Bien-Air Medical Technology

iOptima series Instructions for Use June 2018

Instructions for Use

72 Pages

Table of contents iOptima description ...4  iOptimaINT description ... 22  1  7  Symbols... 5 1.1 1.2  2  Identification, Intended use and Notation ... 7 2.1 2.2 2.3  3 4  Install the iOptima app ... 17 Install the iOptima system ... 17  Interface overview... 19 6.1 6.2 6.3  1  iOptima system overview ... 10 iOptima system table... 11 Set supplied... 11 Options ... 12 Technical data ... 12 Environmental protection and information for disposal... 13 Limitation of liability ... 13 Electromagnetic compatibility (technical description) for iOptima... 13  Installation ... 17 5.1 5.2  6  Identification...7 Intended use...7 Notation...8  Warnings & Precautions of Use ... 9 Description... 10 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8  5  Description of symbols for iOptima unit ...5 Description of symbols for iOptima accessories...6  iOptima application... 19 Sound alerts ... 19 iPod and iOptima connection / disconnection conditions... 20  Symbols... 23 7.1 7.2  8  Description of symbols for iOptimaINT ... 23 Description of symbols for iOptimaINT accessories... 24  Identification, Intended use and Notation . 25 8.1 8.2 8.3  Identification... 25 Intended use... 25 Notation... 26  9 Warnings & Precautions of Use ... 27 10 Description ... 28 10.1 iOptimaINT system overview ... 28 10.2 iOptimaINT system table ... 28 10.3 Set supplied... 29 10.4 Options ... 29 10.5 Technical data ... 30 10.6 Environmental protection and information for disposal... 31 10.7 Limitation of liability ... 31 10.8 Electromagnetic compatibility (technical description) for iOptimaINT ... 31  11 Installation... 34 11.1 Install the iOptima app ... 34 11.2 Install the iOptimaINT system ... 34  12 Interface overview... 35 12.1 iOptima application... 35 12.2 Sound alerts ... 35 12.3 iPod/iPad and iOptimaINT connection / disconnection conditions ... 36
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File Name: Bien-Air Medical Technology - 2100279-0004 - iOptima series Instructions for Use June 2018 - 2018-06.pdf

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