British Oxygen Company

Medical Gas Cylinder Data Chart Aug 2011

Cylinder Data Chart

1 Page

Australia: BOC Limited ABN: 95 000 029 729 Riverside Corporate Park 10 Julius Ave, North Ryde NSW 2113 T: 1300 363 109 F: 1300 363 438 E:  BOC medical gas cylinders Identification of medical grade gas cylinders The contents of BOC medical gas cylinders appear on the product label affixed to the shoulder, body or cylinder collar. Cylinder shoulders are colour-coded and cylinders are fitted with different valve outlets to provide product differentiation. A cylinder without a legible product label should not be used. Please return to supplier to obtain a replacement.  Dangerous Goods class All medical gases are Class 2 Dangerous Goods.  Colour-coded identification  Shoulder colour: Gas code: Sizes: Pin index:  Nitrous oxide  Entonox®  Inhalo®  Oxygen  O2  O2  N2O  N2O/O2  White 400 CD Integrated Valve  White 400 B, C, D, E, G 2,5  Ultramarine 610 C, D, E, G 3,5  Ultramarine & White 570 C, D, E, G Single centered pin  Air Black & White 470 480 C, D, E, G EHP 1,5  Carbon dioxide CO2 Green/Grey 530 C, D, E, G 1,6  Carbon dioxide  Carbogen  Green/Grey 530 DE, EE 1,6  Green/Grey & White 500 C, D, E, G 2,6  CO2/O2  Helium  Heliox  He  He/O2  Brown 590 C, D, G 4,6  Brown & White 655 CD, ED Integrated Valve  Pin index valve Pin configuration differs with gas type.  A green diamond indicates that the contents are non-flammable and non-toxic as defined by the Australian Dangerous Goods Code.  Gases of Class 2.1 shall be segregated from those of Class 2.3 and 2.2/5.1 by at least 3m  A yellow diamond indicates an oxidising gas.  Gases of class 2.3 shall be segregated from gases of Class 2.1 or 2.2/5.1 by at least 3m  Class 2.1  2.2  2.2/5.1  2.3  Cylinder labelling identification  b) k kno slowly  n on ailable  1 2 3 4 5 6  Size identification  Medical Oxygen cylinder duration in hours and minutes (h:m)  2,025 1,932  Code  1, 750  Weight of full cylinders (kg)  400 B  400 C  400 CD  400 ND  400 NE  400 NG  400 NF9  400 NMAN15  Gas type (code)  B  C  CD  D  E  G  F8  F9  MAN15  Contents *  170  490  630  1,600  4,000  8,075  51,930  126,000  Medical Air (470)  -  3.94  -  12.4  27.1  66.4  593  -  1437  1 lpm  2:50  8:10  10:30  26:40  66:40  134:35  856:30  2,100:00  Carbogen (500)  -  3.93  -  13.1  33.3  60.7  -  -  -  2 lpm  1:25  4:05  5:15  13:20  33:20  67:17  432:45  1,050:00  Carbon Dioxide (530)  -  5.14  -  16.0  37.0  75.0  -  -  -  3 lpm  0:56  2:43  3:30  8:53  22:13  44:51  288:30  700:00  Entonox (570)  -  4.32  -  13.2  29.5  -  -  -  -  1,059  4 lpm  0:42  2:03  2:37  6:40  16:40  33:38  216:22  525:00  Heliox (655)  -  -  4.7  -  25.4*  -  -  -  -  929  5 lpm  0:34  1:38  2:06  5:20  13:20  26:55  173:06  420:00  Helium (590)  -  3.37  -  11.2  -  51.2  -  -  -  6 lpm  0:28  1:21  1:45**  4:26  11:06  22:25  144:15  350:00  Nitrous Oxide (610)  -  5.16  -  16.6  39.0  94.0  763  -  -  584  7 lpm  0:24  1:10  1:30**  3:48  9:31  19:13  123:38  300:00  Oxygen (400)  2.12  4.28  4.4^  12.4  28.1  68.6  -  542  1466  400  8 lpm  0:21  1:01  1:18  3:20  8:20  16:49  108:11  262:30  10 lpm  0:17  0:49  1:03  2:40  6:40  13:27  86:33  210:00  15 lpm  0:11  0:32  0:42  1:46  4:26  8:58  57:42  140:00  1,348  B  C  CD  D  E  ED  G  F8/ F9  MAN 15  Note: Cylinder heights are approximations only and do not include valves except for CD & ED cylinders with the INHALO® integrated valve device. For cylinder height with valve add an additional 80 – 105 mm.  Duration is an approximation only. *Gas volume – Litres (at 101.3 kPa 15 °C ). **Available only from sleeved index outlet with flowmeter attached.  Full cylinder weights are approximations only and may vary within specification. *ED size. ^Twin pack weight 11.0kg  Handle medical gases safely 3.	Check cylinder for unique barcode  5.	Keep full and empty cylinders separate  7.	Never move cylinder with the wrong type of trolley  9.	Never knock violently or allow to fall  2.	Secure upright with restraint  4. 	Read labels before use  6. Wear safety clothing  8. 	Keep free from sources of ignition  10.	Keep free from oil and grease  11.	Do not use force when opening or closing valves  BOC is a trading name of BOC Limited, a member of the Linde Group. © BOC Limited 2011. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.  HCD130  EQUAUS 0811 2K  1.	Store in well ventilated areas
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