CANÈ S.p.A. Medical Technology

Ambulatory Infusion Pumps

CRONO PCA 50 Short Instructions July 2005

Short Instructions

2 Pages

BUTTONS  SETTINGS  Operations feasible only with key-pad unlocked.  • Setting flow (from 0.05 to 35 ml/h with the following 1st depressing  SCREEN 10 20  10 20  increments:- from 0.05 to 10 with 0.02 ml increments; - from 10 to 35 with 0.05 ml increments).  • Setting bolus dose (from 0.10 to 9.98 ml with 0.02 ml 2nd depressing  BUTTONS  20  increments).  SCREEN  PUMP ACTIVATION  • The screen will show all symbols.  PUMP OFF  • Setting bolus time limitations (- from 5’ to 1 h with  INSERTING BATTERY PHASE  10  10 20  • Piston self-adjust.  3rd depressing  4th depressing  20  increments of 5’ - from 1 h to 24 h with increments of 15’).  • Setting boluses number limitations (0-12 per h).  • Pump switches OFF.  10  10 20  Bolus lock-out possibilities: combination of bolus time and bolus number limitations. The computer always chooses the programming that results in the smallest bolus volume.  BUTTONS and  REVERSING OF THE PUMP PISTON NUMBER OF INFUSIONS DELIVERED  SCREEN  • Setting partial volume (from 20 to 50 ml with 5th depressing  • Reversing of the pump piston to the start position.  10 20  increments of 1 ml - possible only at the begin of a new infusion).  depress simultaneously  /  • Reading the number of infusions delivered.  • Decrease/Increase above parameters.  depressed for 8 seconds  and  • Reset the number of bolus delivered (L0).  BUTTONS  depress simultaneously  PUMP OFF  Confirm the reset of bolus delivered.  20  • Access to PRIME phase.  button  PUMP ON  •Pump switches ON.  10  10  20  20  PRIME CONDITION  • Press for 7 seconds.  press without releasing  SCREEN  Priming possible: only at strat of a new infusion or start of a new partial infusion.  10  KEY-PAD LOCK-OUT  • Key-pad lock level selection.  PRIME  • PRIME (each depressing administers 0.5 ml - max 1.5 ml).  • PRIME phase finish, infusion start. and  • PRIME interruption (if in execution).  depress simultaneously  and depress simultaneously  • Device switch OFF (if PRIME carried out). In case there is a need to prime one or more times during an already started infusion, the clinician bolus can be used  10 20  10 20  10 20  10 20
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File Name: CANÈ S.p.A. Medical Technology - CRONO PCA 50 Short Instructions July 2005 - 2005-07.pdf

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