Quick Guide
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T100™ Thermal Cycler Quick Guide
Starting the Instrument Remove the T100 thermal cycler from the box and plug it in. Turn on the power switch on the back of the instrument. The T100 cycler will perform a quick self-test and then display the Home screen (Figure 1). Setting the Date and Time First make sure the system clock is correct for your time zone so that all runs are accurately recorded in the run log. 1. In the Home screen, touch Tools and then Settings to display the instrument settings menu (Figure 2).
Fig. 1. T100 thermal cycler Home screen.
2. T ouch the fields for Month, Day, Year, Hours, and Minutes and edit the values using the pop-up keypad. 3. Touch Save to save the changes. 4. Touch Home to return to the Home screen. Creating a New Protocol 1. To create a new protocol, touch New Protocol in the Home screen. 2. T he New Protocol screen displays a graphical view of the protocol (Figure 3). Edit the value of any of the following parameters by touching the corresponding field: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■
Fig. 2. Settings screen.
Temperature Hold time Number of repeats in the GOTO loop Starting step for the GOTO loop Sample volume Lid temperature
3. To select a step, touch anywhere outside the temperature box. The step becomes highlighted to indicate that it is selected. Once a step is selected, you can insert a new step after the selected step, delete the selected step, or configure the options for the step.
Fig. 3. New Protocol screen showing graphical view of a protocol.
4. T o insert a step, touch Insert. The screen will display the type of steps to insert (Figure 4). Select Temperature for a temperature hold step, Gradient for a thermal gradient for protocol optimization, or GOTO to insert a GOTO step that will loop back to repeat the specified steps in your protocol (typically denaturation, annealing, and extension). 5. T o delete a step, select the step and touch Delete. 6. To configure advanced parameters for a step, such as Temperature, Increment, Time, Extend, Gradient, and Ramp rate, select a step and touch Options (Figure 5). Program the required parameters as needed. 7. Touch Save to select a folder location and save the protocol. 8. Touch Run to start the protocol. You can also run a protocol without saving it by touching Run at any time while editing.
Fig. 4. Insert step window.
Running and Editing a Saved Protocol 1. In the Home screen, touch Saved Protocols. The T100 cycler organizes all the protocols into folders. A preinstalled library of standard protocols is in the MAIN folder (Figure 6). 2. S elect a folder from the Folders column, then select a protocol file from the Files column. 3. Review the selected protocol using the Preview column on the right. 4. Touch Run to start the run or touch Edit to edit the protocol. For more information, visit www.bio-rad.com/web/T100QuickGuide. bio-rad.com/web/T100QuickGuide
Fig. 5. Options window showing advanced parameters.
This product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents or their foreign counterparts owned by Eppendorf AG: U.S. Patent Numbers 6,767,512 and 7,074,367.
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Fig. 6. Saved Protocols screen showing the preinstalled library of standard protocols in the MAIN folder.
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Life Science Group
10020524 Rev B
Sig 1213