Bien-Air Medical Technology

Handpieces and Accessories

Contra-Angles and Handpieces for Surgery Maintenance Guide Nov 2016

Maintenance Guide

3 Pages

MAINTENANCE  OF CONTRA-ANGLES AND HANDPIECES FOR SURGERY AND IMPLANTOLOGY. Refer to the user manual for the product for the complete cleaning and sterilisation maintenance procedures. This medical device is supplied in "non sterile" condition. Please ensure that this procedure is followed before the device is used.  1  PREPARATION  A  B  A. REMOVING THE INSTRUMENT • Remove the rotary instrument from the chuck mechanism • Disconnect the contra-angle from the motor B. PRE-DISINFECTION • External disinfection Do not immerse the instrument in a disinfectant bath.  2 A  CLEANING B  A. CLEAN UNDER RUNNING WATER AT <38°C B. REMOVING DIRT/DEPOSITS • Carefully remove all traces of dirt or deposits from the nozzles using the Bien-Air cleaning wire • Dry the nozzles with compressed air then dry the rest of the instrument with a cloth Do not immerse in an ultrasonic cleaner  C  C  C . INTERNAL CLEANING WITH AQUACARE • Shake the Aquacare before use • Use the Aquacare attachment 1 * • Keep the tip of the instrument pointing down and protect with an absorbent cloth; press the Aquacare button down for 2 seconds • Use the Aquacare attachment 3 * • Keep the tip of the instrument pointing down and protect with an absorbent cloth; press the Aquacare button down for 1 second  E  E  D. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CLEANING WITH SPRAYNET • Shake the Spraynet before use • Use the Spraynet attachment 1 * • Keep the tip of the instrument pointing down and protect with an absorbent cloth; press the Spraynet button down for 1 second • Clean the exterior of the contra-angle with a cloth soaked in Spraynet  * All the references for the attachments are given on the last page of the document.  Version 11/16  E
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File Name: Bien-Air Medical Technology - Contra-Angles and Handpieces for Surgery Maintenance Guide Nov 2016 - 2016-11.pdf

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