Operating Instructions
2 Pages

Page 1
Medical Oxygen
Step by step
Connect tubing 5
Connect equipment 6 Slowly rotate OPEN/CLOSE hand-wheel in an anti-clockwise direction fully, then a quarter of a turn clockwise
Open grey covers 7 Rotate gas
selector is at zero
2 Check contents
BOC: Living healthcare
Check label
lighter safer robust reliable
170 2:50 1:25 0:56 0:42 0:34 0:28 0:24 0:21 0:17 0:11
490 8:10 4:05 2:43 2:03 1:38 1:21 1:10 1:01 0:49 0:32
400 C
630 10:30 5:15 3:30 2:37 2:06 1:45 1:30 1:18 1:03 0:42
400 CD
1,600 26:40 13:20 8:53 6:40 5:20 4:26 3:48 3:20 2:40 1:46
400 ND
4,000 66:40 33:20 22:13 16:40 13:20 11:06 9:31 8:20 6:40 4:26
400 NE
8,075 134:35 67:17 44:51 33:38 26:55 22:25 19:13 16:49 13:27 8:58
400 NG
Australia: BOC Limited ABN 95 000 029 729, BOC Healthcare 10 Julius Ave, North Ryde NSW 2113. T: 1300 363 109 F: 1300 363 438 E: hospital.care@boc.com www.boc-healthcare.com.au BOC is a trading name of BOC Limited, a member of The Linde Group. © BOC Ltd 2017. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
Duration is an approximation only. *Gas volume – Litres (at 101.3 kPa 15 °C ).
Contents* 1 lpm 2 lpm 3 lpm 4 lpm 5 lpm 6 lpm 7 lpm 8 lpm 10 lpm 15 lpm
400 B
51,930 856:30 432:45 288:30 216:22 173:06 144:15 123:38 108:11 86:33 57:42
126,000 2,100:00 1,050:00 700:00 525:00 420:00 350:00 300:00 262:30 210:00 140:00
400 NF9 400 NMAN15
Medical Oxygen cylinder duration in hours and minutes (h:m)
HCD18 SFM 0717 V2 5K