Surgical Instruments

B&B Suggestions for Care and Handling of Fine Surgical Instrumentation

5 Pages

Suggestions for Care and Handling of Fine Surgical Instrumentation WATER Tap water should not be used for cleaning surgical instruments as it frequently contains significant quantities of foreign ions that can damage instruments. High concentrations of chlorides, for example, can lead to pitting and stress-related fractures. Also, the presence of minerals in the cleaning water can discolor the instrument. (These discolorations can be removed by using the appropriate cleaning products.) To prevent these problems, it is recommended that only salt-free, demineralized water be used for instrument cleaning.  PREPARATION FOR CLEANING Instruments should be cleaned immediately after use. If that is not possible, they should be placed in a basin of distilled water or a solution of neutral pH detergent until such time as cleaning is possible. However, instruments should not be stored in aqueous solutions for prolonged periods. If they are placed in a basin prior to cleaning, the basin should be drained and cleaned daily.  MANUAL CLEANING SUGGESTIONS Carefully follow all manufacturers’ instructions regarding solution temperatures, soaking times and mixture concentration. If powdered cleaning solutions are used, be sure that the mixture has had adequate time to dissolve. We recommend using a neutral pH cleaner. Products other than neutral pH can result in instrument damage. Change the cleaning solution daily. Evaporation can increase the concentration and cause corrosion. Dirty solutions do not clean as effectively. For manual cleaning, use lint-free, soft textile cloth, paper cloth, soft plastic brushes (toothbrush) or water spray guns. After manual cleaning, instruments should be rinsed twice, first in tap water and then in distilled water. This two-step rinsing will remove any remnants of surgical debris as well as remove any contaminants that may have been in the tap water. After rinsing, instruments should be thoroughly dried. If it is possible, forced air should be used for drying. If that is not possible, gently shake the excess water from the instruments and place them on clean, dry, lint-free towels to dry.  5238 Royal Woods Pkwy., Ste. 170 Page | 1 of 5  Tucker, GA 30084 Office: 770.414.4880 Fax: 770.414.4879 25-0001 0712
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