Ventilation and Sleep Therapy

Vivo 30 and 40 Quick Reference Guide Issue G-1

Quick Reference Guide

2 Pages

Alarm Management ALARM Low Pressure Alarm  High Pressure Alarm  DESCRIPTION Patient pressure is lower than the alarm limit  Patient pressure exceeds 10 cmH2O more than IPAP (5 cmH2O in paediatric mode)  Checking the Vivo Before Use POSSIBLE CAUSE - Patient circuit disconnected - Alarm limit higher than IPAP - Leakage from patient circuit - Strong coughing  Low Volume Alarm  Patient volume lower - Restriction in than the alarm limit patient airways - Obstucted patient circuit  Low Breath Rate Alarm  Delivered breath rate - Alarm limit higher is lower than alarm than patients breath limit rate - Patient does not trigger any breaths - Decrease of patients breath rate  High Breath Rate Alarm  Delivered breath rate - Hyperventilation is higher than alarm - Vivo self-triggers because of incorrect limit settings  Low Leakage Alarm  Patient flow is lower than the expected flow at the set pressure  High Leakage Alarm  Patient flow is higher - Leakage in patient circuit than the expected - The mask is off flow at the set pressure  This is not a complete function check. Perform a complete function check, as described in the clinician’s manual, before the Vivo is handed out to a patient. 1. 2.  Connect the Vivo to the mains supply. Switch on the Vivo main power using the On/Off button on the side panel. 3. Start the Vivo without any patient circuit attached and block the air outlet. An audiable alarm shall occur within 45 seconds. Make sure that the alarm LED is blinking. 4. Connect a cleaned or new patient circuit to the Vivo. 5. Check patient settings. 6. Put on the mask and adjust it’s fit. 7. Ensure that the settings are adjusted as prescribed. The Vivo is ready for use.  Tips To show settings in home mode: Enter the main screen and press up button for 5 seconds. To show alarm history and alarm settings in home mode: Enter main screen and press down button for 5 seconds.  - Incorrect patient circuit leakage - Obstructed patient circuit  Breas Medical AB, Företagsvägen 1, SE-435 33 Mölnlycke, Sweden, Phone: +46 31 86 88 00, Fax: +46 31 86 88 10,, Find your local distributor at  ENGLISH  Vivo30/40 Clinician’s Quick Reference Guide Doc. 004430 En-Uk G-1
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