Profinia Protein Purification System Instruction Manual Rev C

Instruction Manual

224 Pages

Table of Contents Page  Section 1  Profinia Protein Purification System Description ...1  1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5  Profinia System Overview ...1 Key Features of the Profinia System ...1 System Components and Optional Accessories...2 Related Consumables and Products...4 About This Guide ...4 1.5.1 Conventions...4  Section 2  Installation Procedures...5  2.1 2.2  System Installation...5 First-Time Use of the Profinia System...8 2.2.1 Preparing the Instrument for Cleaning...8 2.2.2 Selecting the First-Time Cleaning Procedure ...9 2.2.3 Setting the Local Date and Time ...10 2.2.4 Validating the System ...10  Section 3  Key Terms and Definitions...14  3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5  Bio-Rad Methods ...14 Program Methods ...14 Toolbar Navigation Buttons...15 System Status Indicator Definitions...16 Alphanumeric and Numeric Keypads ...17 3.5.1 Alphanumeric Keypad...17 3.5.2 Numeric Keypad ...17  Section 4  Profinia System Quick Guide ...19  4.1 4.2  Profinia Installation...19 Profinia System Quick Guide ...23  Section 5  Home Screen Overview ...27  Section 6  Bio-Rad Methods...29  6.1 6.2 6.3  Selecting Method System ...32 Selecting Method Type and Options ...32 Selecting Sample Options...34 6.3.1 Selecting Sample Flow Rate and Wash Time ...34 6.3.2 Selecting Sample Incubation Time...35 Entering Run and Sample Information ...36 6.4.1 Adding or Editing Run and Sample Information...38 6.4.2 Adding Lot Number Tracking Information...38 Installing Reagents, Sample Tubes, and Fraction Tubes...39 6.5.1 Loading Buffers...41 6.5.2 Installing Sample Tubes...44 6.5.3 Installing Fraction Collection Tubes...45 Installing Cartridges ...46 6.6.1 Preparing for Cartridge Installation...46 6.6.2 Setting Up Cartridge Positions for Priming ...47 6.6.3 Priming the Cartridge Lines...48 6.6.4 Installing Cartridges ...48 6.6.5 Installing the Sample Loop (Desalting-Only Methods) ...52 Starting the Run...54  6.4  6.5  6.6  6.7  i
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File Name: Bio-RAD - Profinia Protein Purification System Instruction Manual Rev C.pdf

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