Electroporation Systems

Gene Pulser Xcell Instruction Manual 165-xxx series Rev A

Instruction Manual

83 Pages

Table of Contents Section 1  Introduction and Safety Information: The Gene Pulser Xcell System ...1  1.1  General Safety Information ...1  1.2  Electrical Hazards ...2  1.3  Mechanical Hazards...2  1.4  Other Safety Precautions ...2  Section 2  Unpacking and System Installation ...3  2.1  Unpacking the System Components ...3  2.2  Setting up the System ...4 2.2.1  Setting up the Gene Pulser Xcell Main Unit and Connecting the ShockPod (Cat. #s 165-2660, 165-2661, 165-2662, 165-2666) ...4  2.2.2  Connecting the PC Module to the Gene Pulser Xcell Main Unit (Cat. #s 165-2660, 165-2662, and 165-2668) ...5  2.2.3  Connecting the CE Module to the Gene Pulser Xcell Main Unit (Cat. #s 165-2660, 165-2661, and 165-2667) ...6  2.2.4  ShockPod (Cat. #s 165-2660, 165-2661, 165-2662, and 165-2669) ...6  Section 3  Gene Pulser Xcell Operating Instructions ...8  3.1  Section Overview ...8  3.2  Front Panel and Home Screen ...9  3.3  3.4  3.5  3.2.1  Description of Keypad...9  3.2.2  Home Screen ...10  3.2.3  Help Screens ...11  Manual Operation...12 3.3.1  Manual Operation (Guide Guide) ...12  3.3.2  Electroporation using Exponential Decay Pulses ...12  3.3.3  Electroporation Specifying Time Constant...14  3.3.4  Electroporation using Square Wave Pulses ...15  3.3.5  Results Screens ...17  3.3.6  Saving a Program from Manual Operation...19  3.3.6A  Saving in a Location without a Named User Entry...20  3.3.6B  Saving in a Location with a Named User Entry ...20  Pre-Set Protocols...21 3.4.1  Using a Pre-set Protocol (Quick Guide) ...21  3.4.2  Electroporation using a Pre-Set Protocol...22  3.4.3  Modifying Pre-Set Protocol Parameters ...25  3.4.4  Saving Changes to Pre-Set Protocols ...25  User Protocols ...26
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File Name: Bio-RAD - Gene Pulser Xcell Instruction Manual 165-xxx series Rev A.pdf

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