EH101 Hand Dynamometer Instructions for Use Rev C

Instructions for Use

6 Pages

AGE 10-11  MALE  FEMALE  Weak  Normal  Strong  Weak  Normal  Strong  <27.8  27.8-49.4  >49.4  <26.0  26.0-47.6  >47.6  12-13  <42.8  42.8-68.8  >68.8  <32.2  32.2-53.8  >53.8  14-15  <62.8  62.8-97.7  >97.7  <34.2  34.2-60.2  >60.2  16-17  <71.9  71.9-115.5  >115.5  <37.9  37.9-63.9  >63.9  18-19  <78.7  78.7-122.4  >122.4  <42.3  42.3-68.3  >68.3  20-24  <81.1  81.1-124.8  >124.8  <47.4  47.4-77.8  >77.8  25-29  <83.1  83.1-126.8  >126.8  <56.4  56.4-91.3  >91.3  30-34  <79.4  79.4-123.0  >123.0  <47.4  47.4-77.8  >77.8  35-39  <78.9  78.9-122.6  >122.6  <44.8  44.8-75.2  >75.2  40-44  <78.3  78.3-121.9  >121.9  <41.7  41.7-72.1  >72.1  45-49  <76.5  76.5-120.2  >120.2  <41.0  41.0-71.4  >71.4  50-54  <72.5  72.5-111.8  >111.8  <39.9  39.9-70.3  >70.3  55-59  <67.7  67.7-106.9  >106.9  <39.0  39.0-69.4  >69.4  60-64  <66.6  66.6-105.8  >105.8  <37.9  37.9-68.3  >68.3  65-69  <62.2  62.2-97.0  >97.0  <34.0  34.0-60.0  >60.0  70-99  <47.0  47.0-77.4  >77.4  <32.4  32.4-54.0  >54.0
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File Name: CAMRY - 05EH-001C Ro - EH101 Hand Dynamometer Instructions for Use Rev C.pdf

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