British Oxygen Company

Medical Cylinder Data

Medical Gas Cylinder Data Chart

Cylinder Data Chart

1 Page

MEDICAL CYLINDER DATA  O  Cylinder code  Medical Gas/ Medical Gas Mixture  AZ  C  New valve Technology***  Colour Code****  OXYGEN  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  170 137 Pin-index  170 137 Pin-index  NITROUS OXIDE  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  450 44 Pin-index  450 44 Pin-index  CD Integral valve  Integral valve  400 4 6mm firtree  460 4 Schraeder/ 6mm firtree  460 4 6mm firtree  DD (1)  PD  300 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  RD  ZD  Integral valve  Integral valve  460 4 Schraeder/ 6mm firtree  440 4 Schraeder  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  ENTONOX (50% N2O/50% O2)  794 4 Schraeder  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  CARBON DIOXIDE  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g))** Valve outlet connection  AF (1)  DF (1)  340 137 Pin-index  680 137 Pin-index  900 44 Pin-index  1800 44 Pin-index  1360 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  1360 4 Schraeder/ 6mm firtree  LF  VF  1360 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  3600 50 Handwheel 0.860" x 14tpi (m)  1800 50 Pin-index  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  HELIUM/OXYGEN/NITROGEN MEDICAL GAS MIXTURE (56% N2/35% O2/19% He)  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  PIN INDEX VALVES  Air  2300 4 Schraeder/ 6mm firtree  3040 4 Schraeder/ 6mm firtree  3400 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  6800 137 Pin-index (side spindle) 18000 44 Handwheel 11/16" x 20tpi (m)  3970 4 Schraeder  9000 44 Handwheel 11/16" x 20tpi (m) 5000 137 Pin-index 3200 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  6400 137 Pin-index (side spindle)  3400 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  6800 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  1360 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  G  J  L  1780 4 Schraeder/ 6mm firtree  1200 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f) 1500 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8"BSP(LH)(f) 1460 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8" BSP (f) 1350 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8" BSP (f) 1310 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8" BSP (f)  1.2  AK  1200 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  300 137 Pin-index  Water Capacity (litres) Approx dimensions including valve Approx dimensions including valve  ZX  Integral valve  3600 50 Handwheel 0.860" x 14tpi (m)  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  CARBON DIOXIDE/AIR MEDICAL GAS MIXTURE (5% CO2/95% AIR)  HX  Integral valve  2200 4 Schraeder  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  CARBON DIOXIDE/OXYGEN MEDICAL GAS MIXTURES  CO/O 2 2  1280 137 Bullnose 5/8" BSP (f)  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  LUNG FUNCTION MIXTURES TYPE 1-4  AV  3600 44 Handwheel 11/16" x 20tpi (m) 2000 137 Pin-index (side spindle)  500 137 Pin-index  450 50 Pin-index  2  HELIUM/OXYGEN MIXTURE (79% He/21% O2)  F  Integral valve  640 137 Pin-index  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  HELIUM  Entonox  E  Contents (litres) Valve outlet pressure (bar (g)) Valve outlet connection  OXYGEN/CARBON DIOXIDE MIXTURE (95% O2/5% CO2)  Nitrous Oxide  D  160 137 Pin-index  AIR  Oxygen  AD* Integral valve  6000 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8"BSP(LH)(f) 6780 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8" BSP (f) 6780 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8" BSP (f) 6580 200 Side outlet Handwheel 5/8" BSP (f)  1.2  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.32  4.68  9.43  9.43  9.43  9.43  9.43  10.0  10.0  10.0  23.6  40.0  47.2  50.0  mm  290 x 100  430 x 89  480 x 100  520 x 100  520 x 100  455 x 100  480 x 100  485 x 100  535 x 102  865 x 102  670 x 175  690 x 175  930 x 140  930 x 140  930 x 140  680 x 180  940 x 140  940 x 143  1320 x 178  1540 x 230  1520 x 229  1540 x 230  in  11.4 x 3.9  16.9 x 3.5  18.9 x 3.9  20.5 x 3.9  20.5 x 3.9  17.9 x 3.9  18.9 x 3.9  19.1 x 3.9  21.1 x 4  34.1 x 4  26.4 x 6.9  27.2 x 5.5  36.6 x 5.5  36.6 x 5.5  36.6 x 5.5  26.8 x 7.1  37 x 5.5  37.0 x 5.6  52 x 7  60.6 x 9.1  59.8 x 9  60.6 x 9.1  Approx weight (empty)  kg  2.3  2.0  3.7  2.7  2.7  4.8  4.1  3.1  3.4  5.4  9.9  10.0  14.5  14.5  14.5  15.5  15.5  10.0  34.5  51.0  68.9  51.0  Approx weight (empty)  lb  5.1  4.4  8.2  6.0  6.0  10.6  9.0  6.6  7.5  11.9  21.8  22.0  32.0  32.0  32.0  34.2  34.2  22.0  76.1  112.4  151.9  112.4  NO/O 2 2  Carbon Dioxide  CO2 VALVE TYPES  (Front)  Pin-index Side Spindle valve  ZX  AZ  (Back)  Integral valve  Handwheel valve  Bullnose valve  Pin-index valve  The cylinder data card indicates the water capacity, dimensions, empty weight, gas capacity and valve type. The indicated cylinder colours are those specified in BS EN 1089-3 and ISO 32. Other countries do not necessarily use the same colours and care should be taken to identify correctly gas cylinders brought into the UK from overseas. All BOC cylinders are fitted with a colour coded and date marked test ring under the cylinder valve. This allows BOC to identify cylinders requiring internal inspection or hydraulic testing before refilling.  BOC Medical is a trading name used by operating companies within The BOC Group, the parent company of which is The BOC Group PLC.  Suitable for use in MRI environment. Most common cylinders used within the hospital. Specialist use cylinders used within the hospital. Other medical cylinders used within the hospital.  (1) Domicillary use only.  The stripe symbol and the words BOC and Entonox are registered BOC Group trademarks.  NOTES:  * The indicated cylinder is for specialised applications and availability is restricted. ** Vapour pressure of liquified gas at 15 degrees celcius. *** Integral valve features a live content gauge, on/off handwheel, built-in flowmeter and regulator. Schraeder outlets are product specific to accept probes to BS 5682. **** Always identify the cylinder content by the information on the label.  He  MED/004152/APUK/0305/3M  Customer Service Centre Priestley Road Worsley Manchester M28 2UT Tel: 0800 111 333 Fax: 0800 111 555 Copyright The BOC Group PLC 2005.
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