Bien-Air Medical Technology

Dental Control and Motor Units

CHIROPRO 980 Console Instructions 2005


28 Pages

Page 2 Illustrations of sets and options 3 Illustrations of elements 4 Meaning of symbols 6 Description 7 Sets and references of components 8 Default programs 9 Description of keys and elements 10-11 Installation 12 Choice of languages 13 Utilization procedure 14 Changing the transmission ratio 15 Changing the motor speed 16 Limiting the tool torque 17 Control of pump flow rate Note 18 Technical data 19 Range of speeds and torques 20 Display and error messages 21 Maintenance and sterilisation 22 Warranty conditions and generalities 23-24 Block diagram Special precautions regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) to be applied by installation Table of programs  25-26  27  5  english  Table of Contents
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File Name: Bien-Air Medical Technology - CHIROPRO 980 Console Instructions 2005 - 2005-01.pdf

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