CANÈ S.p.A. Medical Technology

CRONO Super PID Abbreviated User Guide

Abbreviated User Guide

2 Pages

CRONO Super pID  ambulatory Infusion pump  A B B R E V I AT E D U S E R G U I D E Keep buttons depressed for a few seconds to activate commands. When the pump is locked the syringe symbol blinks.  Battery compartment  Battery InSertIon phaSe  Screen  • Pump safety test • Pusher self-adjust • Pump switches OFF  ButtonS  programmIng  Screen  pump oFF  Conditions for programming: - Pump in OFF; - Start of a new infusion; - Pump unlocked;  .  p  1st depressing  • Syringe size setting (10 / 20 ml)  p  2nd depressing  • End of infusion acoustic signal setting: OFF / ON  p  3rd depressing  • Partial volume setting: 1-20 ml in steps of 1 ml  - /+  • Decrease/Increase above parameters puSher reverSIng / numBer oF InFuSIonS DeLIvereD  p and  -  • Pusher reversing to the infusion starting position  depress simultaneously  -  • Number of infusions delivered  depressed for 8 seconds  10  20  pump on  +  10  • Pump switches ON  ButtonS  prIme  • Pump unlocked: 0.2 ml each depressing • Pump locked: maximum 10 boluses or 2 minutes for priming  p  programmIng  .  pump on  Screen  - /+ -  and  +  depress simultaneously  • Delivery time setting (pump unlocked): - from 1 h to 99 h with 15 min steps - from 15 min to 1 h with 5 min steps (10 ml syringe) - from 30 min to 1 h with 5 min steps (20 ml syringe)  10  pump oFF  • Pump switches OFF  enD oF InFuSIon  Screen • End of infusion • Pusher automatic reversing • Automatic switch OFF
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File Name: CANÈ S.p.A. Medical Technology - CRONO Super PID Abbreviated User Guide.pdf

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