiCulAr PurPoSe, on tHe ArjoHuntleigH ProDuCt(S) DeSCriBeD in tHiS PuBliCAtion. AnY Written WArrAntY oFFereD BY ArjoHuntleigH SHAll Be eXPreSSlY Set FortH in tHiS PuBliCAtion or inCluDeD WitH tHe ProDuCt. unDer no CirCuMStAnCeS SHAll ArjoHuntleigH Be liABle For AnY inDireCt, inCiDentAl or ConSeQuentiAl DAMAgeS AnD eXPenSeS, inCluDing DAMAgeS or injurY to PerSon or ProPertY, Due in WHole or in PArt to tHe uSe oF tHe ProDuCt otHer tHAn tHoSe For WHiCH DiSClAiMer oF WArrAntY or liMitAtion oF liABilitY iS eXPreSSlY ProHiBiteD BY SPeCiFiC, APPliCABle lAW. no PerSon HAS tHe AutHoritY to BinD ArjoHuntleigH to AnY rePreSentAtion or WArrAntY eXCePt AS SPeCiFiCAllY Set FortH in tHiS PArAgrAPH. Descriptions or speciications in ArjoHuntleigh printed matter, including this publication, are meant solely to generally describe the product at the time of manufacture and do not constitute any express warranties except as set forth in the written limited warranty included in this publication or with this product. information in this publication may be subject to change at any time. Contact ArjoHuntleigh for updates. Important Information For Users in order for ArjoHuntleigh products to perform properly, ArjoHuntleigh recommends the following conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions will void any applicable warranties. • use this product only in accordance with these instructions and applicable product labeling. • Assembly, operations, extensions, re-adjustments, modiications, technical maintenance or repairs must be performed by qualiied personnel authorized by ArjoHuntleigh. Contact ArjoHuntleigh for information regarding maintenance and repair. • if applicable, ensure the electrical installation of the room complies with the appropriate national / local electrical wiring standards. Specific indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and safety information exist for ArjoHuntleigh’s therapeutic support systems. It is important for users to read and familiarize themselves with these instructions and to consult the treating physician prior to patient placement and product use. Individual patient conditions may vary. Notice this product has been conigured from the manufacturer to meet speciic voltage requirements. refer to the product information label for speciic voltage.
Table Of Contents Introduction... 2 indications ... 2 Contraindications... 2 risks and Precautions ... 2 Safety information ... 3
Preparation for Use... 5 Mattress Installation ... 5 AtmosAir with SAT 4000, 9000 (all models), AtmosAir with SAt, APod 25 (all models), and AtmosAir with SAT t-Series* (all models) ... 5 AtmosAir with SAT V-Series*... 5 AtmosAir with SAT M-Series* ... 7
AtmosAir Pump Installation ... 8 Patient Placement and Nursing Care ... 9 Alternating Pressure / rotation Adjustment ... 9 CPr ... 10 Skin Care ... 10 incontinence / Drainage ... 10 general operation ... 10
Care and Cleaning ... 10 Cover Cleaning options ... 11 Cleaning AtmosAir Pump and tubes (A and Ar models) ... 12
Preventive Maintenance Schedule ... 12 Daily Cleaning... 12 Weekly Cleaning ... 12 inspection / System Check-out ... 12
Troubleshooting ... 13 Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT 4000 ... 14 Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT 9000 and T-Series ... 15 Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT APod 25 Series ... 16 Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT M-Series and V-Series ... 17 Parts Diagram - AtmosAir Pump (A and AR models)... 18 Replacement Parts ... 19 Specifications ... 23 Electromagnetic Compatibility... 25 Symbols Used ... 29 Customer Contact Information ... 31
Introduction it is recommended that all sections of this user guide be read prior to product use. Carefully review the Contraindications, Safety Information and Risks and Precautions sections prior to placing a patient on any AtmosAir™ with SAt™ Mattress replacement System (MrS). Caregivers should review this information with the patient and the patient's family and / or legal guardian. Save this user guide in an easily accessible location for quick reference. this user guide is comprised of the following AtmosAir MrS models / series: • AtmosAir with SAT 4000 Series (non powered, indicates pump not available) • AtmosAir with SAT 9000 Series (non powered) • AtmosAir with SAT 9000A Series (powered with alternating pressure) • AtmosAir with SAT 9000Ar Series (powered with alternating pressure and rotation) • AtmosAir with SAT APod 25 Series (non powered) • AtmosAir with SAT APod 25 A Series (powered with alternating pressure) • AtmosAir with SAT APod 25 Ar Series (powered with alternating pressure and rotation) • AtmosAir with SAT t-Series (non powered) • AtmosAir with SAT t-Series A (powered with alternating pressure) • AtmosAir with SAT t-Series Ar (powered with alternating pressure and rotation) • AtmosAir with SAT V-Series (non powered) • AtmosAir with SAT M-Series (non powered) the AtmosAir MrS comes in a wide variety of lengths and widths to support various customer requirements. Contact an ArjoHuntleigh representative for additional product information.
Indications • for prevention or treatment of skin breakdown
Contraindications • unstable vertebral fracture • cervical and skeletal traction
Risks and Precautions Transfer – Standard precautions should be taken during patient transfer. Rotation / Alternating Pressure (for A and AR models) – Prior to engaging rotation or alternating pressure, ensure that bed frame has side rails and that all side rails are fully engaged in full upright and locked position. ensure pump hoses are properly connected to appropriate side of mattress for the desired function (see Pump Installation). WARNING: incorrect connection of pump hoses can increase risk of potential patient falls. Side Rails and Restraints – WARNING: use or non-use of restraints, including side rails, can be critical to patient safety. Serious or fatal injury can result from the use (potential entrapment) or non-use (potential patient falls) of side rails or other restraints. See related Safety Information. Patient Migration – Specialty surfaces have different shear and support characteristics than conventional surfaces and may increase the risk of patient movement, sinking and / or migration into hazardous positions of entrapment and / or inadvertent bed exit. Monitor patients frequently to guard against patient entrapment.
Oxygen Use – DANGER: risk of explosion if the AtmosAir Pump is used in the presence of lammable anesthetics. use of this product’s pump in an oxygen-enriched environment may produce potential of ire hazard. this equipment is not suitable for use in the presence of a lammable anesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide. unplug and do not use pump when using oxygen-administering equipment other than the nasal mask or half-bedlength tent type. Shock Hazard – electrical shock hazard; do not remove pump case covers. refer to qualiied service personnel.
Safety Information Patient Entrance / Exit – Caregiver should always aid patient in exiting the bed. Make sure a capable patient knows how to get out of bed safely (and, if necessary, how to release the side rails) in case of ire or other emergency. Turning - CAUTION: Prior to engaging turn feature, ensure that bed frame has side rails and that all side rails are in their full up and locked position. Brakes – Caster brakes should always be locked once the bed is in position. Verify wheels are locked before any patient transfer to or from the bed. Bed Height – to minimize risk of falls or injury, the bed should always be in the lowest practical position when the patient is unattended. Bed Frame – Always use a standard healthcare bed frame with this mattress, with any safeguards or protocols that may be appropriate. Bed frame and side rails (if used) must be properly sized relative to the mattress to help minimize any gaps that might entrap a patient's head or body. it is recommended that bed and side rails (if used) comply with all applicable regulations and protocols. Head of Bed Elevation – Keep head of bed as low as possible to help prevent patient migration. Side Rails / Patient Restraints - Whether and how to use side rails or restraints is a decision that should be based on each patient’s needs and should be made by the patient and the patient’s family, physician and caregivers, with facility protocols in mind. Caregivers should assess risks and beneits of side rail / restraint use (including entrapment and patient falls from bed) in conjunction with individual patient needs, and should discuss use or non-use with patient and / or family. Consider not only the clinical and other needs of the patient but also the risks of fatal or serious injury from falling out of bed and from patient entrapment in or around the side rails, restraints or other accessories. in the uS, for a description of entrapment hazards, vulnerable patient proile and guidance to further reduce entrapment risks, refer to FDA’s Hospital Bed System Dimensional and Assessment guidance to reduce entrapment. outside the uS, consult the local Competent Authority or government Agency for Medical Device Safety for speciic local guidance. Consult a caregiver and carefully consider the use of bolsters, positioning aids or loor pads, especially with confused, restless or agitated patients. it is recommended that side rails (if used) be locked in the full upright position when the patient is unattended. Make sure a capable patient knows how to get out of bed safely (and, if necessary, how to release the side rails) in case of ire or other emergency. Monitor patients frequently to guard against patient entrapment. CAUTION: When selecting a standard mattress, ensure the distance between top of side rails (if used) and top of mattress (without compression) is at least 8.66 in (220 mm) to help prevent inadvertent bed exit or falls. Consider individual patient size, position (relative to the top of the side rail) and patient condition in assessing fall risk.
I.V. and Drainage Tubes – i.V. and drainage tubes should always have slack for alternating pressure or rotation and other patient movements. Skin Care – Monitor skin conditions regularly and consider adjunct or alternative therapies for high acuity patients. give extra attention to any possible pressure points and locations where moisture or incontinence may occur or collect. early intervention may be essential to preventing skin breakdown. Fluids – Avoid spilling luids on pump controls. if spills do occur, clean luid from pump wearing rubber gloves or while unit is unplugged to avoid any possibility of shock. once luid is removed, check operation of components in area of spill. Fluids remaining on controls can cause corrosion, which may cause components to fail or operate erratically, possibly producing potential hazards for patient and staff. Avoid Fire Hazards – to minimize risk of ire, connect the bed’s power cord directly into a wall-mounted outlet. Do not use extension cords or multiple outlet strips. in the uS, review and follow FDA’s Safety tips for Preventing Hospital Bed Fires. No Smoking in Bed – Smoking in bed can be dangerous. to avoid the risk of ire, smoking in bed should never be allowed. Power Cord – Position power cord to avoid a tripping hazard and / or damage to the cord. ensure power cord is kept free from all pinch points and moving parts and is not trapped under casters. improper handling of the power cord can cause damage to the cord, which may possibly produce risk of ire or electric shock. General Protocols – Follow all applicable safety rules and institution protocols concerning patient and caregiver safety. Disposal – At the end of useful life, dispose of waste according to local requirements or contact the manufacturer for advice.
Preparation for Use For information concerning the bed frame refer to the manufacturers' User Guide. 1.
open shipping container(s). Do not use sharp instruments to open boxes. Damage to mattress could result.
remove AtmosAir with SAT MrS from plastic protective cover. The mattress cover may appear wrinkled when unpacked. To remove wrinkles, allow mattress up to 24 hours to accommodate; see Troubleshooting for more information. Wrinkles will not affect inflation or function, so mattress may be used immediately if needed.
Check mattress surface for tears or cracking; do not use if tears or cracks are present.
if re-installing mattress onto a new frame or for a new patient, check mattress surface for staining and soiling; clean and / or disinfect as required (see Care and Cleaning).
level bed and lock brakes.
remove existing mattress from bed frame.
Mattress Installation AtmosAir with SAT 4000, 9000 (all models), AtmosAir with SAT, APod 25 (all models), AtmosAir with SAT T-Series* and AtmosAir with SAT V-Series (all models) 1.
Position mattress on bed frame with logo facing up and product information tags at foot end of bed. Magnets are integrated on the AtmosAir T-Series bottom cover to help keep the mattress in place during foot section extension / retraction.
ensure there are no gaps between mattress and bed frame or side rails. Always use a standard healthcare bed frame with safeguards or protocols that may be appropriate. Frame and side rails must be properly sized relative to the mattress to help minimize any gaps that might entrap a patient’s head or body.
* t-Series is compatible for use with the Hill-rom total Care™ bed frame.
AtmosAir with SAT V-Series* V-Series mattress on VersaCare™ Frame 1.
Position mattress on bed frame with logo facing up and product information tags at foot end of bed.
Pocket locking Bar
Slide locking bar located in pocket on underside of headend of mattress to one side, as shown at right (Figure 1).
underside of Mattress
*V-Series is compatible for use with the Hill-rom VersaCare™ frame.
Figure 1
Slip end of locking bar into slot on head-end of bed frame, as shown below (Figures 2 and 3).
Slip other end of locking bar into other slot on head-end of bed frame, as shown below (Figure 4).
locking Bar
Bed Frame
Figure 2
locking Bar
Figure 3
repeat steps 2 through 4 to secure foot-end of mattress.
Foot-end locking bar may need to be flexed slightly to slip into foot-end slots. Magnets are integrated on the AtmosAir V-Series bottom cover to help keep the mattress in place during foot section extension / retraction.
Locking Bar
Figure 4 6
Finished Installation Figure 5
AtmosAir with SAT M-Series* M-Series mattress installation on Multicare frame 1.
Position mattress on bed frame with logo facing up and product information tags at foot end of bed.
use the two buckled straps located on both sides of the mattress and fasten around knee bar to secure the AtmosAir with SAT M-Series MrS to the bed frame (Figure 6).
ensure there are no gaps between mattress and bed frame or side rails.
Knee Bar
Buckled Straps
Figure 6 CAUTION – When using the cardiac chair function, patient must be monitored to ensure against unintended migration (sliding to the foot-end and / or unintentional bed exit).
Always use a standard healthcare bed frame with safeguards or protocols that may be appropriate. Frame and side rails must be properly sized relative to the mattress to help minimize any gaps that might entrap a patient’s head or body.
* M-Series is compatible for use with the linet Multicare bed frame.
AtmosAir Pump Installation Pump installation steps for A and Ar models: 1.
Place pump on a solid stationary surface or suspend on end of bed frame with built-in hanger.
Attach pump hoses to mattress, as shown at right (Figure 7): A Models (alternating pressure): • Attach blue hoses to the mattress connectors on the patient left side (marked with BLUE tag) of the mattress for alternating pressure. AR Models (alternating pressure / rotation): • Attach blue hoses to the mattress connectors on the patient left side (marked with BLUE tag) of the mattress for alternating pressure.
• Attach red hoses to the mattress connectors on the patient right side (marked with RED tag) of the mattress for rotation.
Pump Hoses
Mattress Connectors
Figure 7
ensure air hoses are not kinked and will not be pinched by any articulated bed mechanisms.
Plug pump unit into a properly-grounded wall outlet.
Verify power to this outlet is not controlled by a wall switch.
Patient Placement and Nursing Care it is recommended that all sections of this user guide be read prior to product use. Carefully review the Contraindications, Safety Information and Risks and Precautions sections prior to placing a patient on any AtmosAir MrS. 1.
transfer patient following all applicable safety rules and institution protocols.
Center patient side-to-side and head-to-foot on AtmosAir MrS surface.
ensure all sections of the mattress fully support the patient.
Alternating Pressure / Rotation Adjustment the AtmosAir with SAT 9000, APod 25 and t-Series models provide alternating pressure and / or rotation. the level of alternating pressure or rotation can be adjusted for patient comfort. Prior to engaging alternating pressure or rotation, ensure that bed frame has side rails and that all side rails are fully engaged in full upright and locked position.
Ensure pump hoses are properly connected to appropriate side of mattress for the desired function (see Pump Installation). • rotate the control knob on the pump clockwise to increase the intensity of alternating pressure relief or the level of rotation. • rotate the control knob on the pump counter-clockwise to reduce the intensity of alternating pressure relief or the level of rotation. The AtmosAir MRS DOES NOT provide a Nurse Hold function.
Alt. PreSSure / rotAtion Figure 8
CPR 1.
level bed.
Disconnect hoses from pump to level mattress (for A and Ar models), as shown at right (Figure 9).
lower or remove side rail on caregiver’s side if necessary.
Begin CPr.
After CPr is performed: • reconnect pump hoses to mattress (for A and Ar models). • raise or install side rail as necessary. • reconigure bed and accessories as in initial placement. Figure 9
Skin Care • remove excess moisture and keep skin dry and clean. • Check patient’s skin regularly, particularly in areas where incontinence and drainage occur. • ensure linens under patient are not wrinkled.
Incontinence / Drainage • use moisture-impermeable underpads for incontinent patients. • Wipe surface clean and replace bed linens as required (see Care and Cleaning).
General Operation Avoid contact of sharp instruments with the AtmosAir MrS. Punctures, cuts and tears may prevent proper inlation and air pressure maintenance.
Figure 10
Care and Cleaning the following processes is recommended, but should be adapted to comply with local institution protocols. if you are uncertain, you should seek advice from your local infection Control Specialist. the AtmosAir MrS should be routinely decontaminated between patients and at regular intervals while in use. If a powered AtmosAir MRS, ensure power cord is unplugged from wall outlet before performing care and cleaning.
Do not use Phenol-based solutions or abrasive componds or pads on the cover during decontamination process as these will damage the surface coating. Do not boil or autoclave the cover. Avoid immersing electrical parts in water during the cleaning process. Do not spray cleaning solution directly onto the pump.
Cover Cleaning Options Sewn AtmosAir MRS (Top cover can not be removed from base) 1. 2.
if a powered MrS, unplug pump before cleaning. remove or push bed linens to center of mattress. The sewn AtmosAir MRS cover is cleaned by wipe down methods only. Do not launder as damage to the base may occur.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Wipe and rinse any soiling from the mattress surface and base. use 1000 ppm chlorine or 70% alcohol. Dry surface with towel. ensure bed linens are reitted and not wrinkled under patient. Clean pump and tubes (if needed) by wiping with a damp cloth.
RF Welded AtmosAir MRS (Detachable top cover) 1.
if a powered MrS, unplug pump before cleaning.
Push bed linens to center of mattress to wipe down, remove to launder top cover or wipedown as described below. The RF Welded AtmosAir MRS has a detachable top cover that can be laundered. However the base is cleaned by wipe down methods only. Do not launder base as damage may occur.
3. 4. 5.
Wipe and rinse any soiling from the mattress surface and base. use 1000 ppm chlorine or 70% alcohol. After wipe down, dry surface with towel. ensure bed linens are reitted and not wrinkled under patient.
Clean pump and tubes (if needed) by wiping with a damp cloth.
laundering Detachable top Cover 1.
unzip the top cover from the base for laundering. Do not launder base as damage may occur.
recommended wash temperature for top cover is 60° C (140° F) for 15 minutes.
Maximum wash temperature is 95° C (203° F) for 15 minutes.
tumble dry at 60° C (140° F) or air dry.
Maximum drying temperature 80° C (176° F).
Cleaning AtmosAir Pump and Tubes (A and AR models) 1.
ensure pump is unplugged.
Wipe surface of pump and tubes with coarse cloth using an approved disinfectant germicide mixed to manufacturer’s instructions. Do not flood any part of the pump with cleaning solution. Avoid spilling fluids on pump controls. If spills do occur, clean fluid from pump wearing rubber gloves or while unit is unplugged to avoid any possibility of shock. Once fluid is removed, check operation of components in area of spill. Fluids remaining on controls can cause corrosion, which may cause components to fail or operate erratically, possibly producing potential hazards for patient and staff.
Wipe off excess solution.
Disinfect pump and tubes with a chlorine solution (mixed according to the instructions in the Care and Cleaning section). using a clean cloth, wring out excess solution until cloth is damp. Wipe pump surface and tubes with damp cloth.
Allow to air dry.
Preventive Maintenance Schedule Preventive maintenance for the AtmosAir MrS consists of regular cleaning (see Care and Cleaning) and an overall system check-out to be performed at the intervals described below. All components must be cleaned, disinfected and inspected after each patient’s use and before use by a new patient. Always use standard precautions, treating all used equipment as contaminated. institutions should follow local protocols for cleaning and disinfection.
Daily Cleaning the cover should be wiped daily with a mild soap and water solution.
Weekly Cleaning the pump and hoses of A and Ar models should be cleaned weekly.
Inspection / System Check-Out Check each of the following before placing the AtmosAir MrS with a new patient:
Check mattress surface for tears or cracking; do not use if tears or cracks are present.
ensure mattress is free of stains and is not overly faded.
For A and AR models: 1.
ensure air inlet hoses and connectors on mattress and pump are clean and undamaged.
ensure pump and power cord are clean and undamaged.
ensure pump hanger brackets are secure and operate correctly.
ensure power switch and comfort control knob both operate correctly.
Attach pump to the red rotation hoses and power on to ensure that the mattress surface tilts and there are no air leaks.
Attach pump to the blue alternating pressure hoses and power on to ensure there are no air leaks.
Troubleshooting Do not attempt troubleshooting outside this guide or where the solution recommends to contact ArjoHuntleigh. Any unauthorized service, modiication, alteration or misuse may lead to serious injury and / or product damage and will void all applicable warranties. SYMPTOM
Green lamp on pump does not light when power switch is set to the ON position.
Power cord may be unplugged.
Plug in power cord.
Wall outlet may be controlled by a wall switch.
Plug power cord into different wall outlet.
Circuit breaker for wall switch may be tripped or blown.
Reset circuit breaker or replace fuse.
Power cord or power switch may be damaged.
Contact ArjoHuntleigh for assistance.
Tubing not connected properly.
Ensure red hoses are connected to hoses marked with red tag for rotation.
Tubing kinked.
Check tubing inside mattress for kinks.
Tubing disconnected.
Check tubing inside mattress for possible disconnect.
Mattress inflates only to one side when in rotation mode.
Hole in rotation bladder.
Check deflated rotation bladder for holes.
Mattress too firm upon arrival.
Difference in altitude not sufficient to open valves.
Apply weight to mattress to open valves.
Mattress cover too wrinkled upon removal from shipping container.
Internal components have not accommodated to environment. This does not affect inflation or function.
Let mattress accommodate for 24 hours. If problem continues, contact ArjoHuntleigh for assistance.
Mattress is not firm.
Tubing not connected properly.
Check tubing inside mattress for loose connectors.
Tubing kinked.
Check tubing inside mattress for possible kinks.
Tubing disconnected.
Check tubing inside mattress for possible disconnect.
Holes in or damaged to SAT system.
Check SAT system for holes or damage, or contact ArjoHuntleigh for assistance.
Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT 4000 All hoses were removed to improve diagram readability. the ire barrier (standard on all rF welded mattresses, optional for some sewn mattresses) is a sleeve that its over the foam and SAT assemblies. The SAT Cover, SAT Cells, SAT Interliner and rotation bladders (for A and AR models) are all part of the integrated SAT System and cannot be ordered separately. See Replacement Parts for a complete list of SAT Systems.
RF Welded Mattress Seperate Cover Seperate Base Detachable Top Cover
Sewn Mattress Cover and Base Cover not detachable
Fire Barrier (standard for RF welded mattress, optional for sewn mattresses)
SAT Cover (part of SAT system)
SAT Cell (part of SAT system) SAT Interliner (part of SAT system)
Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT 9000 and T-Series All hoses were removed to improve diagram readability. the ire barrier (standard on all rF welded mattresses, optional for some sewn mattresses) is a sleeve that its over the foam and SAT assemblies. The SAT Cover, SAT Cells, SAT Interliner and rotation bladders (for A and AR models) are all part of the integrated SAT System and cannot be ordered separately. See Replacement Parts for a complete list of SAT Systems.
RF Welded Mattress Seperate Cover Seperate Base Detachable Top Cover
Sewn Mattress Cover and Base Cover not detachable
Fire Barrier (standard for RF welded mattresses and optional for 9000 sewn mattresses and T-series models)
SAT Cover (part of SAT system) Rotation Bladders (AR Models only)
SAT Interliner (part of SAT system) (image for reference only)
SAT Cell (part of SAT system)
Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT APod 25 Series All hoses were removed to improve diagram readability. the optional Fire Barrier is a sleeve that its over the foam and SAT assemblies. The SAT Cover, SAT Cells, SAT Interliner, SAT Air Pods and rotation bladders (for A and AR models) are all part of the integrated SAT System and cannot be ordered separately. See Replacement Parts for a complete list of SAT Systems.
Cover and Base, Cover not detachable (Sewn Mattress)
Fire Barrier (optional)
SAT Cover (part of SAT system)
SAT Air Pod (part of SAT system)
Rotation Bladders (AR Models only)
SAT Interliner (part of SAT system) (image for reference only)
SAT Cell (part of SAT system)
Parts Diagram - AtmosAir with SAT M-Series and V-Series All hoses were removed to improve diagram readability. the ire barrier is a sleeve that its over the foam and SAT assemblies. The SAT Cover, SAT Cells, SAT Interliner are all part of the integrated SAT System and cannot be ordered separately. See Replacement Parts for a complete list of SAT Systems.
Mattress Cover
Fire Barrier (standard)
SAT Cover (part of SAT system)
SAT Interliner (part of SAT system)
SAT Cell (part of SAT system)
Parts Diagram - AtmosAir Pump (A and AR models) See Replacement Parts for a complete list of parts that may be ordered for the AtmosAir Pump, as well as entire pump systems.