AtriCure Inc

EP Cardiac Stimulator - Recorder Systems

Micropace OPLab User Instruction Manual Ver 1.4 Firmware ver 4.73

User Instruction Manual

77 Pages

USER INSTRUCTION MANUAL  Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION & ESSENTIAL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION ...1 1.1 DEVICE DESCRIPTION ...1 1.1.1 Description of system ...1 1.1.2 Intended Use ...1 1.1.3 Indications for Use...1 1.1.4 Contraindications ...1 1.1.5 Compatible Equipment ...2 1.2 IMPORTANT PATIENT SAFETY WARNINGS ...3 1.2.1 General Warning ...3 1.2.2 Warnings Specific to the ORLab™ Cardiac Stimulator ...4 1.2.3 Warnings Related to the use of ORLab™ Stimulator with RF Ablation Equipment ..5 1.3 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING STIMULATOR ...5 1.4 ADVERSE EVENTS ...7 1.4.1 Observed Adverse Events ...7 1.5 POTENTIAL ADVERSE EVENTS ...8 1.6 SUMMARY OF ORLAB’S EPS320 STIMULUS GENERATOR UNIT FIELD TRIAL ...10 1.7 INDIVIDUALIZATION OF TREATMENT & PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION ...11 1.8 REFERENCES ...12 2. DEVICE RATINGS, CLASSIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION ...13 3. COPYRIGHT, WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER NOTICE ...14 4. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS ...15 5. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS...21 5.1 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION...21 5.2 WHO MAY INSTALL THE ORLAB™ ...22 5.3 HOW ORLAB™ SUPPLIED ...22 5.4 STIMULATOR OPTIONS ...23 5.5 CONNECT SYSTEM COMPONENTS ...24 6. VERIFYING THE SYSTEM...27 6.1 TRAIN CUSTOMER ...28 6.2 MICROPACE ORLAB™ INSTALLATION CHECKSHEET...29 7. USING THE ORLAB™ CARDIAC STIMULATOR ...31 7.1 SWITCHING ON AND OFF THE SYSTEM ...31 7.2 USING THE COMPUTER ...31 7.3 USING THE TOUCH DISPLAY ...32 8. USING THE ORLAB™ SOFTWARE...34 8.1 SCREEN PAGE LAYOUT ...34 8.2 STARTING A NEW STUDY ...34 8.3 ORLAB™ HELP FACILITY ...35 8.4 MAIN STUDY PAGE - SENSE PACE PROTOCOL ...36 8.4.1 Controls include: ...36 8.4.2 Conduction Block Determination...37 8.4.3 Pacing threshold measurement ...38 8.4.4 Synchronizing start of pacing to PQRS...38 8.4.5 Contact Test ...38 8.4.6 Peak Detection / QRS detection ...39 8.4.7 Peak to peak interval / RR Display ...39 8.4.8 Amplitude Measurement & Display ...39 8.4.9 Ablation State labels: “Pre” and “Post”...40 8.5 BURST STIMULATION PROTOCOL ...41 8.5.1 Controls include: ...41 8.5.2 Burst Stim Button Safety Delay Tone...42 8.6 EMERGENCY PACE ...43 8.7 REVIEWING ECG’S ...44 8.7.1 Calipers ...45  ENGLISH  i
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