Breas NIPPY Clearway Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation Clinical Guidelines Rev 2-1

Clinical Guidelines

12 Pages

CLINICAL GUIDELINES  CLINICAL GUIDELINES Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation (MI-E) Airway clearance techniques (ACT’s) can be divided it to proximal and peripheral airway clearance techniques 1,2 . Proximal ACT’s (cough augmentation) clear secretions from the central airways. Peripheral ACT’s (secretion mobilising) move secretions from the small airways towards the central airways. All patients should be assessed by a respiratory physiotherapist / respiratory therapist and the most appropriate ACT should be performed. The therapist should in the first instance measure the cough peak flow (CPF). Dependent on the CPF results use the most appropriate treatment. For example, if the patient has a CPF of 280 L/min using a lung volume recruitment (LVR) bag or glossopharyngeal breathings (GPB) should augment an effective cough. However if the CPF is 180 L/ min then mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E) would be the treatment of choice (see Figure 1 modified from 1). Tips and Tricks about the usage will depend on what treatment mode and therapy, you are delivering. To avoid confusion this clinical guideline will be split up into the 4 therapy modes:  Figure 1 shows, what airways clearance techniques are most useful depending on the individuals forced vital capacity (FVC), FVC as a % predicted (FVC(%)) or cough peak flow (CPF). Techniques that can be utilised include: mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E), manual assisted cough (MAC), mechanical insufflation utilising a lung volume recruitment (LVR) bag or self-insufflation by glossopharyngeal breathing (GPB).  1. Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E) 2. MI-E with the addition of oscillation therapy 3. Intermittent positive pressure breathing 4. Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) Where MI-E is the treatment of choice you can start treatment with the Clearway 2. This document is intended for clinician use only and devices shall be set up by a competent clinician. This document does not replace the Clearway 2 User Manual. Please always refer to the User Manual before using the Clearway 2. page 1 of 12  For more information, visit Education by Breas
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