CardioDynamics International Corporation
Noninvasive Impedance Cardiography
BioZ Operator and Service Manual Rev G 2009
Operator and Service Manual
108 Pages

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Operator / Service Manual
Part # 1103087 Revision G August 2009
6175 Nancy Ridge Drive San Diego, California 92121 USA (800)-778-4825 (858)-535-0202 Fax (858)-535-0055
European Representative: medis (A division of CardioDynamics) Medizinische Messtechnik GmbH Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 8 98693 llmenau, Germany
CardioDynamics International Corporation
This document contains confidential information that belongs to CardioDynamics International Corporation. No part of this document may be transmitted, reproduced, used, or disclosed outside of the receiving organization without the written consent of CardioDynamics International Corporation.
CardioDynamics™ BioZ®, BioZ®Dx BioZtect®, BioZ ADVASENSE®, ZMARC® and Z Care® are trademarked names protected by law. This product is manufactured and sold under U.S. Patent No. D468,433; 6,636,754; D471,281; and Patent Pending.
INTRODUCTION _____________________________________________________________ 1
1.1 Theoretical Concepts ... 1 2 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ______________________________________________ 3 2.1 General Warnings and Patient Safety Information ... 3 2.2 Precautions... 7 2.3 Indications... 8 2.4 Contraindications... 8 2.5 Safety Symbols Marked on the Cardiograph... 9 3 GETTING STARTED_________________________________________________________ 11 3.1 The BioZ Dx Impedance Cardiograph ... 11 3.2 The BioZ Dx Control Keys... 13 3.3 The BioZ Dx Keyboard ... 14 3.4 Impedance Cardiography Patient Interface Module (ICG PIM) ... 15 3.5 ICG Lead Wires... 16 3.6 ICG PIM With Accessories ... 16 3.7 PCMCIA Card ... 17 3.8 The BioZ Dx Display... 18 4 OPTIONAL ECG FEATURE __________________________________________________ 25 4.1 Intended Use ... 25 4.2 Indications... 25 4.3 ICG / ECG Launch Screen ... 25 5 PATIENT MONITORING _____________________________________________________ 29 5.1 Patient Preparation... 29 5.2 Apply the Blood Pressure Cuff... 32 5.3 Begin the Patient Monitoring Session ... 34 5.4 Saving Patient Information ... 38 5.5 Reviewing Patient Information... 39 5.6 Archived Patient Information ... 40 5.7 Orders Entry... 42 5.8 Help Command... 44 6 PRINTING THE ICG REPORT ________________________________________________ 49 6.1 ICG Status Report Header ... 50 6.2 ICG Status Report Hemodynamic Parameter Value Section ... 50 6.3 ICG Status Report Waveform Display Section ... 50 6.4 ICG Status Report Footer ... 50 7 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION __________________________________________________ 51 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4
Screen & Report Configuration Screen ... 51 Options Configuration Screen ... 52 Facility Configuration Screen... 54 Password Configuration Screen... 55
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
CardioDynamics International Corporation 7.5 Network Configuration Screen ... 56 7.6 HIPAA Screen ... 57 8 TROUBLESHOOTING _______________________________________________________ 59 8.1 Blood Pressure Errors ... 59 8.2 Printer / Printing Errors ... 61 8.3 Monitoring Errors (ICG)... 63 8.4 Communication and Data Errors ... 65 8.5 System Reset... 67 8.6 Software Installation Instructions ... 67 8.7 Power Management ... 67 9 ICG BIOZ DX CARE AND MAINTENANCE ____________________________________ 69 9.1 Cleaning External Surfaces... 69 9.2 Cleaning the Print Head... 70 9.3 Cleaning the Paper Sensor Lens ... 70 9.4 Replacing Printer Paper ... 71 9.5 Battery Maintenance and Care... 73 9.6 Storing and Charging the Battery ... 74 9.7 Replacing the Batteries ... 76 9.8 Removing and Replacing the AC Fuse... 77 9.9 Ordering replacement parts... 77 10 ICG BIOZ DX SUGGESTED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE _______________________ 79 10.1 ICG Maintenance Test... 79 10.2 NIBP Maintenance Test... 81 10.3 Version Control Check ... 83 11 SAFETY TESTS _____________________________________________________________ 85 11.1 Safety Test S1 - Earth Leakage ... 85 11.2 Safety Test S2 - Protective Earth Resistance... 85 11.3 Safety Test S3 - Leads Leakage Current ... 85 12 NOMINAL SPECIFICATIONS_________________________________________________ 87 12.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)... 90 13 Z CARE® STANDARD WARRANTY ___________________________________________ 91 14 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT__________________________________________ 93 15 APPENDIX A. HEMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS _______________________________ 95 16 APPENDIX B. GLOSSARY OF TERMS ________________________________________ 97 17 INDEX ____________________________________________________________________ 102
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TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 BioZ Dx and Cart: ... 11 Figure 3-2 Rear Panel:... 12 Figure 3-3 BioZ Dx Control Keys ... 13 Figure 3-4 PIM Front and Rear ... 15 Figure 3-5 ICG Lead Wires... 16 Figure 3-6 ICG PIM with accessories... 16 Figure 3-7 PCMCIA Card Assembly... 17 Figure 3-8 PCMCIA Card Eject Button ... 17 Figure 3-9 Monitoring Screen ... 18 Figure 4-1 ICG / ECG Launch Screen ... 25 Figure 4-2 ICG Launch Icon ... 26 Figure 4-3 ICG Launch Screen ... 27 Figure 5-1 ICG Sensor Placement Diagram ... 31 Figure 5-2 Patient ID Screen ... 34 Figure 5-3 Retrieve Records Screen... 36 Figure 5-4 Save Dialog ... 38 Figure 5-5 Review Screen... 39 Figure 5-6 Archive Screen... 40 Figure 5-7 Orders Entry... 42 Figure 5-8 Orders Entry... 43 Figure 5-9 Help Screen ... 44 Figure 5-10 Help Screen ... 45 Figure 5-11 Help Screen ... 46 Figure 5-12 Help Screen ... 47 Figure 5-13 Help Screen ... 48 Figure 6-1 ICG Status Report... 49 Figure 7-1 Screen & Report Screen ... 51 Figure 7-2 Options Screen... 52 Figure 7-3 Facility Screen... 54 Figure 7-4 Password Screen ... 55 Figure 7-5 Network Screen... 56 Figure 7-6 HIPAA Screen... 58 Figure 8-1 System Reset button ... 67 Figure 9-1 Cleaning the Print Head... 70 Figure 9-2 Inserting Paper... 71 Figure 9-3 Paper Sensor Hole... 71 Figure 9-4 Lower Paper Bar ... 72 Figure 9-5 Tearing Off the Paper... 72 Figure 9-6 Replacing the Battery Packs... 76 Figure 9-7 Replacing the AC fuse ... 77 Figure 10-1 ICG Check Screen ... 79 Figure 10-2 Example NIBP Test Set-up ... 81 Figure 10-3 Blood Pressure Check Screen ... 82 Figure 10-4 Version Control Check Screen ... 83
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BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
Before using the BioZ Dx, carefully and completely read the instructions in this manual. If you do not understand the instructions or need additional information contact CardioDynamics International Corporation (CDIC) at the address listed on the cover of this manual.
The BioZ Dx (cardiograph) is an innovative noninvasive impedance cardiography (ICG) device that provides hemodynamic parameters based on the measurement of thoracic electrical bioimpedance. Specifically, the BioZ Dx allows for assessment of a patient’s hemodynamic status and ventricular function by determining 24 hemodynamic parameters, some of which areindexed. In addition, the BioZ Dx allows the operator to: •
Observe trends in the patient’s status
Measure Blood Pressure with the integrated Blood Pressure monitor
View, store, and review the collected data and/or waveforms
Print reports of hemodynamic parameters with date and time annotations
Download files to a PCMCIA Card
Utilize security precautions – Password protection for system configuration
Networking capabilities
1.1 Theoretical Concepts Note: The initial use of thoracic electrical bioimpedance was supported by impedance cardiography and plethysmography assessments. Today, many terms are used interchangeably when discussing impedance cardiography: Thoracic electrical bioimpedance (TEB), thoracic electrical impedance, and electrical bioimpedance. In this manual, the term impedance cardiography or ICG will be used. ICG is a technology that quantifies the mechanical activity of the heart (blood flow) as opposed to its electrical activity (ECG). The fundamental theoretical basis of ICG involves direct measurement of base impedance, velocity index, acceleration index, pre-ejection period, ventricular ejection time, and heart rate. These measurements are then used to calculate additional hemodynamic parameters. The application of ICG to determine hemodynamic parameters is based on the following principles: Biological tissues, such as muscle, bone, fat and blood, all have different electrical properties. Of these tissues, blood is the most electrically conductive. Since arterial blood flow is pulsatile and arterial vessel walls are compliant, pulsatile changes in blood volume occur in the thoracic arterial system, predominantly in the aorta, as a result of ventricular function. This change in blood volume results in a change in the electrical conductivity and thus the impedance of the thorax to electrical current. Changes in the electrical impedance of the thorax are primarily due to changes in the velocity and volume of the blood in the aorta. The BioZ Dx measures this change in impedance by injecting a high frequency (60 kHz Minimum), low amplitude (4.0 mA rms Maximum) alternating electrical current through the thorax between a pair BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
CardioDynamics International Corporation of sensors placed on the neck and another pair placed on the mid-axillary line at the xiphoid process level. Use of a high frequency current eliminates the possibility of interference with bioelectrical activity of the heart and brain. Additionally, as the skin-to-sensor impedance is very low at high frequency, there are no thermal effects to tissue, thus no sensation to the patient. By detecting and measuring the change in thoracic impedance as a function of time, the BioZ Dx is able to non-invasively calculate stroke volume, cardiac output and many other hemodynamic parameters.
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
2.1 General Warnings and Patient Safety Information The BioZ Dx and the ICG Patient Interface Module (PIM) isolates all connections to the patient from electrical ground and all other conductive circuits in the Cardiograph and/or ICG PIM. This reduces the possibility of hazardous currents passing from the Cardiograph and ICG PIM through the patient’s heart to ground. Observe the following to ensure patient and operator safety:
TYPE BF is generally for devices that have conductive contact with the patient, or have applied parts that are fixed in medium or long-term contact with the patient, e.g. ICG electrodes.
The use of equipment that applies high frequency voltages to the patient (including electrosurgical equipment and some respiration transducers) is not supported and may produce undesired results. Disconnect the ECG Patient Interface Module (PIM) data cable from the cardiograph, or detach the ECG leads from the patient prior to performing any procedure that uses high frequency surgical equipment.
Do not perform ST analysis on the Real Time ECG screen display or on ECG Rhythm reports when the 0.5 Hz Baseline Wander filter is applied.
If abnormal ECG data appears on the printed ECG report, and the abnormal data does not have a physiological origin, perform the printer diagnostic test to assess printer performance.
When printing an ECG Rhythm report, there may be a slight delay before the Rhythm report begins to print on the cardiograph. Rhythm printing is not completed in real-time.
Pace pulse tick marks will not print on an ECG Auto report that uses simultaneous acquisition.
Periodically inspect the ECG PIM data cable, lead wires, and AC power cord for any worn or cracked insulation to ensure that no inner conductive material is exposed. Discard worn accessories and replace them only with CardioDynamics authorized accessories.
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
CardioDynamics International Corporation
The ECG PIM data cable (supplied with cardiograph) is an integral part of the cardiograph safety features. Use of any other patient data cable not authorized by CardioDynamics may compromise defibrillation protection, degrade cardiograph performance, and may result in distorted ECG data.
Ensure that the ECG electrodes or lead wires do not come in contact with any other conductive materials (including earth-grounded materials) especially when connecting or disconnecting ECG electrodes to or from a patient.
Portable medical equipment such as X-rays and MRI may produce electromagnetic interference that produces noise in the ECG signal. Move the cardiograph away from these potential sources of electromagnetic interference.
When using additional peripheral equipment powered from an electrical source other than the cardiograph, the combination is considered to be a medical system. It is the responsibility of the operator to comply with IEC 60601-1-1 and test the medical system according to the requirements.
Do not use non-medical peripherals within 1.83 meters or 6 feet of a patient unless the non-medical peripherals receive power from the cardiograph or from an isolation transformer that meets medical safety standards.
Only install CardioDynamics authorized software on the cardiograph. The installation or use of software not authorized by CardioDynamics is strictly prohibited and cardiograph safety and performance are not guaranteed.
Only use CardioDynamics authorized replacement parts and supplies with the cardiograph. The use of non-approved replacement parts and supplies with the cardiograph is strictly prohibited. Cardiograph safety and performance are not guaranteed when non-approved replacement parts and supplies are used with the cardiograph.
Manual measurements of the 12-Lead ECG intervals and magnitudes should be performed on printed ECG reports only. Do not make manual measurements of ECG intervals and magnitudes on the R/T ECG display since these ECG representations are scaled.
There are no cardiograph parts that can be sterilized.
The cardiograph is not intended for direct or invasive cardiac monitoring purposes.
The physician should not base patient clinical assessments solely on the output of the BioZ Dx device.
Excessive, repetitive use of the cardiograph keyboard and the cardiograph Trim Knob may result in a risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
Ensure that the ICG and ECG patient data cables and lead wires are tucked away from the wheels of the cardiograph cart when transporting the cardiograph. Ensure that the patient data cables do not present a hazard when pushing the cardiograph cart.
When operating the BioZ Dx on AC power, ensure that the BioZ Dx and all other electrical equipment connected to or near the patient are effectively grounded.
Only qualified personnel may service the cardiograph.
Do not touch the patient, patient cable, ICG PIM, or BioZ Dx during defibrillation. Death or injury may occur from the electrical shock delivered by the defibrillator.
Ensure that the sensor gel, sensors or lead wires do not contact any other conductive materials (including earth-grounded materials) during patient monitoring and/or when connecting and disconnecting sensors/patient cable lead wires to and from the patient. Contact with any of these materials may result in incorrect parameter values.
Connecting multiple cardiographs and/or other medical devices to the same patient may pose a safety hazard due to summation of leakage currents. Any potential combination of instruments should be evaluated by local safety personnel prior to being placed into service or applied to a patient.
Do not connect any equipment to the BioZ Dx RS-232, USB, media, keyboard, and/or RJ41 port(s) that do not meet medical safety requirements and that has not been evaluated by local safety personnel.
Do not connect any equipment other than authorized by CDIC to the BioZ Dx RS-232, media, keyboard, and/or RJ-41 port(s) if a patient is connected to the BioZ Dx via the ICG PIM when properly connected to the USB port.
Unauthorized equipment connected to the BioZ Dx RS-232, USB, media, keyboard, and/or RJ-41 port can cause ground leakage currents exceeding the maximum specified IEC 60601-1 safety standards.
Do not connect any device to the RS-232 port on the rear of the cardiograph when the patient data cable is connected to a patient.
As a Class II, Type BF device under the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the BioZ Dx is not specifically intended to monitor variations in cardiac performance that could result in immediate danger to the patient.
Caution: In the U.S., Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Explosive Hazard: Do not use in the presence of flammable anesthetics or gases.
ICG Sensors are to be placed externally on the skin only and are not for direct cardiac application.
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
CardioDynamics International Corporation
DO NOT ALLOW patients to wear ICG Sensors when undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) due to risk of second and third degree burns.
ICG Sensors are single time use devices and should be replaced after a maximum of 24 hours of use. While the patient contact materials have been fully evaluated to the guidelines of ISO-10993-1 (Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices) for biocompatibility, skin irritation may occur at the sites of sensor placement. If local skin irritation occurs beneath or around any of the sensor sites, discontinue product use and remove the sensors. Persistent use of the device in the presence of skin irritation may be harmful.
For safe and proper operation this device is to be connected to a grounded receptacle via a grounded power cord (three-wire power cords with grounded plugs). Never adapt a grounded plug to fit an ungrounded outlet. If an ungrounded plug adapter is required, use the Equipotential Bonding Receptacle (per DIN 42801) to connect the BioZ Dx to the institution’s equipotential system.
The patient data cables and sensors specified and included with the BioZ Dx are designed specifically for protection against the effects of cardiac defibrillators and radio-surgery equipment. Do not use any other type of patient cable or sensors with this device.
Disposal of this product and/or any of its accessories shall be in accordance with any and all local regulations.
Do not allow fluid of any kind to penetrate the device enclosure or come into direct contact with any cables and/or power cord connectors. Contact with fluid may result in either incorrect parameter values or damage to the device or may result in injury to operator or patient.
Always store patient cables and/or power cords properly to avoid potential injury due to tripping.
Do not place additional equipment on BioZ Dx cart as it may increase the risk for tipping and potential injury if BioZ Dx strikes the user or patient.
The BioZ Dx device applies low-level AC current to the thorax of a patient during a monitoring session. Implanted devices with electrical sensors (such as Minute Ventilationbased pacemakers) may detect the BioZ's current and exhibit erratic sensor operation. It is recommended that electrical sensors of implanted devices be disabled prior to starting a BioZ monitoring session.
Keep the patient data cables away from power cords and any other electrical equipment.
Warranty is made on original product purchase only and is not transferable.
CDIC products are designed, tested and warranted as complete systems consisting of integrated hardware and consumables. As a result, CDIC cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy or results of tests done with CDIC hardware products when third party consumables (such as sensors) are used to perform tests with such products.
Any attempt to modify any CDIC product from its original condition as delivered to Buyer, or any use or integration with or into a CDIC product of parts or components not approved by CDIC will void the warranty for that product BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 2.2 Precautions As with electronic equipment, Radio Frequency (RF) interference between the BioZ Dx and any existing RF transmitting or receiving equipment at the installation site, including electrosurgical equipment, should be evaluated carefully and any limitations noted before the equipment is placed in service. Radio frequency generation from electrosurgical equipment at close proximity to transmitters may seriously degrade performance. Like all electronic devices, this BioZ Dx is susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Electrostatic discharge typically occurs when electrostatic energy is transferred to the patient, the sensors, or the cardiograph. ESD may result in ECG and/or ICG artifact that may appear as narrow spikes on the BioZ Dx display and/or printed report. When ESD occurs, the BioZ Dx ECG and/or ICG interpretation may be inconsistent with the physician interpretation. CardioDynamics assumes no liability for failures resulting from RF interference between the BioZ Dx and any radio frequency generating equipment. Use of accessories other than those recommended by CardioDynamics may compromise product performance. Impedance Cardiography (ICG) is a theoretical model of blood flow movement and is subject to inaccuracies in cases where the model does not fit a particular patient’s clinical circumstances. Conditions that may limit the accuracy of the data and/or result in the inability to obtain hemodynamic measurements are listed below: •
Septic shock
Left bundle branch block (LBBB)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib)
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome
Sustained bigeminy
Aortic valve regurgitation
AV valve insufficiency
Severe hypertension (MAP > 130 mmHg)
Patient heights below 48” (120 cm) or above 90” (230 cm)
Patient weights less than 67 lbs. (30 kg) or greater than 341 lbs. (155 kg)
Patient Movement
Aortic Balloon Pump
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
CardioDynamics International Corporation Observe the following considerations when using the BioZ Dx: •
During open chest surgery, the BioZ Dx may produce inaccurate values because of the change in the normal pattern of blood flow and/or the electrical current flow through the chest cavity. In addition, during post-operative recovery monitoring, patient shivering and motion may produce excessive artifacts that may affect the accuracy of the BioZ Dx.
Do not pull on the paper when printing the report. This can cause the waveform to be distorted on the report and lead to misinterpretation by the clinician.
Signal interference caused by other equipment may occur if cables and/or power cords of the BioZ Dx and other equipment cross over each other.
The BioZ Dx should not be used concurrently on patients with Minute Ventilation pacemakers when the MV sensor function is activated.
2.3 Indications • The BioZ Dx is designed for use with an adult in a supine position. •
The BioZ Dx and its components are not designed, sold, or intended for use except as described in this document.
For hygienic purposes, single use patient sensors are specified when using this device.
The device classification for BioZ Dx is Class II (US FDA), Class IIa (European Medical Device Directive), and Class II (Canadian Medical Device Regulations)
The blood pressure cuff provided with the BioZ Dx is non-conductive thus assuring no risk of burning the patient during radio surgical procedures such as electrocautery.
The patient cable circuitry affords a high degree of patient isolation from potential ground faults.
Contraindications 2.4 None known.
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
Safety Symbols Marked on the Cardiograph Equipotential grounding post Attention
Equipotential grounding post used for establishing common ground between instruments. See
Use. Fuse
Mouse (Not Used) Cardiograph contains a 1.5 amp (250V) timedelay fuse. The receptacle marked by this icon is not being used at this time.
USB Connector
The USB connection on the back of the cardiograph is used to connect to the PIM.
The connector near this symbol receives an incoming signal.
Pressing the button with this symbol turns on the cardiograph or puts the cardiograph into Standby (power saving mode).
BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
Prior to monitoring a patient, it is recommended that the User become familiar with the BioZ Dx through the use of this Manual. Please pay close attention to all of the Warnings and Cautions included in this Manual. After review of this manual, the User should feel competent to begin a “live” monitoring session on a patient. 3.1
The BioZ Dx Impedance Cardiograph I
Figure 3-1 and Cart: A ICG Patient Cable Yoke
ICG Lead Wires
B On/Standby button
Wheel Brake
C Display
Control Keys
D Printer Paper / Report Storage Slot
E Storage Shelf
Trim Knob
F ICG Patient Cable
Printer Paper Drawer
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Figure 3-2 Rear Panel:
Reset Button Pinhole
Barcode Reader or Magnetic Card Reader Connector (ECG Application Only)
PCMCIA Card Eject Button
ICG PIM Connector (ICG Application) SmartCard Reader (ECG Application)
PCMCIA Card Slot
ECG PIM Connector (ECG Application)
AC Power Connector
Battery Door
Equipotential Ground Post
Fuse Door
Serial Connector (Not Supported)
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BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
The BioZ Dx Control Keys The Cardiograph has seven Control Keys located on the left and to the right of the display respectively.
Figure 3-3 BioZ Dx Control Keys
A On / Standby: Turn ON/Off Cardiograph, or set to Standby
E Auto Print: Print an ICG Report
B Standby Indicator: When lit, the cardiograph is in Standby (power save) mode and the screen is black
F Rhythm: Not enabled on “ICG only” devices (See Philips Getting Started Guide, M499291120, for ECG application)
C AC Power Indicator: When lit, the cardiograph is plugged into AC power
G Copy: Print a copy of the latest ICG report
D Patient ID: Allows User to input, view, H Page: Advance the paper to the beginning of or edit patient information such as height, the next page weight, DOB, etc. Also initiates a I Stop: Stop monitoring session monitoring session. BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
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CardioDynamics International Corporation 3.2 The BioZ Dx Keyboard The Cardiograph keyboard is equipped with symbolically labeled keys. SHIFT
ENTER: Exits a Screen and saves information
TAB: Moves cursor from field to field
TRIM KNOB: Rotating allows the User to navigate through various Dialog boxes, the Status and Command Bars. Pressing allows the User to accept entered information and advance to the next field and/or command as applicable.
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BioZ®Dx Operator / Service Manual
Impedance Cardiography Patient Interface Module (ICG PIM)
A Noninvasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) module connector
System test lead wire connectors
B ICG Patient cable connector
ICG PIM data cable (connects to USB port on cardiograph)
Figure 3-4 PIM Front and Rear CAUTION:
To ensure safety and prevent damage to the system, connect the ICG PIM data cable ONLY to the USB port on the cardiograph.
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