ARJO Huntleigh Healthcare

Bath Systems

Parker Quick Reference Guide - Functions

Quick Reference Guide

1 Page

QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE - FUNCTIONS  Parker Shower handle  Auto fill  Press to lock water flow Press the auto fill button again to continue filling for 60 seconds. Stop filling at any time by pressing the auto fill button.  Press auto fill button. The filling stops automatically at correct water level.  Temperature display  Press to regulate water flow Press to activate shower function.  Unlock by pressing the trigger.  Scalding protection Shows the temperature of the active filling, shower or disinfectant mixture.  45 °C (113 °F)  Shows current bathtub water temperature.  Emergency stop  Get the patient out safely and stop using the bath.  Functions lock  Press button to stop all functions. Turn clockwise to release.  The temperature displays flashes and there is a beeping sound. Water shuts of automatically after 10 seconds.  Door lock  Press to lock all functions except scalding protection and emergency stop. Press again to unlock.  Lock bathtub door.  Unlock bathtub door.  Sound & Vision system (optional feature)  Air spa system (optional feature)  Whole bathtub  80 70 60 50 40 30 20  MIX  Footwell only  Press to turn on Air spa and to select intensity.  Use for maximum 15 minutes.  Press to turn off.  Unscrew cap and plug in USB stick.  Use hand control to regulate sound and light.  Disinfection unit (optional feature)  80 70 60  80  50 40  70  30  60  20  50 MIX  40 30 20  MIX  The disinfection bottle is located between the bathtub legs.  ArjoHuntleigh AB Hans Michelsensgatan 10 211 20 Malmö, Sweden  The disinfection handle is located behind the cover.  Determine disinfection mix ratio: spray disinfectant into the bathtub while checking the flowmeter inside cover, adjust knob on suction hose if needed.  08.AL.02_2EN • 04/2023  Flashes when the disinfection bottle is empty.
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File Name: ARJO Huntleigh Healthcare - 08.AL.02_2EN - Parker Quick Reference Guide - Functions - 2023-04.pdf

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