BK Medical

bkFusion Setting Up - Transrectal Getting Started Guide Ref 2300 Oct 2018

Getting Started Guide

26 Pages

Table of Contents General Information...5 bkFusion Hardware Configuration...5 Configuring bkFusion Hardware...6 MRI Data Transfer from USB/CD, MIMcloud, Remote Patient List & PACS...7 To Review a BXplan...9 To Contour/Re-contour MRI Slices... 11 Predictive Fusion... 15 To Start the Procedure... 17 To Biopsy with bkFusion... 18 To Make Measurements... 21 To Save Biopsy Results and Create a Report... 22 To Save a Report to a USB device... 23 To Save Structured Reports... 23 To Save DICOM Images... 23  bkFusion (16-01574-EN-03)  3
File Type: PDF
File Size: 12 MB
File Name: BK Medical - bkFusion Setting Up - Transrectal Getting Started Guide Ref 2300 Oct 2018 - 2018-10.pdf

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