British Oxygen Company

Pressure Regulators

Carnet Range of Pressure Regulators Factsheet Sept 2008


2 Pages

Pressure Regulators... safe, precise oxygen therapy The Carnét range of Pressure Regulators provide a safe and convenient way of using high pressure gas cylinders to connect to flowmeters, ventilators and other equipment required to run at low gas pressure.  Variety of approved outlets available  Features and Benefits  819-0009  • State-of-the-art piston style pressure • • • • • •  regulation. Balanced piston design for improved stability of outlet pressure across inlet (cylinder) pressure range. No membrane present which is typical in other diaphragm type regulators – reducing maintenance. Only approved polymers (halogen-free) in contact with the high pressure gas (as per ISO 15001). Variety of input and output connector options. Simple, clean, safe, reliable design. Available for Oxygen, Medical Air and ENTONOX®.  Assured Quality/Standards All Carnét Pressure Regulators have been tested to the exacting technical standards, as specified by the latest ISO standard, allowing them to be CE Marked to the Medical Device Directive, giving you the confidence that comes with a safe and reliable medical device. Carnét Pressure Regulators meet or surpass the requirements of:  • BS 5682 (if fitted) • EN ISO 10524-1 • EN ISO 15001 • MDD 93/42/EEC – Class IIb To find out more or place your order today contact:  08456 447 764 or for 24 hour support visit:  Gas specific inlet  Cylinder contents gauge with luminous face  Device Specifications Maximum Input Pressure: Minimum Input Pressure: Outlet Pressure @ 1 l/min: Temp Range: Warranty Period: Service Interval:  20,000 kPa (200 bar) 900 kPa (9 bar) 400 kPa (4 bar) -20ºC to + 60ºC 1 year 4 years  Product Order Codes:  Specified overleaf  BOC Medical is the exclusive UK distributor of oxygen and suction devices manufactured by BPR Medical (Carnét).
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File Name: British Oxygen Company - Carnet Range of Pressure Regulators Factsheet Sept 2008 - 2008-09.pdf

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