Bien-Air Medical Technology

Surgical Control and Motor Units

OSSEODUO Operating Instructions May 2021

Operating Instructions

56 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 SYMBOLS USED... 3 2 CE/UL CONFORMITY... 4 3 GENERAL ... 4 3.1 System description ... 4 3.2 Intended use ... 4 3.3 Indication for use ... 4 3.4 Contraindications ... 4  4 PRECAUTIONS-WARNING... 5 4.1 Warnings and precautions for use ... 5 4.2 Environmental protection and indications for device disposal ... 5 4.3 Precautions regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ... 6  5 DESCRIPTION OF THE OSSEODUO MULTIFUNCTION SYSTEM ... 7 5.1 Micromotor with cable ... 7 5.2 Available sets ... 8  6 CONTROL UNIT AND FOOT PEDAL... 9 6.1 Technical data ... 9 6.2 Set-up ... 10 6.2.1 Unpacking and checking ... 10 6.2.2 Preparation ... 10 6.2.3 Use of the irrigation line ...9  6.3 Use 11 6.3.1 Power-up... 11 6.3.2 Initialization screen ... 11 6.3.3 Selection of work mode - “PUMP only” ... 12 6.3.4 Selection of work mode ... 13 6.3.5 Continuous irrigation synchronized with the motor ... 14 6.3.6 Intermittent irrigation ... 14 6.3.7 Adjustment of the irrigation flow ... 14 6.3.8 Operating mode of the foot pedal rocker switch ... 14 6.3.9 Configurable options ... 14 6.3.10 Foot Pedal ... 15 6.3.11 Power down ... 15  7 NANO MICROMOTOR ... 16  11.5 11.6 11.7  Surgical shaver blades and burs ... 25 Blade or bur insertion and removal on the S120 ... 25 SHAVER mode ... 25  12 CLEANING/MAINTENANCE/STERILIZATION ... 26 12.1 12.2 12.3  General indications ... 26 OSSEODUO control unit and foot pedal ... 28 NANO / RAPIDO / 80K micromotor... 29  12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 12.3.5  12.4  PM PERFO ... 31  12.4.1 12.4.2 12.4.3 12.4.4 12.4.5  12.5  Point of use cleaning ... 31 Pre-cleaning... 31 Cleaning ... 31 Inspection, lubrication and testing ... 31 Sterilization ... 32  OSSEOSTAP ... 33  12.5.1 12.5.2 12.5.3 12.5.4 12.5.5  12.6  Point of use cleaning ... 29 Pre-cleaning... 29 Cleaning ... 29 Inspection, lubrication and testing ... 29 Sterilization ... 30  Point of use cleaning ... 33 Pre-cleaning... 33 Cleaning ... 34 Inspection, lubrication and testing ... 34 Sterilization ... 35  S120 ... 36  12.6.1 12.6.2 12.6.3 12.6.4 12.6.5  Point of use cleaning ... 36 Pre-cleaning... 36 Cleaning ... 37 Inspection, lubrication and testing ... 38 Sterilization ... 38  13 MAINTENANCE ... 39 14 MALFUNCTIONS AND ERRORS ... 40 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5  OSSEODUO control unit ... 40 NANO / RAPIDO / 80K micromotor... 41 PM PERFO ... 41 OSSEOSTAP ... 42 S120 ... 42  7.1 Technical data ... 16 7.2 Motor cable connection ... 16 7.3 Attachment insertion and removal on the NANO micromotor ... 17 7.4 S-M DRILL mode ... 17  15 OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES ... 43 16 GENERAL TERMS OF GUARANTEE... 45  8 80K/RAPIDO MICROMOTOR ... 18  17 ACCOMPANYNG DOCUMENTS ACCORDING TO IEC 60601-1-2:2014, CHAPTER 5 ... 46  8.1 Technical data ... 18 8.2 Motor cable connection ... 18 8.3 Attachment insertion and removal on the RAPIDO micromotor ... 19 8.4 DRILL mode ... 19  16.1 16.2 16.3  General Information... 45 Governing law ... 45 Jurisdiction ... 45  9 PM PERFO ... 20 9.1 Technical data ... 20 9.2 Motor cable connection ... 20 9.3 Cranial perforator insertion and removal on the PM PERFO 21 9.4 DRILL mode ... 21  10 OSSEOSTAP ... 22 10.1 10.2 10.3  Technical data ... 22 Tool connection and removal ... 23 OSSEOSTAP mode ... 23  11 S120 ... 24 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4  Technical data ... 24 Motor cable connection... 24 Irrigation ... 24 Suction ... 25 2
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File Name: Bien-Air Medical Technology - 2100340-0006 - OSSEODUO Operating Instructions May 2021 - 2021-05.pdf

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