Bien-Air Medical Technology

ICHIROPRO SURGERY Instructions for Use Dec 2016

Instructions for Use

60 Pages

Table of contents Symbols... 2 1.1 1.2  2  Warnings & Precautions of Use ... 4  4  Description... 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7  9  Operation - Surgery mode ... 40 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7  Install the iChiropro app... 13 Install the iChiropro system... 13 Installation of the iPad on the iChiropro... 13 On/off procedure... 13  Interface overview... 14 6.1 6.2 6.3  7  iChiropro system overview ...5 Sets supplied...6 4.2.1 iChiropro sets...6 4.2.2 iChiropro Surgery sets...6 Options ...7 4.3.1 iChiropro options ...7 Technical data ...8 Environmental protection and information for disposal...8 Limitation of liability...9 Electromagnetic compatibility (technical description) ...9  Installation ... 12 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4  6  Enter implantology mode ... 26 Setup screen description... 26 Plan an operation... 26 Import an operation... 28 Remove an operation... 30 Start or resume a planned operation ... 30 Start a direct operation ... 32 Operative parameters... 34 8.8.1 MX-i micromotor Speed & Torque ... 34 8.8.2 MX-i micromotor rotation direction... 34 8.8.3 Irrigation Level ... 35 8.8.4 Handpiece ratio ... 35 8.8.5 Light intensity ... 35 8.9 Tool visualization in cassette... 36 8.10 Add, edit or remove implants ... 36 8.10.1 Add implant... 36 8.10.2 Edit (user-defined) implant... 38 8.10.3 Remove (user-defined) implant ... 38 8.11 Bookmark or remove brands ... 38  Identification ...3 Intended use ...3 Notation and chapter links...3  3  Operation - Implantology mode... 26 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8  Identification, Intended use and Notation ... 3 2.1 2.2 2.3  5  8  Description of symbols for iChiropro and iChiropro Surgery units ...2 Description of symbols for iChiropro and iChiropro Surgery accessories ...2  iChiropro application ... 14 6.1.1 Compatibility ... 14 6.1.2 Notation ... 14 Sound alerts ... 14 iPad and iChiropro connection / disconnection conditions ... 14 6.3.1 Disconnection ... 14 6.3.2 Connection... 14 6.3.3 iChiropro unit switched ON... 14  Getting started ... 15 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8  Back up data... 15 Launch iChiropro app... 15 Welcome screen and disclaimer ... 15 Home page screen... 16 User page screen ... 16 Create user profile ... 16 Edit or remove user profile ... 17 Patients ... 18 7.8.1 Add or edit patient... 18 7.8.2 Remove patient ... 18 7.8.3 Consult patients history... 18 7.8.4 Merge patients... 19 7.9 Operations history ... 20 7.9.1 Search operations history ... 20 7.9.2 Operation data ... 21 7.9.3 Export report... 22 7.9.4 Export all operations reports... 22 7.10 iChiropro App update ... 24 7.11 Information ... 24 7.11.1 About ... 25 7.12 ISQ values readings... 25  9.8  10  ENG  1  Enter surgery mode ... 40 Setup screen description... 40 Plan an operation... 40 Remove an operation... 42 Start or resume an operation... 42 Start a direct operation ... 44 Operative parameters... 46 9.7.1 MX-i micromotor Speed & Torque ... 46 9.7.2 MX-i micromotor rotation direction... 46 9.7.3 Irrigation Level ... 47 9.7.4 Handpiece ratio ... 47 9.7.5 Light intensity ... 47 Add, edit or remove procedures ... 48 9.8.1 Add procedure ... 48 9.8.2 Edit (user-defined) procedure... 48 9.8.3 Remove (user-defined) procedure ... 49  List of errors & Troubleshooting ... 50 10.1 Safety warning (operating)... 50 10.2 Device operating error... 51 10.3 iOS compatibility errors (disclaimer screen)... 51  11  Maintenance ... 52 11.1 Servicing... 52 11.2 Information ... 52 11.3 Cleaning-disinfection ... 52 11.4 Important... 52 11.5 iPad adapter change ... 52 11.6 Fuses replacement... 53  12  General information and guarantee ... 54 12.1 General information ... 54 12.2 Terms of guarantee ... 54  1
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File Name: Bien-Air Medical Technology - 2100291-0003 - ICHIROPRO SURGERY Instructions for Use Dec 2016 - 2016-12.pdf

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