
Burdick 8300 and 8500 ECG Quick Steps Rev B

Quick Steps

2 Pages

Quick Steps  Connect Patient  Precordial Lead Positioning  Refer to User Manual for lead placement  Power On Press  On/ Standby  Acquire ECG - New Patient Information 1 - Press  V1  V2  V3  V4 V5 V 6  Patient  2 - Enter new patient information 3 - Press  ECG  Acquire Stat ECG Press  !  STAT ECG  Add Patient Demographics  1 - Highlight Edit patient information 2 - Press  Select  V1 Fourth intercostal space at right margin of sternum V2 Fourth intercostal space at left margin of sternum V3 Midway between position V2 and V4  3 - Enter patient information  V4 Fifth intercostal space at junction of left midclavicular line  4 - Press  V5 At horizontal level of position V4 at left midaxillary line  Back  twice to return to Patient Review menu  Note: Certain demographics changes prompt to reanalyze and print  V6 At horizontal level of position V4 at left anterior axillary line Limb Lead Placement  Print a copy of ECG  1 - Highlight Quick print ECG 2 - Press  Select  For Continuous Rhythm Printout Press  Manual Rhythm  Press  Stop  to stop printing  For Reorder information 1 - Press  i  Help  2 - Highlight Reorder Information 3 - Press  RA  LA  Select  Technical Support 425.402.2000 option 1 800.426.0337 option 1 (USA) techsupport@cardiacscience.com http:/websupport.cardiacscience.com/webchat/ Outside the United States: Contact your local Cardiac Science representative For more information see the User’s Guide. EC REP  0086  70-00783-02 B  MDDS GmbH, Schiffgraben 41, D-30175, Hannover, Germany  RA LA RL LL  RL  Above inside right wrist Above inside left wrist Above inside right ankle Above inside left ankle  LL  1
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File Name: Burdick 8300 and 8500 ECG Quick Steps Rev B.pdf

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