ARJO Huntleigh Healthcare
ARJOHUNTLEIGH Voyager Duo Instructions for Use March 2012
Instructions for Use
42 Pages

Page 1
Voyager® Duo Instructions for Use
IE *
001.19520.EN rev. 5 • M a r c h 2012
.with people in mind
Design Policy and Copyright ® and ™ are trademarks belonging to the ArjoHuntleigh group of companies. ©ArjoHuntleigh 2011. As our policy is one of continuos improvement, we reserve the right to modify designs without prior notice. The content of this publication may not be copied either whole or in part without the consent of ArjoHuntleigh.
Table of Contents G e n e r a l Information Foreword Service and support Manufacturer Information Definitions U s e d in this M a n u a l : Intended Use O p e r a t i o n a l Life E q u i p m e n t Identification Verifying the Package Contents H o w to Use this M a n u a l Symbols Used Safety Instructions G e n e r a l Instructions A d d e n d u m for Rail S y s t e m O t h e r t h a n K W I K t r a k Safe Working Load I m p o r t a n t S a f e t y Directions Shock Prevention Fire a n d E x p l o s i o n P r e v e n t i o n H u m a n and Environmental Safety Practices B a t t e r y a n d Battery C h a r g e r S a f e t y P r a c t i c e s Equipment Warning Labels Part Designation V o y a g e r D u o C e i l i n g Lift a n d C h a r g e r S t a t i o n for K W I K t r a k Rail S y s t e m Hand Control Chargers Slings Compatible Slings H o w to u s e t h e V o y a g e r D u o C e i l i n g Lift Return to Charge (RTC) E m e r g e n c y S t o p (red c o r d ) Emergency Lowering Emergency Brake Battery Information Indicator L i g h t s Charging the Batteries Using the FIDO Function (Pre-Programmed Positions) U s e of S l i n g s Spreader Bars and Stretcher Frame Slings Before Approaching the Patient P r o c e d u r e for U s i n g L o o p S l i n g s w i t h a T w o - P o i n t S p r e a d e r B a r T o Lift a P a t i e n t f r o m a B e d T o Lift a P a t i e n t f r o m a C h a i r T o Lift a P a t i e n t f r o m t h e Floor Before Transferring a Patient Using Stretcher Frames and Stretchers Voyager Duo Programming C h a n g i n g t h e S p e e d of M o v e m e n t A d j u s t i n g t h e S p r e a d e r Bar H e i g h t E n a b l e / D i s a b l e R e t u r n to C h a r g e ( R T C ) Care and Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Schedule
5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 -13 ...14 -14 15 15 16 16 -18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 • 27 27
Table of Contents User Inspections : Inspections by an Authorized Service Technician Daily Checklist Inspection and Cleaning Strap Inspection Handling and Storage Batteries Replacement Verification of the Charger's Power Source Sling Inspection and Care Regular Inspections Sling Laundering Annual Inspection Maintenance Requirements Troubleshooting Labels o n the Lift Technical Specifications
Lift Dimensions Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electromagnetic Compliance Electromagnetic Emissions Electromagnetic Immunity
27 28 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 ...32 ...34 35
36 37
37 37 38
General Information T h a n k y o u for p u r c h a s i n g the Voyager Duo ceiling lift from ArjoHuntleigh. Your Voyager Duo is part of a series of quality products designed specially for home care, nursing h o m e s and other health care u s e s . We are dedicated to serving your needs and providing the best products available along with training that will bring your staff maximum benefit from every ArjoHuntleigh product. P l e a s e read this manual thoroughly, and contact u s if y o u have any questions about the operation or maintenance of your ArjoHuntleigh equipment.
Foreword Please read this manual in its entirety before using your Voyager Duo. The information in this manual is crucial to the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment, and will help protect your product as well as ensure that the equipment performs to your satisfaction. Lifting and transferring a person always presents a potential risk. Some of the information in this manual is important for your safety and must be read and understood to help prevent injuries. ArjoHuntleigh strongly advises and warns that to avoid injuries that can be attributed to the use of inadequate parts, only parts designated by ArjoHuntleigh should be used on equipment and other appliances supplied by ArjoHuntleigh. Furthermore, unauthorized modifications on any ArjoHuntleigh equipment may affect its safety. ArjoHuntleigh will not be held responsible for any accidents, incidents or deficiencies of performance that occur as a result of any unauthorized modification to its products. Tested according to standards by: TUV Product Service and ( f t . Service and support A service routine must be performed on your Voyager Duo by ArjoHuntleigh certified service personnel. This will ensure the safety and good functioning of your product. See section called "Care and Maintenance" in this manual. If you require further information, please contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative which can offer comprehensive support and service programs to maximize the long-term reliability, safety and value of the product. Contact your local ArjoHuntheigh representative for replacement parts. Additional copies of this manual can be purchased from your local ArjoHuntleigh representative. When ordering, include the Instructions for Use product number (see front page) and equipment identification number.
General Information M a n u f a c t u r e r Information This product has been manufactured by: ArjoHuntleigh A B VerkstadsvSgen 5 241 3 8 Esidv SWEDEN D e f i n i t i o n s U s e d in t h i s M a n u a l :
Transfers per Day
(10,000 transfers)
3.5 Fig. 1
WARNING: M e a n s : Failure to understand and follow these instructions may result in injury to yourself a n d others.
CAUTION: M e a n s : Failure to follow t h e s e instructions may c a u s e damage to the product.
NOTE: Means* This is important information regarding the correct u s e of the equipment. Intended U s e The Voyager Duo is designed for lifting patients in a homecare setting, at nursing homes and other assisted living centers. Patient transferring is performed under the supervision of an appropriately trained caregiver staff in accordance with the instructions outlined in this manual. All other uses must be avoided. The equipment must only be used for the purposes stated above, and must be installed by ArjoHuntleigh authorized personnel and in accordance with local codes. Operational Life The equipment is designed and tested for a useful life of seven (7) years or 10,000 transfers-whichever comes first-subject to preventative maintenance as specified in the "Care and Maintenance" section in this manual. Time equivalence between the number of transfers versus the number of years is made clear in the table in Fig. 1.
WARNING: The manufacturer cannot e n s u r e full safety for a ceiling lift or an a c c e s s o r y of which the life s p a n h a s been e x c e e d e d . The red indicator light on the ceiling lift will blink when it is about halfway to its useful life, and again to indicate the end of the useful life period. The operating life of this equipment corresponds directly to the safe operating time period before a complete overhaul is required. Aging of the cassette, frequency of use (transfers per day), the weight of the patient and maintenance frequency are factors that have an impact on the Voyager Duo's life span. A transfer is defined as the displacement of a patient from one point to another. A transfer cycle includes a lifting and a descending action. The expected operational life for fabric slings and fabric stretchers is approximately two years from date of purchase. This life expectancy only applies if the slings and stretchers have been cleaned, maintained and inspected in accordance with the ArjoHuntleigh Sling Application Guide, the Instructions for Use and the "Preventive Maintenance Schedule". The expected life for other consumable products, such as batteries, fuses, lamps, slings, straps and cords is dependent upon the care and usage of the equipment concerned. Consumables must be maintained in accordance with published Instructions for Use and the "Preventive Maintenance Schedule". E q u i p m e n t Identification The unit's identification number (specification, model, serial number) appears on a silver nameplate attached to the lift's plastic housing.
General Information V e r i f y i n g the P a c k a g e C o n t e n t s Always ensure that the ceiling lift will be installed by a contractor or installer that has been authorized by ArjoHuntleigh. Upon receipt of the equipment, verify it against the packing list to ensure it is complete and inspect the equipment for possible damage due to shipping. If there is any damage, notify the carrier immediately to file a claim. Provide complete information concerning damage claims or shipping errors to your local ArjoHuntleigh representative. Include all equipment identification numbers and group part numbers (if any) as described above along with a full description of damaged parts. H o w to U s e t h i s M a n u a l WARNING: Do not attempt to u s e this equipment without fully understanding the information contained in this manual. To ensure the safe operation of the Voyager Duo, read the entire manual carefully, especially the "Safety Instructions" section, before installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. If anything is not completely understood, please contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative for more details. Failure to comply with warnings in this manual may result in injuries. Keep this manual with the lift and refer to it as required. Make sure that all operators are regularly trained in the use of the equipment according to the information found therein.
> z UJ o
General Information Symbols Used Symbol
Key to s y m b o l s
This symbol is accompanied by a date to indicate the date of manufacture and by the address of the manufacturer.
This symbol indicates the products comply with the medical device directive 93/42/EEC.
©• c
This symbol indicates the approval of the Canadian Standards Association.
This symbol is accompanied by the manufacturer's catalogue number.
This symbol is accompanied by the manufacturer's serial number.
This symbol indicates "separate collection" accumulators as per the W E E E Directive.
This symbol refers to the Instructions
1 1
for Use.
This symbol indicates a class II electrical equipment: term referring to electrical equipment in which protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only.
• ft
This symbol indicates a type BF applied part.
This symbol indicates a risk of pinching.
This symbol locates the emergency stop system on the lift.
This symbol locates the emergency lowering system on the lift.
Fig. 2
Safety Instructions The equipment must be used in a c c o r d a n c e with these safety instructions. Anyone using the equipment must also have read and understood the instructions in this manual.
General Instructions Keep these Safety Instructions with the ceiling lift at all times. Read the Instructions for Use in this manual installing, operating, or servicing this equipment.
WARNING: T h e Voyager Duo is for transferring patients only. Do not u s e the lift for any other purpose.
If there is anything y o u are not sure about, contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative.
WARNING: A l w a y s place the sling around the patient according to the instructions e n c l o s e d . Failure to do s o may result in injuries to y o u or to others. C A U T I O N : Do not drop either the ceiling lift c a s s e t t e or the batteries, s i n c e they may c a u s e internal damage that is not easily s e e n . If the ceiling lift i s s u s p e c t e d to be damaged, contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative for servicing. NOTE: ArjoHuntleigh ceiling lifts are specifically designed for KWIKtrak rail s y s t e m s , ArjoHuntleigh slings a n d a c c e s s o r i e s . A d d e n d u m for R a i l S y s t e m O t h e r t h a n K W I K t r a k ArjoHuntleigh could have adapted this ceiling lift to be used with a rail system other than KWIKtrak. If this is the case, an addendum (001-14250-**)* must be supplied with this Instructions for Use, please refer to the addendum for informations relevant to that specific rail system. The addendum provides important informations relative to: •
Safe Working Load
Rail System Limitations
description for specific parts.
Before using the Voyager Duo, make sure it is compatible with accessories installed on that rail system. WARNING: Before using the Voyager Duo on a rail s y s t e m other than KWIKtrak, make s u r e you have read and understood the addendum supplied with this Instructions for Use.
*. Last two characters varies according to the manual language.
Safety Instructions Safe W o r k i n g Load
The Voyager Duo for KWIKtrak rail system has been designed with two settings with regards to the safe working load:
The spreader bar being used is intended to be used with the Voyager Duo and is capable of bearing the patient's weight.
The sling is intended to be used for this lift and can take the weight of the patient.
The sling is not damaged, torn or frayed.
The lifting procedures outlined in this manual are followed.
All controls and safety features are used only according to the rules specified in this manual. Never attempt to force a control or button on the lift.
The charger is not stored in a shower, bath or other areas with high humidity.
The sling straps are in good condition and properly fastened.
The daily maintenance is earned out before using the lift.
Any precautionary or instruction labels that cannot be easily read are replaced.
100 kg (220 lb): Safe working load
200 kg (440 lb): Maximum capacity of the lift adjusted in factory
This setting has already been determined by the ArjoHuntleigh installation team in accordance with the load bearing capabilities of your installation. W A R N I N G : Refer t o t h e a d d e n d u m f o r rail system other than KWIKtrak. WARNING: T h e Voyager Duo is intended to be u s e d for patients w h o s e weight is within a specified safe working load. Do not attempt to lift more than the lowest weight limit indicated on the following: •
the rail s y s t e m ;
the "maximum load" label on the Voyager Duo;
on the spreader bar;
on the a c c e s s o r i e s ;
on the sling.
WARNING: Before using the Voyager Duo, a clinical assessment of the patient's suitability for transfer must be carried out by a qualified health professional considering that, among other things, the transfer may induce substantial p r e s s u r e on the patient's body.
WARNING: T h e Voyager Duo h a s a safe working load, adjusted in factory, of 200 kg (440 lb) which is the maximum load of the lift.
C A U T I O N : K e e p all components of the lift clean and dry, and have electrical and mechanical safety checks done as instructed in the " C a r e and Maintenance" section of this manual.
In the event that the Voyager Duo needs to be installed on a rail s y s t e m that does not support more than 100 kg (220 lb), the safe working load c a n be adjusted to 100 kg (220 lb) by removing a special key from the lift. T h i s key must be removed by a qualified technician. Important Safety Directions Always ensure that: •
The ceiling lift is installed by an authorized ArjoHuntleigh contractor or installer.
The equipment is used by trained staff.
The rail installation will accept a load equal or higher to that of the ceiling lift.
Before an attempt is made to move the patient, an assessment is performed by a qualified professional.
You are prepared before attempting to transfer a patient.
Violent impact during transfers is avoided.
C A U T I O N : E x c e s s i v e exposure of the hand control to water (or other liquid) could c a u s e malfunction of the device. S h o c k Prevention •
Do not touch or use a lift with bare conductors or a damaged power cord. Electrically live equipment can result in serious injuries. If the lift or charger has any exposed or damaged wires, contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative immediately.
Do not splash or expose electric parts of the device to water or moisture.
Check nameplate for input voltage and frequency requirements. These requirements differ by country. Do not attempt to use the lift in an area that has a different voltage and frequency requirement.
Safety Instructions •
Do not attempt to expose, service or repair the lift, batteries or charger. If any unit is malfunctioning, contact your local ArjoHuntleigh representative.
Battery and Battery Charger Safety Practices WARNING: Following the instructions is important for the safe u s e of the batteries and to keep the u s e r (resident/caregiver) from harm.
Read batteries and charger instructions thoroughly before using or storing them.
Fire a n d E x p l o s i o n Prevention
The batteries for this device are rechargeable batteries.
WARNING: Do not place or store the batteries under direct sunlight or near a heat source. Do not e x p o s e the batteries or battery charger to flames. Do not u s e the charger in the p r e s e n c e of flammable anaesthetic g a s e s .
Only use batteries designed for use with the device. If unsure, do not use the batteries. Make sure the batteries belongs to the device by comparing the batteries label with the technical specifications in the Instructions for Use. If battery type cannot be confirmed, call qualified personnel.
Do not short circuit the battery terminals.
Do not expose the battery charger to water.
Do not incinerate the batteries.
Don't expose the battery or chargers to flames.
Human a n d Environmental Safety P r a c t i c e s
Don't expose the battery connector to water.
Should a battery casing crack and cause contents to come in contact with skin or clothing, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
To avoid bodily injury, do NOT crush, puncture, open, dismantle or otherwise mechanically interfere with the batteries.
If contents come in contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.
Inhalation of the contents can cause respiratory irritation. Provide fresh air and medical attention.
For recycling and disposal of the batteries, the rules according to the W E E E directive (Waste of Electronic and Electrical Equipment) as well as local laws and regulations must be followed. If not they may explode, leak and cause personal injury. When returning batteries, insulate their terminals with adhesive tape. Otherwise, the residual electricity in used batteries may cause fire or explosion. Fig. 3 below shows the symbols for disposal and recycling.
Stop using a battery if any damage or deformation is noted. Inform technical service before further use. Please see the "Technical Specifications" section in this document for correct disposal and recycling of the batteries. •
Be careful not to drop the batteries.
Only use the charger that has been supplied with the equipment.
Do not charge the batteries in an unventilated area.
The charger must not be covered or exposed to dust.
The charger is designed for dry areas only and for normal air humidity conditions.
Do not store batteries at a temperature higher than 50°C(122°F).
Equipment Warning Labels •
Carefully read the labels on the batteries and follow the instructions.
Inspect all precautionary labels on the equipment. Order and replace all labels that cannot be easily read.
Fig. 3
Part Designation Voyager Duo Ceiling lift and Charger Station for KWIKtrak Rail System Refer to the addendum for rail system other than KWIKtrak.
Fig. 4 Legend 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)
Ceiling lift Emergency lowering mechanism Allen key Side Panel KWIKtrak Rail Charging station Travel direction arrows Strap Hand Control Spreader bar Safety latch
12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21)
Up button Down button Red emergency pull cord Reset switch plastic insert Yellow charging light Green power light Red maintenance/overload light Indicators for emergency lowering side access Wall-adapted charger (700-15501) Cord-connected charger (700.15500)
Part Designation The following refers to Fig. 4 on previous page: •
The yellow charging light flashes while charging and goes solid when charge is finished.
The green power light illuminates once the lift is on and ready for use; the green light flashes when the batteries are low.
The red light illuminates to confirm that the lift is in the programming mode.
The red light also illuminates in the normal mode when the lift goes into overheat protection caused by overuse.
The red light flashes when servicing is required (contact customer service).
Chargers The Voyager Duo units are equipped with either a cord-connected universal charging system (700.15500) or a wall-adapted charger (70015501) that can both be customized to fit the A C voltage outlets where they are sold (see Fig. 4). Note: Refer to the addendum for rail system other than KWIKtrak.
Hand Control The Voyager Duo's hand control unit is used to operate the ceiling l i f t . Each funtion is described in Fig. 5. The U P and D O W N buttons raise or lower the spreader bar. With the four-function model, the L E F T and R I G H T buttons activate a lateral motor to move the lift along the rail. If you have a two-function model, the lift must be moved manually. The P R O G R A M M I N G M O D E button allows you to modify the functions of the lift. Refer to the "Voyager Duo Programming" section for more information.
Fig. 5
Slings Compatible Slings
Hammock sling
Hammock 6 sling
Quick Fit sling
(THA6-X & THA6I-X)
T J Hygienic sling (THY-X)
Limb sling (300.20005)
Combi sling (62600X-X)
Repositioning sling (624500)
Fig. 6
V -
Walking sling (TEM-X)
How to use the Voyager Duo Ceiling Lift WARNING: Regarding the u s e of the ceiling lift in a c c e s s o r i e s (Turntable, Exchanger, X-Y system...), refer to the addendum for rail s y s t e m other than KWIKtrak. WARNING: Always read the "Safety Instructions" before using the Voyager Duo. •
T h e rail must be installed and modified only by ArjoHuntleigh authorized personnel and in accordance with local codes.
All rails must be c l o s e d with end stoppers or connected to other c l o s e d rail components.
Before u s e , make s u r e all end stoppers are in place and s e c u r e d .
N O T E : T h e unit will not lift or lower when it is in c h a r g i n g position. To begin the transferring procedure: 1) Attach the patient sling. See U s e of Slings" section in the user manual for further information. 2) Move the ceiling lift directly over the patient. With the four-function model, use the left and right buttons on the hand control (see Fig. 5). With the two-function model, simply hold the ceiling lift's spreader bar and drag it along the rail. 3) Use the down button on the hand control to lower the spreader bar to a point below the chin of the patient (to avoid the risk of it striking the patient's face due to a sudden movement). If the patient is lying down, lower the spreader bar down near the patient's thorax, then install the straps. WARNING: Hold the ceiling lift spreader bar with one hand at all times when near a patient 4) Attach the straps to the desired position. See "Use of Slings "section. WARNING: Pay close attention to the safety of the patient a s you press the control buttons. Before lifting the patient, make sure that all straps are attached to the spreader bar. Make s u r e the sling is not caught on any obstructions (for instance, the wheelchair brakes or armrests). Also make sure that the spreader bar is correctly attached to the ceiling lift. S e e Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 5) To lift the patient, press the U P button. 6) Make sure the patient is clear of any obstacles before moving the patient. Guide the patient's legs if necessary. 7) When the patient is located above the desired point of transfer, press the D O W N button. 8) Use the handles on the back of the sling to position the patient when transferring into a chair. Hold the handle firmly as the sling will tilt back to position the patient. 9) Once the patient is properly seated and the straps have slackened, remove the sling from around the patient, and off the ceiling lift. 10) Move the ceiling lift away from the patient. 11) When the Voyager Duo is no longer required, return the ceiling lift back to the charging station. With the four-function model, use the right or left buttons or press the return to charge button. With the two-function model, simply drag the ceiling lift back by the spreader bar. The charging indicator light on the clip-on charging station must be on for the ceiling lift to detect it. Verify the green light on the charger station and the yellow light (flashing or solid) o n the ceiling lift to ensure that the charging function is working properly. R e t u r n to C h a r g e ( R T C ) N O T E : T h e Voyager Duo is equipped with a safety s y s t e m to prevent a m i s u s e of the ceiling lift. If the lift is u s e d above the amount specified by the duty cycle, a heat detection s y s t e m will signal the p r o c e s s o r to block the lifting of a load until the temperature of the t r a n s m i s s i o n c o o l s down. In the meantime, it will still be possible to activate the horizontal displacement and down functions. When the overheat protection is engaged, the red light will stay on during the cooling period. In addition, a buzzer will sound if the UP button is p r e s s e d . T h e cooling period i s between 10 to 30 minutes depending on ambient conditions.
How to use the Voyager Duo Ceiling Lift The RTC function is disabled by default. To activate this function, please refer to the "Voyager Duo Programming" section in this manual. To engage the RTC function, press on the return to charge button on the hand control for 3 seconds. The spreader bar will raise all the way up to avoid any obstacles during the run. When the lift is at the charging station, the spreader bar lowers by itself to the preselected height so as to be easily accessible. WARNING: DO NOT make u s e of the R T C function where there is a patient in the lift, a s this could c a u s e injuries to the patient. N O T E : You c a n stop the return to charge at any time by pressing any button on the hand control or pulling on the red emergency cord. WARNING: Extra c a r e should be exercised when manipulating the hand control when transferring a patient that w e i g h s 20 kg (45 lb) or l e s s . The weight detector within the unit that prevents the R T C from functioning when a patient is in the lift c a n only detect a minimum load of 20 kg (45 lb). E m e r g e n c y S t o p (red c o r d ) The emergency stop can be activated at any time to stop the functioning of the ceiling lift. 1) To stop the ceiling lift in any emergency, gently pull the red emergency cord once, until you hear a "click" (see Fig. 4 in the "Part Designation" section of this manual). You will notice that the reset switch plastic insert, at the very top of the red cord, has descended. The green power light has also turned off. You may also notice that the patient begins to descend slowly when the emergency stop is activated. This is normal. C A U T I O N : Do not pull the red emergency cord with e x c e s s i v e force. If the cord is jerked too hard, the ceiling lift may become inoperable. 2) To reactivate the ceiling lift, push up on the reset switch plastic insert. A green light confirms that the Voyager Duo is on and ready for use.
Emergency Lowering In the unlikely event of an electrical failure, the Voyager Duo has an emergency manual lowering feature. C A U T I O N : The emergency lowering feature is to be u s e d only in c a s e of emergency. If the ceiling lift malfunctions when a patient is being transferred, the emergency lowering device provides a safe way of getting the patient down onto a chair, bed or wheelchair (see Fig. 8). To use it: 1) Pull the red emergency cord. 2) Open side panel (designated by the two "emergency lowering access" indicators) to access the lowering mechanism. 3) Remove the 8 mm Allen key on the top of the ceiling lift. Insert the Allen key deep into the axle. 4) Turn the Allen key counter-clockwise to slowly lower the patient. To lower the patient more rapidly, use a ratchet or a drill equipped with an 8 mm hexagonal socket. Once the patient is lowered and secure within a chair, bed or wheelchair, call a qualified technician to inspect the ceiling lift.
How to use the Voyager Duo Ceiling Lift
Fig. 8
How to use the Voyager Duo Ceiling Lift E m e r g e n c y Brake
C h a r g i n g the Batteries
The emergency brake is an additional safety feature that automatically prevents the patient from falling in the unlikely event that of a transmission or motor failure.
WARNING: Do not operate the charger unit with a damaged cord or if the unit h a s been dropped or damaged. Do not bend the power cord by force, or place a heavy object on it. T h i s will damage the cord and may c a u s e fire or electrical shock.
Battery Information The life cycle (number of charging cycles) of the batteries is largely dependent on the depth of discharge within each cycle. The more the batteries are drained, the shorter their overall life span. The life of the batteries is also related to such factors as varying temperatures and rest periods between when they are charged and discharged. N O T E : To prolong batteries life, return the ceiling lift to the charger whenever the ceiling lift is not in u s e . If the low battery indicator beeps, and a green light f l a s h e s , make s u r e to recharge the batteries a s s o o n a s possible. C h a r g e the batteries until the charging indicator light i s a solid yellow before u s i n g the lift again. T h i s will extend the life of the batteries. N O T E : ArjoHuntleigh u s e s s e a l e d lead-acid batteries. T h e s e batteries do not have any memory effect. Therefore, batteries should not be completely drained before recharging. C A U T I O N : Never leave a ceiling lift with the power on for a n extended period of time without returning it to the charger. T h e batteries will be drained and damaged. See Fig. 9 for a graph illustrating the relationship between the number of lifts versus the load being lifted. Indicator Lights The ceiling lift and the charging system have many indicator lights. It is important to understand their significance for the proper use and comprehension of the ceiling lift (see Fig. 10).
The steps for recharging the batteries are as follows: 1) The green indicator light will begin flashing if batteries are low and need to be recharged. If the light does not turn on, verify the "Troubleshooting" section of this manual. 2) With a four-way unit, use the right or left button or press the return to charge button on the hand control; if you chose to activate this feature. A protection device prevents the ceiling lift from returning to the charger if a patient is in the ceiling lift during this operation. With a two-way unit, slide the cassette back to the charger until the contact blades on the lift make contact with the charging station. 3) The yellow indicator light will flash when the ceiling lift cassette has returned to the charger and the batteries are being charged. Once the charge is complete the light will stop flashing and become a solid yellow light. WARNING: Batteries need to be charged for a minimum of 8 hours prior to the initial u s e of the lift.
H ow to use the Vovaaer Duo Ceilinq Lift
Number of Lifts vs the Load
90 (200)
180 (400) Load: kg (lb)
272 (600)
Fig. 9 Green power light
Yellow charging light TO UUU...||* Red maintenance/ overheat light
Low batteries
The lift is on and ready to use
In process of charging batteries
Charging done; batteries charged
Maintenance required by your local representative
Lift was powered up in "service mode" or is under overheat protection
CHARGING Clip-on charger station indicator
Solid green
Clip-on charging station power is on
Solid red
Problem with charger; do not use the charger
Fig. 10 If the batteries have been completely drained it could take up to 6-8 hours to completely recharge them. In order to reduce the charging time, refrain from completely draining the batteries and leave the ceiling lift on the charging station between uses.
How to use the Voyager Duo Ceiling Lift U s i n g the F I D O F u n c t i o n (Pre-Programmed Positions) WARNING: This function c a n only activated by a qualified technician.
1) Using the pre-programmed positions allows the unit to detect stations (positions) located along the rail path. The unit will go to the indicated position by using the hand control. 2) To do so, indicate to the unit the desired position to go. For an example, to go to the third station push three times on the P R O G button followed by the direction ( L E F T or R I G H T buttons). Then the unit goes by itself to the requested station and stay on hold. If the position you asked for is not correct, you may stop the ceiling lift at any time by pressing any button on the hand control. From this position, reprogram the ceiling lift to the new desired position. Count the number of stations from where you are and indicate the direction to go.
Use of Slings Spreader Bars and Stretcher Frame WARNING: Spreader bars must only installed by a qualified person.
WARNING: Before using the Voyager Duo, always ensure the strap attachment pin is installed correctly through the spreader bar s o c k e t and lift strap, and that the split ring is correctly inserted through the hole in the pin (see F i g . 7) on page 15. Slings The spreader bar that is attached to the Voyager Duo determines what slings can be used to transfer a patient. The two-point spreader bar with sling attachment hooks can accommodate any of the ArjoHuntleigh loop attachment slings. All slings are color coded for size by having a different colored edge binding or attachment strap coloring: •
Grey - Extra Extra Small - XXS
White - Extra Small - XS
Red - Small - S
Yellow - Medium - M
Green - Large - L
Blue - Extra Large - XL
Terracotta - Extra Extra Large - XXL
ArjoHuntleigh offers the option of a head support for many of our slings if it is considered necessary for a particular patient. A range of special purpose slings are available as accessories. For these or for special size slings, contact your ArjoHuntleigh representative. WARNING: Only u s e stretchers supplied by ArjoHuntleigh and that are designed to be u s e d with the Voyager Duo. F o r sling u s e please refer to "Important Safety Directions" on page 10 a s well a s the "Compatible Sling" section on page 14. WARNING: If ArjoHuntleigh Flites slings (disposable) are to be u s e d with the Voyager Duo, then always refer to the separate operating instructions for ArjoHuntleigh Flites, (literature reference part No. MAX01720), a s well a s t h e s e instructions before u s i n g . B e f o r e A p p r o a c h i n g the P a t i e n t The attendant should always tell the patient what they are about to do. Make sure to have on hand a sling that is of the correct model and of adequate size for transfer with the Voyager Duo unit. P r o c e d u r e for U s i n g L o o p S l i n g s w i t h a Two-Point Spreader B a r The slings to be used with the two point spreader bar are ArjoHuntleigh's loop slings. They are available in many sizes-from small to large-and are all color coded. A range of more specialized slings are available; please contact ArjoHuntleigh or one of their authorized distributors for details. If in any doubt as to the weight of the patient, use a patient scale to check the weight prior to accurate sling selection. The loop sling is available with or without head support. A bathing mesh sling is also available in all the three sizes with or without head support. The correct size sling will be able to support the patient's shoulders during the transferring procedure. The spreader bar has two hooks at either end of the bar; always use these for the shoulder strap loops (see Fig. 11).