Carestream Health Inc
Models QT-740 and QT-750 Operators Manual Rev J
Operators Manual
52 Pages

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Models QT-740 and QT-750
Fixed/Elevating Float-Top Radiographic Tables Operator’s Manual
Manual Part No. DC30-006 Revision J
This manual is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No portion of this document may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent in writing from Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC. (QMI)
Copyright© 2010 QMI
Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC 2002-B Orville Drive North Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 USA Phone: (631) 567-5800 Fax: (631) 567-5074 E-mail:
Made in U.S.A.
Revision History
Initial Release.
Incorporated ECO 0245
Added UL mark
Incorporated ECO 1359
Incorporated ECO 1583
Incorporate ECO 2123, 2173, 2199, and updated CE mark
Incorporate ECO 2011, 2092
Incorporate ECO 2231, 2242, 2266, 2285, 2286
Incorporate ECO 2398, 2432
Page Number
i - iv
1-1 thru 1-14
2-1 thru 2-8
3-1 thru 3-12
4-1 thru 4-4
5-1 thru 5-8
Page Number
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Page Number
Revision J
Revision History
Revision J
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Table of Contents
Chapter 2 General Information OVERVIEW ...2-3 KEY FEATURES ...2-3 INTENDED USE ...2-4 RECEPTOR OPTIONS ...2-5 MAIN COMPONENTS ...2-6
Chapter 3 Operation OVERVIEW ...3-3 TABLE CONTROLS ...3-3 TABLE TOP FLOAT MOTION (ALL MODELS) ...3-3 FOOT PEDAL DISABLE SWITCH (ALL MODELS) ...3-6 ELEVATING MOTION (MODEL QT-750 ONLY) ...3-7 LOWERING THE TABLE TOP ...3-8 RAISING THE TABLE TOP ...3-9 IMAGE RECEPTOR CABINET LOCK ...3-9 CASSETTE TRAY OPERATION ...3-9 Loading Cassette Tray (Quantum Type) ...3-10 Loading Cassette Tray (Poersch Type) ...3-11 DIGITAL RECEPTOR CABINET OPTIONS ...3-12 Digital Receptor Lateral (Left-to-Right) Motion ...3-12
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Revision J
Table of Contents
Chapter 4 User Maintenance OVERVIEW ...4-3 USER MAINTENANCE ...4-3 Cleaning ...4-4 Quantum Trays ...4-4 Poersch Trays ...4-4 Digital Receptor Cabinet (Options) ...4-4
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Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION Quantum products are designed to meet stringent safety standards. All medical electrical equipment requires proper installation, operation, and maintenance (particularly with regard to safety). It is vital that the user read, understand, note, and where applicable, strictly observe all Warnings, Cautions, Notes and Safety markings within this document and on the equipment, and that the user strictly follow all safety directions in this manual to help ensure the safety of users and patients. Every reasonable precaution has been taken during manufacture to safeguard the health and safety of persons who will operate this equipment. The following precautions must be observed at all times.
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, NOTES The following samples show how warnings, cautions, and notes appear in this document. The text explains their intended use. WARNING
Indicates injury or death is possible if the instructions are not obeyed. Instructs users to refer to documentation if displayed without warning text.
Indicates that damage to equipment is possible if the instructions are not obeyed.
Notes provide advice and highlight unusual points. A note is not intended as an instruction.
The purpose of safety icons, such as those shown below, is to indicate at a glance the type of caution, warning or danger.
Ionizing radiation: indicates the possibility of increased levels of radiation.
Dangerous voltage: indicates the presence of high voltage.
Warning, hot surface.
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Revision J
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
WARNING Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC disclaims all responsibility from any injury resulting from improper application of this equipment. This equipment is sold to be used exclusively under the prescribed direction of a person who is licensed by law to operate equipment of this nature. This equipment must be used in accordance with all safety procedures described in this manual and must not be used for purposes other than those described herein. In the United States, Federal law restricts this device to sale, distribution, and use by or on order of a licensed physician. Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC cannot assume responsibility for any malfunctioning of this equipment resulting from improper operation, maintenance, or repair, or from damage or modification of its components. Failure to observe these warnings may cause serious injuries.
WARNING X-rays are hazardous to both patient and operator unless established safe exposure factors and operating instructions are observed. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall operate this system. In this context, qualified means those legally permitted to operate this equipment in the jurisdiction in which the equipment is being used, and authorized means those authorized by the authority controlling the use of the equipment. Full use must be made of all radiation protection features, devices, systems, procedures and accessories. It is important that everyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 800, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3095 (, and of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (, and take adequate steps to protect against injury.
WARNING X-ray equipment may cause injury if used improperly. The instructions contained in this manual must be read and followed when operating this unit. Personal radiation monitoring and protective devices are available. You are urged to use them to protect against unnecessary x-ray exposure.
Revision J
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
REGULATORY COMPLIANCE This certified Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC medical device has been designed, manufactured, and calibrated to comply with governing Federal Regulations 21 CFR Subchapter J and the performance standards attendant thereto. Upon installation, all certified products require the filing of Form FD-2579 "Report of Assembly of a Diagnostic X-ray System" by the assembler (i.e., the installer) with the appropriate agencies; the "Installation Quality Assurance Checklist" must also be completed and properly distributed upon installation. A copy of each form (pink copy) is provided to the user. The installation report is completed by the installer and returned to Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC. Those responsible for the planning of x-ray equipment installations must be thoroughly familiar and comply completely with NCRP Report No. 49, "Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Medical Use of X-Rays and Gamma Rays of Energies up to 10 MeV", as revised or replaced in the future. Those authorized to operate, test, participate in or supervise the operation of the equipment must be thoroughly familiar and comply completely with the currently established safe exposure factors and procedures described in publications such as Subchapter J of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, "Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their Major Components," and NCRP Report No. 102, “Medical X-Ray, Electron Beam and Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 50 MeV-Equipment Design and Use” as revised or replaced in the future. This equipment must only be used in rooms that comply with all applicable laws or regulations that have the force of law, concerning electrical safety for this type of equipment. Scheduled maintenance is essential to the assurance of continued integrity of this equipment with respect to regulatory compliance. The continuance of certified performance to the regulatory standard is incumbent upon the user's diligent conformance to recommended maintenance instructions. CLASSIFICATION This product has been classified as Class I, Type B by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or with nitrous oxide. Protection against Harmful Ingress of Water (Ordinary), enclosed equipment without protection against ingress of liquids. MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WITH RESPECT TO ELECTRIC SHOCK, FIRE, MECHANICAL HAZARDS ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH UL 60601-1 AND CAN/CSA C22.2 NO. 601.1 98UA
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Revision J
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
The following symbols may be used for marking on this equipment or equipment documentation:
Non-ionizing Radiation
Dangerous Voltage
Earth (ground)
Type B Equipment
Protective Earth (ground)
Attention, consult accompanying documents
Connection point for the neutral conductor on PERMANENTLY INSTALLED EQUIPMENT
Enable tabletop float (releases transverse and longitudinal locks)
Enable Tabletop Up Motion
Enable Tabletop Down Motion
Alternating current
COMPATIBILITY The equipment described in this manual must only be used in combination with other equipment or components if these are expressly recognized by Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC as compatible. INTENDED OPERATOR The radiographic table is intended to be installed, used and operated only in accordance with the safety procedures given within this manual for the purpose for which it was designed. Before attempting to work with this equipment, read, understand, note and strictly observe all warnings, cautions and safety markings on the equipment. Users include those persons who actually handle the equipment and those who have authority over the equipment. TRAINING Users of the radiographic table shall have received adequate training on its safe and effective use before attempting to work with the equipment. Training requirements may vary from country to country. The User shall make sure that training is received in accordance with local laws or regulations that have the force of law.
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Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION The documentation consists of a User manual (this document) and related documentation: •
Service Manual P/N DC30-007: Contains technical and service documentation for this product, including installation and configuration instructions to be performed by qualified persons
The documentation shall be kept with the system for easy reference. APPLICABLE STANDARDS This equipment complies with the following regulatory standards: •
FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) - Title 21 CFR Subchapter J
EN 60601-1: 1990 + A1:1993 + A2:1995 + A13:1996
IEC 60601-2-32: 1994
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1-M90, 2005 (Medical Electrical Equipment, part 1: General Requirements for Safety)
UL 60601-1, 1st Edition, 2006-04-26 (Medical Electrical Equipment, part 1: General Requirements for Safety)
IEC 60601-1 Medical electrical equipment, Part 1: General requirements for safety
IEC 60601-1-2: 2007
EC Directive 93/42/EEC for Medical Devices EU Authorized Representative: Medizintechnik Berlin GmbH Altentreptower, Strasse 59 12683 Berlin - Germany Phone: +49-302-82 4726 Fax: +49-302-82 6382 E-mail:
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION This equipment contains certain materials and chemical compounds incidental to the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment, and improper "end-of-life" disposal of such equipment can result in environmental contamination. Therefore, this equipment should not be disposed of as ordinary household waste, but should instead be delivered to a designated electrical and electronic waste disposal or recycling center. For further information on disposing of electrical and electronic waste, contact the cognizant authority within the jurisdiction.
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
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Chapter 1 Safety Notices
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EN 60601-1-2:2007/IEC 606011-2:2007) Fixed (Model QT-740) and Elevating (Model QT-750) Radiographic Tables are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. As such, the tables must be installed and put into service according to the information provided in the accompanying Service Manual. Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical equipment. It is therefore recommended that the operation of equipment of this type, such as mobile telephones, cordless microphones and other similar mobile radio equipment, be restricted from the vicinity of this device. Use of accessories, transducers and cables, other than those specified in the accompanying documents, may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the equipment. Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic emissions
The Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table should assure that it is used in such an environment. Emissions test
Electromagnetic environment guidance
RF emissions CISPR 11
Group 1
The Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table uses RF energy only for their internal functions. Therefore, the RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.
RF emissions CISPR 11
Class A
Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2
Class A
Voltage fluctuations/ flicker emissions IEC 61000-3-3
The Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table is suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
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Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity
The Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity test
IEC 60601 test level
Compliance level
Electromagnetic environment - guidance
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2
±6 kV contact ±8 kV air
±6 kV contact ±8 kV air
Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative humidity should be at least 30%.
Electrical fast transient/burst IEC 61000-4-4
±2 kV for power supply lines ±1 kV for input/output lines
±2 kV for power supply lines ±1 kV for input/output lines
Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.
Surge IEC 61000-4-5
±1 kV differential mode ±2 kV common mode
±1 kV differential mode ±2 kV common mode
Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.
Voltage dips, short interruption, and voltage variations on power supply input lines IEC 60601-4-11
< 5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 0.5 cycle
< 5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 0.5 cycle
40% UT (60% dip in UT) for 5 cycles
40% UT (60% dip in UT) for 5 cycles
70% UT (30% dip in UT) < 5% UT (> 95% dip in UT) for 5 s
70% UT (30% dip in UT) < 5% UT (> 95% dip in UT) for 5 s
Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If the user of the Model QT-740 or QT750 Radiographic Table requires continued operation during power mains interruptions, it is recommended that the Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table be powered from an uninterruptible power supply or battery.
3 A/m
3 A/m
Power frequency (50/60 Hz) IEC 61000-4-8
Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels characteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial or hospital environment
NOTE: UT is the A.C. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Revision J
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity
The Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the HF Series of X-ray generators (including TechVision option) should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity test
IEC 60601 test level
Compliance level
Electromagnetic environment - guidance Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter. Recommended separation distance
Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6
3 Vrms 150 kHz to 80MHz
3 Vrms
Radiated RF IEC 61000-4-3
3 V/m 80 MHz to 2,5 GHz
3 V/m
d 1,2 P d 1,2 P
, 80 MHz to 800 MHz
d 2,3 P
, 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in metres (m). Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site surveya, should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range.b Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:
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Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies. NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. a
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the HF Series of X-ray generators (including TechVision option) should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table. b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 kHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
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Chapter 1 Safety Notices
Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the HF Series of X-ray generators (including TechVision option)
The Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the Model QT-740 or QT750 Radiographic Table can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Model QT-740 or QT-750 Radiographic Table as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment. Rated maximum output power of transmitter W
Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter m 150 kHz to 80 MHz
d 1,2 P
80 MHz to 800 MHz
d 1,2 P
800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
d 2,3 P
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer. NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies. NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
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Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
ABBREVIATION DEFINITION The following abbreviations and acronyms may be found in this document. Their definition is explained below. CDRH
Center for Devices for Radiological Health
Digital Receptor
National Council on Radiation Protection
Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC
Revision J
Chapter 1 Safety Notices
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Models QT-740 & QT-750 - Operator’s Manual Quantum Medical Imaging, LLC