ARJO Huntleigh Healthcare
ARJOHUNTLEIGH Maxi Sky Scales Instructions for Use Sept 2014
Instructions for Use
12 Pages

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Maxi Twin Scale Instructions for Use
0086 04.KT.03_5GB September 2014
...with people in mind
© Arjo Hospital Equipment AB 2009 ArjoHuntleigh products are patented or patent pending. Patent information is available by contacting Arjo Hospital Equipment AB. Our policy is one of continous development, and we therefore reserve the right to make technical alterations without notice. The content of this publication may not be copied either whole or in part without the consent of Arjo Hospital Equipment AB.
Contents Before use ... 4 Display and Control function... 4 Weighing... 5 Switch on/Weighing... 5 Taring ... 5 Changing the unit kg/lb (USA -Canada only) ... 6 Weighing methods ... 6 Switching off... 7 Error messages ... 7 Cleaning instructions ... 7 Changing batteries ... 7 Labels and indicators ... 8 Technical specifications ... 8
Foreword The equipment must be used in accordance with these safety instructions. Anyone using the equipment must also have read and understood the instructions in this booklet. If there is anything you are not sure about, ask your ArjoHuntleigh representative. NOTE Modifications made to the equipment without ArjoHuntleigh expressed consent from ArjoHuntleigh will invalidate the supplier’s product liability.
Intended use The Maxi Twin Scale is intended to be used with the Maxi Twin lift for weighing hospital or care facility residents by trained staff in accordance with the guidelines in the Operating and Product Care Instructions. It is intended to be handled only by trained staff, used indoors and in dry environment. The Maxi Twin Scale is intended to be calibrated, verified and sealed by notified body. All other uses must be avoided. The useful life of this equipment, unless otherwise stated, is ten (10) years.
Please comply with the maximum capacity of the scale which is stated on the identification plate on the back of the device.
NOTE Do not store in wet environment.
CAUTION Don’t overload the scale.
NOTE Do not touch parts of the lift or the resident during the weighing procedure, because these are all integral parts of the weighing instrument.
Means: Separate electrical and electronic components for recycling in accordance with the European Directive 2002/96/EG (WEEE)
Before use Calibration
Scales within the EU are sealed and verified and any calibration or re-verification has to be done by a notified body.
The scale is calibrated from factory and ready for use. If the scale needs to be recalibrated, please contact your ArjoHuntleigh representative for support.
Weighing Weight is displayed in kg/lbs.
Display and Control function
Lb Kg tg
1 2 Hold Tare
>0< Net PT
Description of symbols The battery symbol indicates that the battery needs to be changed
Gross value in the accurate zero range (0.25 d)
Net measurement display
Interactive mode (only for authorized personnel)
The scale is operated by means of two push-buttons: Push-button(s)
Keypress ON/OFF switch
Gross/net selection or tare and net display
Weighing The scale is ready to use about 10 seconds after it is switched on. During this time, the scale must neither be moved nor loaded.
Switch on/Weighing Switch on the scale
1 2 Hold Tare
>0< Net PT
Lb Kg tg
Display segment test (- 5 seconds) please wait
Then all segments go off (- 2 seconds) please wait
Automatic zeroing 1 (- 3 seconds) please wait
The scale is ready to use >0<
Now you can weigh
Taring Switch on the scale and wait -10 seconds
Now you can weigh/weigh by addition >0< Net
Changing the unit kg /lb (Only applies to non-verifiable scales, USA and Canada) Switch on the scale and wait - 10 seconds
Unit kg >0<
Keep pressed for -5 seconds
Unit Lb (American pound) >0<
The same method is used to change from Lb to kg. The last unit set is retained even when the scale is switched off.
Weighing methods Method A. How to start weighing with the resident already placed in the sling:
Method C. How to weigh the resident without counting the slingweight:
Raise the lift so the sling with the resident is clear of the floor, bed, etc.
Push the ON/OFF. button
Wait about 10 seconds until 0.0 kg/lbs is shown on the display.
Push the ON/OFF button.
Read the gross weight (the weight of the resident + the weight of the sling) on the display.
Put the sling in place, clear of the floor, bed, etc. and push the button G/N. The weight of the sling is now tared away and the display shows Net 0.0 kg/lbs
Place the resident in the sling on the lift.
Raise the lift so the sling with the resident is clear of the floor, bed, etc.
To get the net weight, weigh the sling and subtract that weight from the gross weight. Method B. How to start weighing before placing the resident or the sling: 1
Push the ON/OFF. button
Wait about 10 seconds until 0.0 kg/ lbs is shown on the display..
Place the resident in the sling on the lift.
Raise the lift so the sling with the resident is clear of the floor, bed, etc.
Read the gross weight (the weight of the resident + the weight of the sling) on the display.
Read the net weight (the weight of the resident) on the display.
Switching off
Press the ON/OFF button to switch off the scale. The scale has an automatic SHUT OFF after approximately 1 minute.
Error messages Scale overloaded Please comply with the nominal (rated) load for the scale (see identification plate on the back of the device). Switch OFF and ON again.
Underload Switch OFF and ON again.
Battery status The batteries are flat and must be replaced
Cleaning instructions Just wipe gently with a damp, do not use any abrasive or caustic cleaning. CAUTION Avoid water directly on the scale.
Changing batteries If the battery symbol is visible on the display, the batteries should be replaced as soon as possible.
G /N Dia Di alog log
Labels and indicators On the data label you will find the following information: • standard approval certificate no.
Verification labels After verification the following labels are to be found on the scale:
Article number
d = actual scale division
(The marking in some countries could be different depending on local regulations)
e = verified scale division
d = e = 100 g.
Range; 2 - 200 kg
CE; EC mark of conformity
Green M; Initial verification has already been performed on this device
HBM sealing; During the initial verification, this seal is used to protect scales of Accuracy Class III from unauthorized influence being exerted on the metrological data. If the seal is violated, the verification is no longer valid. The scales may then no longer be used for legal-fortrade operation.
This scale fulfils the regulations of EN 45501/OIML R76-1. The certification is according to the Council Directive 90/384 EEC, Non-automatic Weighing Instrument Directive.
CE mark
14 HBM
Max: 200kg Min: 2kg
d=e 100g
Data label
HBM sealing mark
Green M Year of the 1st verification Notified body’s verification mark
Technical specifications Accuracy class according to OIML R76 Maximum number of scale intervals
Maximum capacity (E max)
Minimum capacity
Minimum verification interval (e)
5 digits
4 x AA cells
Battery life (AAcell with 1600 mAh)
Battery voltage
Current consumption, active mode
Quiescent current, stand-by mode
Nominal temperature range
-10 to +40 / +14 to +104
Operating temperature range
-20 to+60 / -4 to +140
Storage temperature range
-40 to+85 / -40 to +185
Dimensions (W x H x D) -scale unit
165 x 87 x 70
Weight - scale unit
approx. 0.7 / 1.5
Protection class to DIN 40050 (IEC529)
IP 54
AUSTRALIA ArjoHuntleigh Pty Ltd 78, Forsyth Street O’Connor AU-6163 Western Australia Tel: +61 89337 4111 Free: +1 800 072 040 Fax: + 61 89337 9077
FRANCE ArjoHuntleigh SAS 2 Avenue Alcide de Gasperi CS 70133 FR-59436 RONCQ CEDEX Tél: +33 (0) 3 20 28 13 13 Fax: +33 (0) 3 20 28 13 14 E-mail:
BELGIQUE / BELGIË ArjoHuntleigh NV/SA Evenbroekveld 16 BE-9420 ERPE-MERE Tél/Tel: +32 (0) 53 60 73 80 Fax: +32 (0) 53 60 73 81 E-mail:
HONG KONG ArjoHuntleigh (Hong Kong) Ltd 1510-17, 15/F, Tower 2 Kowloon Commerce Centre 51 Kwai Cheong Road Kwai Chung HONG KONG Tel: +852 2207 6363 Fax: +852 2207 6368
BRASIL Maquet do Brasil Equipamentos Médicos Ltda Rua Tenente Alberto Spicciati, 200 Barra Funda, 01140-130 SÃO PAULO, SP - BRASIL Fone: +55 (11) 2608-7400 Fax: +55 (11) 2608-7410 CANADA ArjoHuntleigh 90 Matheson Boulevard West Suite 300 CA-MISSISSAUGA, ON, L5R 3R3 Tel/Tél: +1 905 238 7880 Free: +1 800 665 4831 Institutional Free: +1 800 868 0441 Home Care Fax: +1 905 238 7881 E-mail: ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA ArjoHuntleigh s.r.o. Hlinky 118 CZ-603 00 BRNO Tel: +420 549 254 252 Fax: +420 541 213 550 DANMARK ArjoHuntleigh A/S Vassingerødvej 52 DK-3540 LYNGE Tel: +45 49 13 84 86 Fax: +45 49 13 84 87 E-mail: DEUTSCHLAND ArjoHuntleigh GmbH Peter-Sander-Strasse 10 DE-55252 MAINZ-KASTEL Tel: +49 (0) 6134 186 0 Fax: +49 (0) 6134 186 160 E-mail: ESPAÑA ArjoHuntleigh Ibérica S.L. Ctra. de Rubí, 88 1ª planta - A1 08173 Sant Cugat del Vallés ES- BARCELONA 08173 Tel: +34 93 583 11 20 Fax: +34 93 583 11 22 E-mail:
Rev 14: 05/2014
INTERNATIONAL ArjoHuntleigh International Ltd ArjoHuntleigh House Houghton Hall Park Houghton Regis UK-DUNSTABLE LU5 5XF Tel: +44 (0) 1582 745 800 Fax: +44 (0) 1582 745 866 E-mail: ITALIA ArjoHuntleigh S.p.A. Via di Tor Vergata 432 IT-00133 ROMA Tel: +39 (0) 6 87426211 Fax: +39 (0) 6 87426222 E-mail: NEDERLAND ArjoHuntleigh Nederland BV Biezenwei 21 4004 MB TIEL Postbus 6116 4000 HC TIEL Tel: +31 (0) 344 64 08 00 Fax: +31 (0) 344 64 08 85 E-mail: NEW ZEALAND ArjoHuntleigh Ltd 41 Vestey Drive Mount Wellington NZ-AUCKLAND 1060 Tel: +64 (0) 9 573 5344 Free Call: 0800 000 151 Fax: +64 (0) 9 573 5384 E-mail: NORGE ArjoHuntleigh Norway AS Olaf Helsets vei 5 N-0694 OSLO Tel: +47 22 08 00 50 Faks: +47 22 08 00 51 E-mail:
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GETINGE GROUP is a leading global provider of products and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. We operate under the three brands of ArjoHuntleigh, GETINGE and MAQUET. ArjoHuntleigh focuses on patient mobility and wound management solutions. GETINGE provides solutions for infection control within healthcare and contamination prevention within life sciences. MAQUET specializes in solutions, therapies and products for surgical interventions and intensive care. ArjoHuntleigh AB Hans Michelsensgatan 10 211 20 Malmö SXFEFO