User Manual
120 Pages

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CS4200- 3
CS 3D Imaging
User Guide
Notice © Carestream Health, Inc., 2011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated to another language, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise, without prior written permission. NEITHER CARESTREAM DENTAL, NOR ITS PARENTS OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES MAKES ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This user guide has been updated to reflect software version 3.1.9. The information in this document is subject to change. Neither Carestream Dental, nor any of its subsidiaries shall be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental damages in conjunction with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. The Kodak trademark and trade dress are used under license from Kodak. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. U.S. Federal law restricts the Kodak 9000 3D extraoral imaging system, the CS 9000 3D extraoral imaging system, the Kodak 9000C 3D extraoral imaging system, the CS 9000C 3D extraoral imaging system, the Kodak 9500 3D extraoral imaging system, the CS 9500 3D extraoral imaging system, the CS 9300 extraoral imaging system, and the CS 9300C extraoral imaging system, to sale by or on the order of a dentist or physician. This software is used only with Carestream digital radiology systems. The statement of conformity to the Medical Device Directive is included in the declaration of conformity of each system. Intended Use: Display 3D images for medical and dental use. Document Name: CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide Part Number: CS4200 Revision Number: 3 Publication Date: 2011-05 The names of persons and the data reflected in this guide are fictitious and are not intended to represent any real individual, event, or condition. Any resemblance or similarity of the names of persons or data reflected in this guide to any actual person’s name or any event or condition is purely coincidental and unintended. This document is originally written in English.
Warning This software has been designed to be used by dentists, ENT specialists, radiologists, and other medical professionals who have training and skills adapted to the interpretation of 3D radiological images. Their respective assistants may use the software if they have been trained on 3D imaging.
Chapter 1
Conventions in this Guide... 1
About This Guide Chapter 2
Minimum Computer System Requirements... 3
Setting Preferences
Setting Preferences... 4
Chapter 3
Parts of the Screen... 15
Getting to Know
Icon Groups... 16
Your Software
Working with Standard Views... 17 Tools in the View Windows... 18 Understanding the Numbers on MPR Views... 19 Millimeter Measurements... 19 Zoom Number... 20 Relative Density... 20 Adjustments... 21 MPR Adjustments... 21 3D Adjustments... 22 The Sliders... 23 3D Palette... 23 Planes Tool... 25 Mouse Settings... 25 Annotating Images: Common Tools... 26 Using the Patient Information Window... 28
Chapter 4
Orthogonal Slicing Tab... 29
Using the Tabs
Curved Slicing Tab... 31 Creating a Reconstructed-Panoramic Image (Dental)... 32 Tracing a Nerve Canal (Dental)... 38 Creating a Temporal Bone View (ENT)... 42 Custom Slicing Tab... 46 Creating a Temporal-Mandibular Joint View (Dental)... 47 Creating an Ear View (ENT)... 50
CS User’s Guide (CS4200) User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
Oblique Slicing Tab... 53 Drawing and Measuring... 56 Chapter 5 Managing Preset Libraries
Working with Windowing Presets... 59 Windowing Presets Library... 60 Working with Color Palettes... 63 Color Palette Manager... 64
Chapter 6
View Snapshot Button...70
Orienting the 3D
Maximize/Minimize Buttons...70
Dual Screen Button... 71 Sagittal Orientation Button... 71 Coronal Orientation Button...72 Axial Orientation Button...73 Perspective Orientation Button...74 Orientation Indicator...74 Freeform Rotation...74 Examples... 75 Hints and Tips... 75
Chapter 7
Placing an Implant...77
Using the Implant
Manually Adding an Implant... 81
Using the Implants List... 83 Managing Implant Libraries... 85 Adding an Implant Manufacturer... 86 Removing an Implant Manufacturer...87 Exporting a Personal Library... 89 Importing a Personal Library... 91 Available Implants Manufacturers... 92
Chapter 8
Saving and Viewing Patient Analyses... 94
Using the Export
Using the Film Composer...97
Choosing a different template... 99 Changing Display mode... 100 Using the Layout panel... 101 Empty frames... 101 Multi-slice images... 102 Frame display options... 103 Using Design mode... 104 Printing your compositions... 105
Creating a Screenshot of the Current Workspace... 106 Exporting a Patient File to CD... 107 Exporting a Patient File to a USB Key... 107 Generating a Cross-Section... 108 Chapter 9
Using the Reformatting Tool... 111
Using the Reformatting Tool
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
About This Guide
Conventions in this Guide The following special messages emphasize information or indicate potential risk to personnel or equipment:
WARNING Warns you to avoid injury to your patients by following the instructions precisely. IMPORTANT Alerts you to a condition that might cause problems. NOTE Emphasizes important information. TIP Provides extra information and hints.
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
Chapter 1 About This Guide
Setting Preferences
IMPORTANT Radiographic images are not intended for diagnostic use when viewed on displays or monitors that do not meet system specifications. For more information, check the CS 3D Imaging system requirements. WARNING
The accuracy of measurements shown in this software depends on the precision of the acquisition device. The rendered 3D volume must not be used for definitive diagnosis. Diagnoses must be confirmed in one or more of the two-dimensional slices used for Multi-Planar Reformatting (MPR).
Minimum Computer System Requirements
CPU: PC with 2 GHz Intel Duo Core or equivalent.
RAM: 4 Gb (recommended); 2 Gb (minimum).
Graphics board: Nvidia / ATI based board supporting Open GL 1.2 with 256 Mb of video RAM on AGP x8 video bus (for example: Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT).
Hard Disk: 1.2 Gb for software installation, 80 Gb free space to use the software.
Monitor: 17" or larger; 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution - 32 bit color mode.
Operating system: Windows XP Home / Pro edition SP2; Windows Vista 32 bit; Windows 7, 32 and 64 bit..
CD/DVD: A CD-ROM/DVD drive is required to install the product. A CD burner is also required.
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
Setting Preferences To customize CS 3D Imaging software and tools, use the Preferences window. To open the Preferences window, click
The Preferences window is displayed.
Chapter 2 Setting Preferences
In the upper-right corner of the CS 3D Imaging window.
To set the application mode, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
Select an application mode:
Easy-Displays an abbreviated set of tools and settings.
Advanced-Displays all of the tools available in CS 3D Imaging.
Easy mode
Advanced mode
Click Apply. The change is applied the next time you start the software.
You can switch between application modes at any time, but you must restart the software to see the change. If your software is installed in Imaging Center mode, Advanced mode is the only option and this setting does not appear in the Preferences window.
Chapter 2 Setting Preferences
To customize how the software uses your video card memory, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
You can switch off the 3D view to enable MPR views and volumes to be explored on lower specification computers (i.e if your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements). To switch off the 3D view, uncheck 3D View.
If your computer has less than 4GB of RAM or 1GB of video RAM, move the slider to the left, increasing the performance; you might need to adjust this setting to increase the speed of the program. If your computer has 4GB or more of RAM or 1GB or more of video RAM, move the slider all the way to the right, increasing the quality without decreasing the speed of the program.
If your computer meets the minimum requirements of the video card, select Shading to display the best rendering of the 3D image.
NOTE To get the best results, make sure Shading is selected when you take screenshots. 5
Click Apply.
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
To specify the color of the background of the 3D scene and the color of the marker and adjustment bars of the cut plane windows, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
Select the colors from the drop-down lists.
Click Apply.
Chapter 2 Setting Preferences
To change the display of measurements, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
Select millimeter or inch and click Apply.
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
To specify printing options for the tabs and views in the software, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
Select the print templates for each tab and view from the drop-down lists and click Apply. The Template for orthogonal slicing preference determines where the 3D scene will be displayed on the Orthogonal Slicing tab. You can choose between upper-left, upper-right (default), lower-right, and lower-left. Make your change to this selection and then click Apply. If the 3D scene does not change to the new position immediately, exit and reopen the 3D module.
Chapter 2 Setting Preferences
To activate the Reformatting tool and to set spacing preferences, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
To rotate or reconstruct an acquired volume, activate the Reformatting tool and click Apply. If only one workstation is used to send volumes to referring practices, enable this setting on that workstation:
For images made on a KODAK 9000 or CS 9000 system, select CS 9000.
For images made on a KODAK 9500 or CS 9500 system, select CS 9500.
For images made on a CS 9300 system, select CS 9300.
For other images, select Other.
To set the default spacing between slices on split views in the MPR windows, select the spacing from the drop-down list and click Apply. If split views are displayed in the windows when you change this setting, you must restart the software.
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
To control the orientation of the 3D scene and the MPR views, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
These indicators are displayed on the screen:
A-Anterior P-Posterior L-Left R-Right H-Head / View from above F-Foot / View from below
Select one of the following:
Select one of the following:
View from top View from bottom
Dorsal view Frontal view
Click Apply and OK, and then check the results. Continue to adjust the settings and check the results.
Chapter 2 Setting Preferences
To designate a location where screenshots are saved, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
If you use the same folder for all screenshots, select Same folder for all screenshots. This is useful if you use screenshots with other programs, such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft PowerPoint. Click Apply.
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3
To set the restorative space length for implants, follow these steps: 1
In the Preferences window, click
Enter the restorative space length in millimeters and click Apply.
Chapter 2 Setting Preferences
Getting to Know Your Software
Parts of the Screen The following figure shows the layout of a typical CS 3D Imaging window:
Title Bar - Shows product name (1A), name of current patient (1B), and standard window controls (1C).
Utilities - From left to right: online help, patient information, software information, preferences. If your computer is connected to the internet and new implant library updates are available, you see
displayed to the left of the help button.
Tabs - Workspaces for Orthogonal Slicing, Curved Slicing, Custom Slicing, and Oblique Slicing.
Tool panels - Sets of tools that change according to the tab you have selected and your software configuration. Some tools provide additional information in secondary panels (4A).
Image workspace - Displays the 3D Scene and MPR views.
Gallery - Displays thumbnails of screen captures you have made.
You can move a reduced application around the screen by clicking and dragging the Title bar. You can resize a reduced application by moving your cursor to any of the screen edges or corners. When the cursor changes to a double arrow, click the screen edge and drag it to a new position. In addition to the standard screen controls, you can reduce or maximize the application on your screen by double-clicking the Title bar.
CS 3D Imaging User’s Guide (CS4200) Edition 3