ARJO Huntleigh Healthcare
ARJOHUNTLEIGH SARA 3000 Instructions for Use Rev 13 Oct 2017
Instructions for Use
28 Pages

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Sara 3000 Instructions for Use
KKX81010M_EN_13 • 10/2017
...with people in mind
WARNING To avoid injury, always read this Instructions for Use and accompanied documents before using the product. Mandatory to read the Instructions for Use
© ArjoHuntleigh ArjoHuntleigh products are patented or patent pending. Patent information is available by contacting ArjoHuntleigh. The policy of ArjoHuntleigh is one of continuous development and we therefore reserve the right to make technical alterations without notice. The content of this publication may not be copied either whole or in part without the consent of ArjoHuntleigh. This product has been manufactured for ArjoHuntleigh by: ArjoHuntleigh AB Hans Michelsensgatan 10 211 20 Malmö, Sweden ‘Sara 3000’, ArjoHuntleigh’ and ‘ARJO’ are registered trademarks of GETINGE AB. The Sara 3000 is produced in Poland by ArjoHuntleigh AB for GETINGE AB and sold under the ArjoHuntleigh brand.
Contents Safety Instructions... 3 Intended use...3 General Safety Instructions...3 Symbols and Definitions used in this document...4 Product Lifetime...4
Foreword... 5 Parts designation / legend... 6 Product Description and Handling Instructions... 7 Installation Instructions...7 Features and functions...7 Hand control...7 Dual control switch...7 Emergency Stop Button...7 Power on / Reset Button...7 Power off button...7 Automatic Cut Out - for use when Raising...7 Automatic Stop Function - for use when Lowering...8 OverHeat protection...8 System failure lower override...8 Battery Discharge Indicator...8 Hour /Cycle Meter...8 Chassis Castor Brakes...8 Foot Support...8 Lower Leg Straps...8 Adjustable Width Chassis Legs...9 Scale (optional)...9 Check list before use...9 Preparation before transfer...9 Using Standing Sling or using Transfer Sling...9
Battery Charging... 13 Disinfection, Cleaning and Maintenance... 15 General Equipment Cleaning and Care...15 Daily checks...15 Servicing Advice...15 Parts lists and circuit diagrams...16 Periodic Testing...16 Environmental Advice...16 Slings...16
Care and Preventive Maintenance... 17 Preventive Maintenance Schedule...17
Labels... 18 Technical Specification... 19 Component Weights...19 Electrical...19 Environment...20 Maximum sound power level...20 Sara 3000 Dimensions...21
Troubleshooting... 22 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)... 23
Safety Instructions
Intended use
General Safety Instructions
Sara 3000 is a mobile raising aid, with a Safe Working Load of 200 kg (440 lbs), intended to be used on a horizontal surface for raising to a standing position and short transfer of residents (e.g. raising from bed and transit to wheelchair, or from wheelchair to toilet) in hospitals, nursing homes or other health care facilities where the resident has been clinically assessed to correspond to the following categories;
Any references made to the ‘resident’ or ‘patient’ in this document, means the person being raised. These Instructions for use are mandatory for the safe and effective handling of Sara 3000, including the safety of the resident and the caregiver. Warning: READ BEFORE USE. Before using your Sara 3000 you must read and fully understand these Operating and Product Care Instructions. You must be trained on Sara 3000, and any accessories, as well as its functions and controls.
Category C - Sits in a wheelchair - Is able to partially bear weight on at least one leg. - Has some trunk stability - Dependent on carer in most situations - Physically demanding for carer. - Stimulation of remaining abilities is important.
If you require assistance in the setting up, use or maintenance of the Sara 3000, or if you experience any unexpected operation while using it, please contact your local ArjoHuntleigh office. A list is given inside the back cover of this manual.
Sara 3000 shall always be handled by a trained caregiver, continuously attending to the resident, and in accordance with the instructions outlined in these Operating and Product Care Instructions. Sara 3000 is intended to be used with clip slings only -except for the ‘Transfer Slings’ which also have loops for attachment of the leg flaps to the central lug situated on the resident support arms. Use slings that are designed for Sara 3000.
Warning: Only ArjoHuntleigh AB designated parts, designed for the purpose shall be used for Sara 3000 to avoid injuries attributable to the use of inadequate parts.
Warning: Before attempting to use Sara 3000, a full clinical assessment of the resident his/her condition, and suitability must be carried out by a qualified person.
Unauthorised modifications or repairs on Sara 3000 may affect its safety and will invalidate any warranty. ArjoHuntleigh AB will not accept responsibility for any accidents, incidents or lack of performance that occur as a result of any such unauthorised modification or repair.
Caution: Although manufactured to a high standard, the Sara 3000 and its accessories shall not be left for extended periods in humid or wet areas.
Warning: This equipment includes small parts that may present a choking hazard to small children if inhaled or swallowed.
Do not under any circumstances spray the Sara 3000 or accessories (excluding slings or ArjoHuntleigh approved wet environment equipment) with water, such as under the shower.
Keep children and pets away from the equipment. The hand control cable presents a strangulation risk; take all precautions necessary to prevent this.
Safety Instructions
Symbols and Definitions used in this document
Product Lifetime The expected operational life of the Sara 3000 is ten (10) years, providing the product has been regularly serviced and maintained as indicated in these instructions (see the “Care and Preventive Maintenance” section in particular).
Attention - special disposal requirements
The actuator shall be replaced every 50 000 lifting cycles. The operational life of the slings is dependent on the actual use conditions.
Recyclable goods
Therefore, before use, always make sure that the sling loops and straps do not show signs of fraying, tearing or other damage and that there is no damage, (i.e. cracking, bending, breaking) to the attachment clips. If any such damage is observed, do not use the sling. The slings need to be cleaned, maintained and inspected in accordance with the ArjoHuntleigh Sling Information documents, and this document.
Type B protection against electrical shock in accordance with IEC 60601-1
Other consumable parts, e.g. batteries, slings, etc. are also subject to wear and their expected operational life is dependent on usage.
Read instructions before use
Warning This means failure to understand and obey this warning may result in injury to you or to others.
Caution This means failure to follow these instructions may cause damage to all or parts of the system or equipment.
Thank you for using Sara 3000. If you would require information, further to these Operating and Product Care Instructions, or replacement parts, please contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative who can provide comprehensive support and service programs to maximize the long-term safety, reliability and value of your Sara 3000. If there is anything in these Operating and Product Care Instructions that is confusing or difficult to understand, please contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative. Contact details appear on the back cover of this document. Should any other information (e.g. a video or abbreviated Guidelines For Use) accompany these Operating and Product Care Instructions, please note that they do not replace the information in this booklet as the latter also contains important safety instructions. Any abridged guidelines are not a replacement of the full instructions for Sara 3000, its parts and ArjoHuntleigh sling. Before operating Sara 3000 be sure that you read, understand and follow all the instructions and guidelines for both Sara 3000 and the ArjoHuntleigh sling.
Parts designation / legend Parts referred to in this manual
Control Panel
9 10
4 11
5 26 2 17 6
Transfer Sling
8 20 21 7
22 23 16
24 25
Fig. 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Standing Sling
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Clip Attachment Points Battery Pack Steering Handgrips Hand Control Motor/Actuator Knee Support Foot Support Rear Castors with Brake Power off button (red) and Power on / Reset button (green) Dual Up/Down Control System Failure Lowering Override Battery Discharge Indicator (a) and Hour/ Cycle Meter (b) Base of Chassis
Chassis Vertical Mast Scale Unit Display (if fitted) Front Castors Battery Release Button Resident Support Arms Resident Support Grips Clips Leg Flaps Loops Anti-skid Back Support Padding Chest Fixation Strap Emergency Stop button (red) (on side panel)
Product Description and Handling Instructions
Installation Instructions.
Emergency Stop Button(red) (see Fig. 1): If you have to immediately stop any powered movement (other than by releasing pressure on the button on the hand control), press the red emergency stop button located on the side panel above the battery.
The Sara 3000 is delivered to you in fully assembled state. Unpack the battery pack supplied, and fully charge it until the charger indicates full charge, see “Battery Charging” section.
Once the Emergency Stop button has been operated, it must be reset by turning the red cap until it pops out. Now the Sara 3000 can be operated again.
When the battery pack is fully charged, disconnect the electric power, remove the pack from the charger, and insert it fully back into the Sara 3000 battery compartment located at the rear of the mast.
Power on / Reset Button(green) (see Fig. 1): On the top control panel. Press this button to turn on power to the Sara 3000. Also used to reset if the automatic overload fuse has operated (indicated by the button projecting outwards slightly). If the fuse has operated and, once reset, operates again, withdraw the lifter from use and contact ArjoHuntleigh service department or their appointed distributor.
Features and functions Hand control: A semi-remote control unit attached to the Sara 3000 by an extending cable. The hand controls are for the raising / lowering and chassis leg opening/closing functions. Direction arrows adjacent to the buttons indicate each function (see Fig. 2). If pressure is released from any button during use, the powered movement will stop immediately. “Raise” button
Power off button(red) (see Fig. 1): On the top control panel. Press this button to turn off power to the Sara 3000.
“Lower” button
Warning: The caregiver shall be aware that from the moment the lowering and raising functions are used, the resident support arms shall follow the movement of the used function. If the resident support arms do not follow the movement indicated by the use of the pressed control button, release the button immediately and check for obstructions. Before removing the obstruction, make sure the resident will be supported and in a safe position at all times.
“Chassis legs open” button “Chassis legs close” button
The following safety features have been put in place;
Fig. 2
Automatic Cut Out - for use when Raising: (see Fig. 1) (not a caregiver / operator control but a function built into the electronics)
Dual control switch: as an option to the hand control, the raising and lowering of the resident support arms can be controlled from this switch, situated on the front of the electronics/battery compartment. A label adjacent to the switch is for function identification (see Fig. 1). This switch will function even if the hand control cable has been unplugged.
Product Description and Handling Instructions
If the equipment is inadvertently overloaded (trying to raise a resident heavier than permitted), an automatic ‘cut out’ operates to prevent the Sara 3000 lifting a load in excess of the safe worki ng load; this will stop the lift motion automatically. “overload” occurs on Display and Buzzer beeps continuously. If this automatic cut out occurs, the electronics will reset when the button on the handset is released. After this, the resident can be lowered, by pressing the “lower” function button on the handset. Remove the resident from the equipment. Automatic Stop Function - for use when Lowering:(see Fig. 1) Great care shall be taken not to lower the resident support arms onto the resident or any other obstruction, particularly when the resident is standing up and weight bearing. If this shall happen, the motor will continue to run but downward movement will be blocked by the obstruction. If this occurs, release pressure from the “lower” button immediately and operate the “raise” button until the equipment is clear. Then remove the obstruction.
Fig. 3 Battery Discharge Indicator:(see Fig. 1) There is a small battery symbol on the bottom of the LCD. The battery symbol shows the level of battery charge. Hour /Cycle Meter: (see Fig. 1) The upper line of the display shows the total duration of lifting and lowering operation in hours. The display can also shows number of cycles by pressing the raise and lowering buttons at the same time. This is intended as an aid to help calculating the service intervals.
OverHeat protection:Buzzer will beep twice every 15 seconds and “OverHeat” is displayed on the Hour/Cycle Meter (see Fig. 1) when the operator exceeds the duty cycle for the lift actuator (2 minutes/18 minutes). When signal occurs movement is still possible. The function protects the actuator against damage.
Chassis Castor Brakes: The chassis rear castors have brakes which can be foot operated if required (see Fig. 4), to keep the Sara 3000 in position.
System failure lower override:This can be used in the event of main control failure. In the unlikely event that the hand control or dual control feature fails to operate the Sara 3000, with a resident still supported by the sling, provision for lowering has been made, using the system failure lower override, situated on the actuator, (see Figs. 1 & 3). A label situated on the control collar is for quick and easy recognition (see Fig. 3) To operate this function, pull the slide control upwards until the resident’s own weight enables the mast to slowly lower. To cease lowering release the slide control. Only use this function in the event of normal control failure, do not use it for normal function lowering.
Fig. 4 Foot Support:For positioning before and supporting the resident’s feet during raising and transferring. Lower Leg Straps:Accessory used to ensure that the lower parts of the resident’s legs stay close to the knee support. They pass around the knee supports, then around the resident’s lower calves. To fasten, click the strap into it’s socket as with a seatbelt. Ensure that the straps are firm but comfortable for the resident.
. Warning: Before operating the “system failure lower override” to lower a resident, always ensure that a chair or suitable support is underneath ready to support the resident.
Product Description and Handling Instructions
Using Standing Sling or using Transfer Sling
Adjustable Width Chassis Legs:To open the chassis legs to any variable width, press the appropriate button on the hand control. When pressure is released from the button, movement will stop and the chassis legs will remain securely in position.
For more information on slings, please read the sling documentation that was delivered with the sling, and the sling label.
The resident shall be transferred with the chassis legs closed, as this will be easier to manoeuvre through doorways, etc.
Fig. 1 shows a Transfer Sling and a Standing Sling, and their different parts referred to in this manual.
Warning: The resident and/or caregiver shall never place their feet or any other part of their body in the area between the foot support and chassis legs when the chassis legs are closing.
Warning: An assessment must be made for each individual resident being raised by the Sara 3000 -by a medically qualified person- as to whether the resident requires the lower leg straps when using the standing sling. Use if necessary, e.g. with unruly residents, residents with spasms, etc. that were assessed as suitable to be raised with the Sara 3000.
Scale (optional):To use the scale, if available, refer to the Scale IFU.
Check list before use
Do not use the leg fixation strap when using the Transfer sling.
For a list of what to check before use, please read the “Care and Preventive Maintenance” section of this document.
The top of the sling can be recognised by the washing label which is placed on the outside top rim of the sling.
Preparation before transfer
Encourage the resident to lean forward slightly to enable the sling to be placed around his/her lower back (see Fig. 6). Position the sling around the resident’s back so that the bottom of the sling lies horizontally about two inches or five centimetres above the resident’s waistline, with the resident’s arms outside the sling. Ensure that the support strap is separated and brought loosely around the body, and is not twisted or trapped behind the resident’s back.
Before approaching the resident, the caregiver shall always tell the resident what they are going to do, and have the correct size sling ready. If required, the chassis legs may be opened to go around a chair, wheelchair or to avoid bed legs or any other obstruction Although a resident can be put into the sling with the Sara 3000 close by, it may be easier to do so with the Sara 3000 moved away. For the transfer of residents and use of various slings refer to the instruction provided by the manufacturer of the sling. Warning: Adjust the height of the resident Support arms to avoid approaching the resident at eye level. Make allowances for the resident’s arms and any obstructions, such as chair arms, fixed handrails, shower grips, etc.
Product Description and Handling Instructions
When applying the transfer sling, take each leg section of the sling in turn and slide under each leg, (see Fig. 5).
The sling support strap will help to support the resident in the sling during the raising procedure. The strap also retains the sling in the correct position around the resident. If the Sara 3000 is not already close to the resident, bring it to the resident. Apply the clips to the attachment points, and secure them for safety by pulling the clips as shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 5 To fasten the support strap securely, press the buckles (if available) or velcro (if available) together. The strap shall be tight, but comfortable for the resident. See fig 9. Remember to tighten the strap once the resident becomes raised from the chair. Fig. 7 The sling may be applied before or after the Sara 3000 is brought into position. When using the transfer sling; identify the attachment loop on each leg-side -left and right- of the sling and attach them on the central lug located in between the resident support arms, positioned towards the resident. (see Fig 8)
Fig. 6
Warning: The sling chest support strap must always be applied and fastened when using the sling.
Fig. 8
Product Description and Handling Instructions
When the resident is ready, help or allow the resident to place his/her feet on the foot support. Push the Sara 3000 toward the resident to easily assist with this. If required, the chassis legs may be opened to go around a chair, by operating the appropriate control button. Carefully push the Sara 3000 in closer to make full lower leg contact with the knee support. (see Fig. 9)
Fig. 10 When raising the resident with a standing sling, the resident’s body posture shall go from seated to standing position. When raising the resident with a transfer sling, the resident’s body posture shall go from seated to seated / recumbent position.
Fig. 9
The resident’s body will be supported by the sling under the armpits, at the lower back and the chest. When raising with the transfer sling, the resident’s lower body will also be supported.
Warning: Always check that all the sling attachment clips are securely connected and fully in position before and during the lifting cycle, and in tension as the resident’s weight is gradually taken up.
When raising with the standing sling, if the resident is able to offer some assistance to stand, this may be beneficial for resident confidence and muscular exercise. Encourage the resident to give as much assistance as possible to raise from the chair and/or steady themselves. Ensure resident lies back against sling at all times.
Make sure each clip is attached to the correct clip attachment point on the resident support arms, and each loop is attached correctly and secure onto the lug should the Transfer Sling be used.
When raising with the transfer sling, the resident shall not aid in being raised.
The resident then must hold on to the resident support grips with one or both hands. The resident is then ready to be raised (see Fig 10).
When using the transfer sling, do not raise the resident higher than seating position, as doing so will not be comfortable for the resident.
Operate the button on the hand control or dual control panel to raise the resident just clear of the chair, then stop the equipment by letting go of the button. (See Fig. 2).
Use the raise button on the hand control to raise the resident to a suitable and comfortable height for the particular function (see Fig. 11). If the hand control button or the dual control button is released during a function, powered motion will stop immediately.
Product Description and Handling Instructions
Residents who can only hold on to the resident support grips with one hand, such as those who have suffered a stroke, may still be raised with the Sara 3000, but their disabled arm shall be held down in front of the body during the raising by the caregiver (or a second caregiver), while their functioning hand holds the resident support arm in the normal way. Now transfer the resident to desired position such as the toilet, wheelchair, chair, bed, etc. The resident shall not be transferred over long distances. The transfer shall be performed with the chassis legs closed, as this will be easier when manoeuvring through doorways, etc.
Fig. 11
Warning: Always move the Sara 3000 in the direction shown in Fig. 11.
When using the standing sling, the resident can be raised to a fully standing position (see Fig. 12).
While the resident is raised, make any necessary adjustments to clothing, incontinence pads, etc., before lowering again. Use the hand control to carefully lower the resident. Apply the foot operated rear castor brakes to keep the Sara 3000 in position.
Warning: When lowering the resident back into a seated position, ensure that the resident is positioned in such a way that the resident is fully supported by the seat, chair, toilet, etc. the resident is lowered on. Great care shall be taken not to lower the resident support arms onto the resident or any obstructions.
Fig. 12
Warning: The resident’s feet shall always remain in full contact with the foot support.
Remove the sling when the resident is seated by opening chest support strap, then pull the clips of the sling upward to unlock them from the resident support arms.
When raising, check to ensure that the resident’s feet do not lift from the foot support. If they do, lower the resident immediately until resident’s feet fully reach the foot support.
Warning: Do not attempt to release the attachment clips, loops or the Chest Fixation Strap (see Fig. 1) while the resident is supported by the sling.
If residents can stand sufficiently well and lock their knees in the normal way when fully raised, their knees may come away from the knee- support and they will be able to lean back into the sling.
Battery Charging
The Sara 3000 incorporates a battery discharge indicator, situated on the rear of the battery/ electronics compartment (see inset to Fig. 1) .
When disposing of batteries, contact the appropriate local authority for advice.
It is recommended that the battery is removed from the equipment and charged when the battery dischage indicator displays three filled segments and buzzer beeps once every 10 seconds, but lifting is possible until the display shows one filled segment and buzzer beeps continuously, at this point the battery must be charged as soon as possible
The abbreviation ‘Pb’ shown adjacent to the recycling and trash bin symbols on the battery pack label is the element symbol for lead, and indicates that the battery contains lead and therefore should not be disposed of in the normal manner but must be recycled.
Recharging the battery pack before it reaches a low state of battery charge or certainly totally discharged will prolong its life. Place the battery pack on charge as follows:
To ensure the Sara 3000 is always ready for use, it is recommended that a freshly charged battery pack is always available. This is achieved by having additional battery packs available and keeping one on charge while the other is in use.
When the battery discharge indicator displays 3 filled segments, complete your lift cycle then take the Sara 3000 to a convenient situation and remove the battery pack by holding the grip handle on the top and lift clear (see Fig 19).
A battery that is charged for the first time, or after a long storage period, must be charged until the charger indicates full charge. It may be considered good protocol to have a freshly charged battery ready for the start of every work shift. The battery life is variable (2-5 years) and mainly depending on proper charging practicies To extend the battery life, the battery must be charged at regular intervals until the charger indicates full charge.
Fig. 19
Warning: Do not crush, puncture, open, dismantle or otherwise mechanically interfere with batteries. Should the battery casing become cracked, and electrolyte come into contact with skin or clothing, wash immediately with water.
Take the battery to the battery charger unit. Warning: Hold the pack firmly when taking it out and putting it back into the Sara 3000 or with the battery charger, to ensure it does not drop and become damaged, or cause personal injury.
If the electrolyte contacts the eyes, wash immediately with copious amounts of water, and seek medical attention. No smoking or naked flames in battery vicinity. Do not charge batteries in a sealed container.
How to charge the battery See Battery Charger IFU 001-24257.
Do not place batteries near, or dispose of, in a fire.
A discharged battery shall be left to charge until the charger indicates full charge.
Do not short circuit a battery.
Do not store batteries at temperatures in excess of 60°C (140°F).
Battery Charging
When the battery pack is fully charged, insert it back into the Sara 3000. An electrical connection is made automatically. Ensure the green Power on/Reset button is pressed in. The Sara 3000 is now ready for use. Caution: After use, turn off the Sara 3000 by pressing the red Power off button (Fig. 1). This will reduce power consumption.
Disinfection, Cleaning and Maintenance
General Equipment Cleaning and Care
Caution: If a hot air dryer is used to dry the equipment, the temperature must not exceed 80°C (176°F). Do not use petroleum based solvents or similar, since this may damage plastic parts.
How often the following actions are taken depends on how often the equipment is used. Unless otherwise stated, before each and every use follow the cleaning, care and inspection procedures described in this section.
Warning: Cleaning and disinfection products must be used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and suitable eye, hand and clothing protection must be worn at all times when handling disinfectants.
Caution: It is recommended that equipment, accessories and slings supplied by ArjoHuntleigh are regularly cleaned and/or disinfected between each resident use if necessary, or daily as a minimum. If the slings and equipment need cleaning, or are suspected of being contaminated, follow the cleaning and/or disinfection procedures recommended below, before re-using the equipment. This is especially important when using the same equipment for another resident, to minimise the risk of cross infection.
Daily checks Please read the Care and Preventive maintenance section of this document for instructions on what needs to be checked daily.
For cleaning your equipment and accessories wipe down with a damp cloth using warm water to which a disinfectant/cleaner has been added e.g. “ARJO CLEAN” disinfectant/cleaner or equivalent.
Warning: Ensure that the castors are firmly secured to the chassis. Carefully inspect all plastic parts, in particular where there is personal contact with the resident’s body, ensure that no cracks or sharp edges have developed which could injure the resident’s skin or become unhygienic.
For disinfection of contaminated equipment and accessories, use the preferred method of wiping the product completely with “hard surface disinfectant wipes” that are supplied impregnated with a 70% v/v solution of Isopropyl Alcohol.
Check that all external fittings are secure and that all screws and nuts are tight.
A rubbing action will be necessary when using the wipes to promote effective disinfection of the surfaces. 70% v/v Isopropyl Alcohol wipes have been proved to be effective against MRSA and several other micro-organisms under light soiling conditions.
Servicing Advice Warning: ArjoHuntleigh recommends that Sara 3000 be maintained at regular intervals. See Preventive Maintenance Schedule section in this document.
Warning: The lifter should be cleaned before it is used by another patient.
Warning: Do not soak the product which could cause corrosion.
Disinfection, Cleaning and Maintenance
Parts lists and circuit diagrams
Environmental Advice
These are available on request from ArjoHuntleigh or its approved distributors.
This device is marked with the WEEE symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) to indicate that it is electronic equipment covered by the Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment. This is a European directive but applies worldwide. In European countries the WEEE symbol reminds you that all electrical and electronic products must be taken to a separate collection at the end of their working life. Do not dispose of this product in normal domestic or commercial waste contact your local authority for advice on disposal.
Spare parts, if required, are available from ArjoHuntleigh or its approved distributors. Special tools are required for certain component replacement.
Periodic Testing To be carried out at weekly intervals: For normal operation - raise and lower the resident support arms using the hand control and dual control switch, this is to test for full and efficient movement.
Slings Emergency Stop: Test the emergency stop facility by operating the hand control to raise or lower the resident support arms, and whilst operating, press in the emergency stop button. (See inset to Fig. 1). Powered movement should stop immediately.
Warning: The slings shall be checked before using with each resident and if necessary washed according to instructions on the sling. With regard to laundering, slings shall not be classified as linen. Slings shall be cleaned and disinfected only in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Reset to normal function by resetting out the button. Repeat this test using the dual control switch. Adjustable Width Chassis Function: Open and close the chassis legs to check for full and efficient movement.
Mechanical pressure shall be avoided during the washing and drying procedure e.g. rolling or pressing, as these can damage parts vital to the safe and comfortable operation of the sling.
General Equipment Condition: A general visual inspection of all external parts should be carried out, and all functions should be tested for correct operation, to ensure that no adverse damage has occurred during use.
Caution: Wash using normal detergents, do not iron. Follow the instructions on the label of the sling. It is essential that the sling attachment cords, the slings, their straps and attachment clips are carefully inspected before each and every use -as indicated in the Preventive Maintenance Schedule.
Warning: If in any doubt about the correct functioning of the Sara 3000, withdraw it from use and contact ArjoHuntleigh Service Department.
If the slings, cords or straps are frayed, or the clips damaged, the sling or attachment cord should be withdrawn from use immediately and replaced.
Care and Preventive Maintenance
The Sara 3000 is subject to wear and tear, and the following actions must be performed when specified to ensure that the product remains within its original manufacturing specification. Warning The points on this checklist are the minimum the manufacturer recommends. In some cases due to heavy use of the product and exposure to aggressive environment, more frequent inspections shall be carried out. Continuing to use this product without conducting regular inspections or when a fault is found will seriously compromise the user and residents’ safety. Local regulations and standards may be higher than the manufacturers. Preventive maintenance specified in this manual can prevent accidents. Note: Product cannot be maintained and serviced while in use with the patient.
Preventive Maintenance Schedule Action/Check
Before each use
Every week
Every 12 months
CAREGIVER OBLIGATIONS Examine the sling, straps and clips for damage or fraying as required. Refer to sling documentation.
Visually check exposed surfaces for damage, sharp edges, etc.
Visually check sling attachment points. Do not use if damaged.
Make sure all labels are attached.
Check to make sure the hand grips are secure. Re-bond if required.
Examine the charger and wires for integrity and connections.
Operate the Sara 3000 through its full range.
Visually check the handset and cable for damage.
Perform a full function test on the Sara 3000.
Check operation of the Stop/Reset and System Lower Override Device.
Check batteries for leakage and/or deterioration. Replace if required.
Make sure all fixings, screws, nuts are secure and tight. Check all castor wheels for wear. Replace as required.
Check that the covers fit correctly and are not damaged. Replace as required.
Check for evidence of corrosion. Replace as necessary.
Warning The actions marked with ‘S’ must be carried out by qualified personnel, using correct tools and knowledge of procedures. Failure to meet these requirements could result in personal injuries and/or unsafe product.
Labels 1 2
5 4
Sara 3000 with scale
200kg (440lb) 190kg (420lb) ???????
24V DC 4Ah Duty 10% (2min/18min)
? TMO.317_6
10 P0298215
NDA0100-20 YYWW BATTERY PACK 4.0AH Rating: 24V
Designed in Canada Assembled in China
12. Maximum total weight of lift
1. 2.
Product Name Safe Working Load - 200 kg (440 lbs) and serial number 3. Battery Information 4. Power off button identification 5. Battery Discharge Indicator and Hour/Cycle Meter 6. ArjoHuntleigh logo 7. Attention: Read Operating Instruction 8. System Failure Lowering Override Identification 9. Power on / Reset button identification 10. Emergency stop button 11. Maximum total weight of lift 18
001-16007 REV 1
ArjoHuntleigh AB
kg/lbs kg/lbs
, 4.0Ah (30A max.), IP24
Fig. 21