ARJO Huntleigh Healthcare
ARJOHUNTLEIGH FLITES Sara 3000 Operating and Product Care Instructions Issue 1 Nov 2008
Operating and Product Care Instructions
4 Pages

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FLITESTM Sara 3000
Operating and Product care Instructions
FHL15207M-INT Issue 1 November 2008
Foreword If you have any questions regarding these FLITE device SARA 3000 instructions, please contact ArjoHuntleigh or their approved distributor. The policy of ArjoHuntleigh is one of continuous development, and therefore ArjoHuntleigh reserve the right to change specifications without notice. This information sheet is supplementary to the main Operating and Product Care Instructions issued for your SARA 3000 and is applicable when using ArjoHuntleigh FLITES resident specific disposable slings.
Safety instructions & usage CHECK BEFORE USE Before use, always make sure that the FLITE and FLITE straps do not show any signs of fraying, tearing or other damage and that there is no damage (i.e. cracking, bending, breaking) to the attachment clips, in which case do not use the sling.
READ BEFORE USE Before using your ArjoHuntleigh FLITES, familiarize yourself with the method of sling operation as detailed in your SARA 3000 Operating and product care instructions. Then read and thoroughly understand this information sheet.
WARNING When unwrapping the FLITE plastic bag, avoid using sharp objects (e.g. cutting knives). These can cause punctures and cause the FLITE to tear.
Definition used in this manual: WARNING
All ArjoHuntleigh FLITES sizes will support 200kg / 440lbs. However, before use, always refer to the FLITE label to verify the maximum weight limit of the FLITE being used.
Means: Failure to follow these instructions may result in injury to yourself or to others.
INTENDED USE WARNING These ArjoHuntleigh SARA 3000 FLITES have been designed to support hospital or care facility residents while using a SARA 3000, under the supervision of trained nursing staff. The FLITES are designed to lift residents who must only be raised using a SARA 3000.
Before attempting to raise a resident, a full clinical assessment of the resident’s condition & suitability must be carried out by a qualified person on the individual resident to determine if it is advisable that the resident will be lifted and/or transferred using a SARA 3000.
Upon opening the FLITE, write the name of the resident and the date that the FLITE was first used on the label in permanent marker.
ArjoHuntleigh FLITES must not be used to support a resident while bathing or showering.
ArjoHuntleigh FLITES are intended to be specific to the resident, ensuring that it is always the correct size, comfortable, and having respect for personnel hygiene.
USING THE SARA 3000 FLITE When the correct size has been determined for a particular resident, check if the resident’s name or reference and the date of issue have been written in permanent marker on the label sewn to the side of the FLITE. The FLITE can be retained to be re-used with the resident as required until the FLITE has been soiled or damaged, is suspected of being contaminated, or if the resident no longer requires it.
For resident comfort and label visibility, ArjoHuntleigh FLITES shall be used with the DO NOT WASH label and attachment straps to the outside, and not against the resident.
Safety instructions & usage
Before raising, always make sure that Velcro strap A has been connected to Velcro strap B around the resident and that the Velcro straps have been pressed tightly onto each other (See Fig. 1).
Always ensure that the straps connecting the FLITE to the attachment clips are not twisted when the attachment clips are connected to the lifting arms. Use the correct method to attach the FLITE to the lifting arms, meaning that the same height of the attachment clip has to be used on both sides to avoid injury to the resident and damage to the FLITE.
Make sure the resident’s hands are outside of the FLITE when raising or lowering the resident with a SARA 3000 FLITE.
Fig. 1 Do not attempt to wash, clean or decontaminate ArjoHuntleigh FLITES (See label 1).
WARNING Before raising, always make sure the attachment clips are securely attached to the attachment lugs of the lifting arms, and in tension as the resident’s weight is gradually taken up (See Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
If the ArjoHuntleigh FLITE is inadvertently immersed in water or other liquids, the DO NOT WASH label (See label 1) disintegrates to display the DO NOT USE symbol (See label 2).
Ensure the ‘pull straps’ at the end of each attachment clip are only used to detach the clips from the lifting arms. They must not be used for any other purpose.
Label 2
Do not use the ‘pull straps’ as an aid to position the resident while in the FLITE. Improper use of the ‘pull straps’ could result in damage to the FLITE or injury to the caregiver or resident.
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GETINGE GROUP is a leading global provider of equipment and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences, equipment, services, and technologies are supplied under the brands ArjoHuntleigh for resident hygiene, resident handling and wound care, GETINGE for infection control and prevention within healthcare and life science and MAQUET for surgical workplaces, cardiopulmonary and critical care.