Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc
Axio Observer Inverted microscope Operating Manual ver 6 May 2012
Operating Manual
130 Pages

Page 1
Operating Manual Axio Observer Inverted microscope
Carl Zeiss
Copyright / Trademarks
Axio Observer
Knowledge of this manual is required to operate the instrument. You should therefore familiarize yourself with the contents of this manual and pay special attention to instructions concerning the safe operation of the instrument. Technical specifications are subject to change; this operating manual will not be updated. ©
Unless expressly authorized, dissemination or duplication of this document and commercial exploitation or communication of its contents are not permitted. Persons in contravention of this copyright are liable to pay compensation for damages.
All rights reserved in the events of granting of patents or registration as a utility patent. Any company and product names used in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks. Third party products are cited for information purposes only and this does not represent approval or recommendation of these products. Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH accepts no liability for the performance or use of such products.
Published by:
Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10 07745 Jena, Germany
Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH Königsallee 9-21 37081 Göttingen, Germany Manual number: B 46-0111 e Date of publication: Version 6 – 01/05/2012
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Axio Observer
Carl Zeiss
CONTENTS Page 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
INTRODUCTION ... 8 Safety notes ... 8 Notes on warranty ... 12 Stand types (overview) ... 13
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10
DESCRIPTION ... 14 Designation and intended use ... 14 Description and main features... 15 Equipment and compatibility table ... 16 System overview ... 19 Objectives ... 23 Eyepieces ... 25 Condensers ... 25 Specimen stages ... 26 Binocular tubes... 26 Technical specifications ... 27
3 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3
SETTING UP THE INSTRUMENT ... 29 Unpacking and installing the microscope ... 29 Attaching the binocular (photo) tube ... 30 Inserting the eyepieces and centering telescope ... 30 Inserting the eyepiece reticle ... 31 Fitting the transmitted light illuminator ... 32 Fitting the 100 W transmitted light illuminator carrier ... 32 Fitting the 35 W transmitted light illuminator carrier ... 32 Screwing in the objectives... 33 Fitting the microscope stages ... 34 Fitting the mechanical stage 130x85 R/L and mounting frame K for the mechanical stage .. 34 Fitting a scanning stage ... 35 Attaching the specimen stage 250x230 , object guide and mounting frame M for the object guide ... 36 Fitting the heating stage ... 37 Fitting the gliding stage Z ... 38 Attaching the condensers ... 38 Condensers for the Axio Observer ... 38 Condensers from the Axio Imager range ... 39 Changing the DIC prism in the condenser turret ... 40 Reflector turret ... 41 Fitting the reflector turret ... 41 Loading the reflector turret ... 41 Changing the filter set in the FL P&C reflector module ... 42 Changing the beam splitter in the FL P&C reflector module... 43 Fitting the TFT display to the Z1 motorized stand ... 45 Fitting the TFT display to the docking station ... 45
3.5.4 3.5.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.8 3.9
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Carl Zeiss
Axio Observer
3.10 3.11 3.11.1 3.11.2 3.11.3 3.12 3.13 3.13.1 3.13.2 3.13.3 3.13.4 3.14 3.14.1 3.14.2 3.14.3 3.15 3.16
Connecting the microscope to the mains power supply ...46 Sockets on the rear of the Axio Observer ...47 A1 stand ...47 D1 stand ...47 Z1 stand ...48 Switching the microscope and the power supply for the HBO 100 on and off ... 49 HAL 100 halogen illuminator ...50 Attaching the HAL 100 halogen illuminator ... 50 Adjusting the HAL 100 halogen illuminator ... 51 Fitting and removing the diffuser for fine adjustment of the halogen illuminator ... 52 Replacing the HAL 100 halogen bulb ...53 HBO 100 illuminator...54 Inserting the HBO 103 W/2 mercury vapor short-arc bulb ... 54 Attaching the HBO 100 illuminator ...54 Adjusting the HBO 100 illuminator ...55 Fitting the Aqua Stop II...56 Attaching the mounting adaptor for Laserport to the stand ... 57
4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.7.5
OPERATION ...58 Overview of components and controls ...58 Axio Observer.A1 (manual) ...58 Axio Observer.D1 (coded, semi-motorized)... 60 Axio Observer.Z1 (motorized) ...62 Description of components and controls ...64 Basic settings for the D1 stand...75 Configuring the D1 stand ...75 Options during operation (when the status display is active) ... 76 Light Manager on the Axio Observer.D1 and .Z1 ...77 Light Manager mode: OFF ...78 Light Manager mode: CLASSIC ...78 Light Manager mode: SMART ...79 Selecting Light Manager mode on the D1 stand ... 79 Selecting and configuring Light Manager mode on the Z1 stand ... 80 Contrast Manager on the Axio Observer.Z1 ...81 TFT display touchscreen on the Axio Observer.Z1 ...82 Screen layout ...82 Menu overview ...84 Home page ...85 Microscope ...86 Settings ...94 Display ...103 Illumination and contrast techniques ... 104 Setting transmitted light bright field KÖHLER illumination ... 104 Setting up transmitted light phase contrast ... 107 Setting up differential interference contrast (DIC) for transmitted light ... 109 Setting up transmitted light PlasDIC contrast ... 112 Setting up transmitted light VAREL contrast ... 113
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Axio Observer
Carl Zeiss
4.7.6 4.8 4.8.1
Setting up epifluorescence contrast ... 115 Documentation ... 118 Image orientation for camera outputs ... 118
5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3
CARE, MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING AND SERVICE ... 121 Care... 121 Maintenance ... 122 Checking the instrument ... 122 Replacing the microscope fuses... 122 Replacing the fuses in the power supply for the HBO 100 ... 123 Servicing ... 124
6 6.1 6.2 6.3
ANNEX ... 125 List of abbreviations ... 125 Index... 127 Patent rights... 130
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 2-1 Fig. 2-2 Fig. 2-3 Fig. 2-4 Fig. 3-1 Fig. 3-2 Fig. 3-3 Fig. 3-4 Fig. 3-5 Fig. 3-6 Fig. 3-7 Fig. 3-8 Fig. 3-9 Fig. 3-10 Fig. 3-11 Fig. 3-12 Fig. 3-13 Fig. 3-14 Fig. 3-15 Fig. 3-16 Fig. 3-17 Fig. 3-18 Fig. 3-19 Fig. 3-20 Fig. 3-21 Fig. 3-22 Fig. 3-23 Fig. 3-24 Fig. 3-25 Fig. 3-26
System overview (sheet 1) ... 19 System overview (sheet 2) ... 20 System overview (sheet 3) ... 21 System overview (sheet 4) ... 22 Installing the microscope ... 29 Attaching the binocular tube ... 30 Inserting the eyepieces... 30 Inserting the eyepiece reticle ... 31 Fitting the 100 W transmitted light illuminator carrier ... 32 Fitting the 35 W transmitted light illuminator carrier ... 32 Screwing in the objectives... 33 Fitting the mechanical stage 130x85 ... 34 Fitting the mounting frame K ... 34 Scanning stage 130x85 mot. CAN, underside ... 35 Scanning stage 130x85 mot. CAN, upper side ... 35 Scanning stage 130x85 mot. CAN, connections on the underside ... 36 Attaching the specimen stage 250x230... 36 Fitting the object guide and mounting frame... 37 Fitting the heating stage ... 37 Attaching the condenser... 38 Fitting the condenser carrier... 39 Changing the DIC prism ... 40 Fitting the reflector turret ... 41 Fitting the reflector modules ... 41 Changing the filter set in the FL P&C reflector module ... 42 Installing the filter and beam splitter ... 43 Changing the beam splitter... 43 Changing the beam splitter... 44 Beam splitter designation... 44 Fitting the TFT display ... 45
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Carl Zeiss
Fig. 3-27 Fig. 3-28 Fig. 3-29 Fig. 3-30 Fig. 3-31 Fig. 3-32 Fig. 3-33 Fig. 3-34 Fig. 3-35 Fig. 3-36 Fig. 3-37 Fig. 3-38 Fig. 3-39 Fig. 3-40 Fig. 3-41 Fig. 3-42 Fig. 3-43 Fig. 4-1 Fig. 4-2 Fig. 4-3 Fig. 4-4 Fig. 4-5 Fig. 4-6 Fig. 4-7 Fig. 4-8 Fig. 4-9 Fig. 4-10 Fig. 4-11 Fig. 4-12 Fig. 4-13 Fig. 4-14 Fig. 4-15 Fig. 4-16 Fig. 4-17 Fig. 4-18 Fig. 4-19 Fig. 4-20 Fig. 4-21 Fig. 4-22 Fig. 4-23 Fig. 4-24 Fig. 4-25 Fig. 4-26 Fig. 4-27 Fig. 4-28 Fig. 4-29 Fig. 4-30
Axio Observer
Fitting the TFT display to the docking station ...45 Axio Observer.A1 (rear view) ...46 Power supply for HBO 100 (rear)...46 Axio Observer.A1 (rear view) ...47 Axio Observer.D1 (rear view) ...47 Axio Observer.Z1 (rear view) ...48 VP231 Power Supply ...48 D1 stand and power supply for HBO 100 ...49 Attaching the HAL 100 halogen illuminator ...50 Adjusting the HAL 100 halogen illuminator ...51 Fitting and removing the diffuser ...52 Replacing the halogen bulb ...53 Attaching the HBO 100 illuminator ...54 Power supply for HBO 100 ...54 Adjusting the HBO 100 ...55 Fitting the Aqua Stop II...56 Fitting the Laserport adaptor ...57 Axio Observer.A1 components and controls (manual) ...59 Axio Observer.D1 components and controls (coded, semi-motorized) ... 60 Axio Observer.Z1 components and controls (motorized) ...62 Nosepiece with slot for DIC slider and PlasDIC slider; analyzer slider slot... 65 LD condenser 0.55, 6-position H Ph 1, Ph 2, Ph 3, Var 1/2 ... 66 LD condenser 0.35; 6-position H, Ph 0, Ph 1, Ph 2, DIC, DIC ...66 Condenser 0.55, 6-position H, Ph 1, Ph 2, Ph 3, DIC, DIC ...67 Iris stop slider, manual ...68 FL attenuator, motorized ...68 6-position reflector turret ...69 Binocular tube 45°/23 ...70 Binocular phototube 45°/23 ...70 Setting the binocular tube eyepiece distance ... 71 Vertical stop for focus drive ...72 LCD display ...72 Control ring, right (view from rear) ...73 Control ring, left (view from rear) ...73 Docking station with TFT display, control ring and focus drive... 74 Illumination intensity looking into the eyepieces, changing only the objective (starting from 20x)...78 Illumination intensity looking into the eyepieces, changing only the objective (starting from 20x). Light Manager settings for each objective have been saved previously. ... 78 Illumination intensity looking into the eyepieces, changing only the objective (starting from 20x). Settings for one objective have been saved previously. ... 79 Selecting Light Manager mode ...79 Selecting and configuring Light Manager mode ...80 Main areas of the TFT display...82 Controls area of the TFT display ...82 Menu overview ...84 Home page ...85 STOP button ...85 Motorized focus drive limit reached ...85 Page Microscope -> Control -> Objectives ...86
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Axio Observer
Fig. 4-31 Fig. 4-32 Fig. 4-33 Fig. 4-34 Fig. 4-35 Fig. 4-36 Fig. 4-37 Fig. 4-38 Fig. 4-39 Fig. 4-40 Fig. 4-41 Fig. 4-42 Fig. 4-43 Fig. 4-44 Fig. 4-45 Fig. 4-46 Fig. 4-47 Fig. 4-48 Fig. 4-49 Fig. 4-50 Fig. 4-51 Fig. 4-52 Fig. 4-53 Fig. 4-54 Fig. 4-55 Fig. 4-56 Fig. 4-57 Fig. 4-58 Fig. 4-59 Fig. 4-60 Fig. 4-61 Fig. 4-62 Fig. 4-63 Fig. 4-64 Fig. 4-65 Fig. 4-66 Fig. 4-67 Fig. 4-68 Fig. 4-69 Fig. 4-70 Fig. 4-71 Fig. 4-72 Fig. 4-73 Fig. 5-1 Fig. 5-2
Carl Zeiss
Page Microscope -> Control -> Reflector ... 87 Page Microscope -> Control -> Optovar ... 87 Page Microscope -> Control -> Light path ... 88 Page Microscope -> Control -> FluoArc ... 89 Page Microscope -> Control -> F/A ... 89 Page Microscope -> XYZ -> Position ... 90 Page Microscope -> XYZ -> Save position ... 91 Page Microscope -> XYZ -> Measure... 92 Page Microscope -> Incubation -> Incubation ... 93 Incubation channel window ... 93 Page Microscope -> Incubation -> Y-Module ... 93 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Objectives ... 94 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Objectives ... 94 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Reflector ... 95 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Reflector ... 95 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Focus ... 96 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Focus ... 97 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Cameraports ... 97 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Stage ... 97 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Components -> Misc ... 98 Field of view eyepiece ... 98 Illumination type... 98 Config. reflected light ... 98 Page Microscope -> Settings -> User -> Mode ... 99 Page Microscope -> Settings -> User -> Buttons left ... 99 Page Microscope -> Settings -> User -> Mode ... 100 Page Microscope -> Settings -> User -> Stand type ... 100 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Extras -> Light manager ... 101 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Extras -> Oil stop ... 101 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Extras -> Dazzle protect ... 101 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Extras -> Ethernet ... 102 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Extras -> Misc ... 102 Page Microscope -> Settings -> Info -> Firmware ... 103 Page Home -> Display... 103 Axio Observer.D1 ... 105 Setting the stops for transmitted light bright field KÖHLER illumination ... 106 Centering the condenser phase stop ... 108 Centering the phase stop (bright, in the condenser) with the phase plate (dark, in the objective) ... 108 Components for transmitted light DIC on the Axio Observer ... 110 Setting up VAREL contrast ... 113 VAREL contrast for microtiter plates ... 113 Pupil images with VAREL contrast ... 114 Components for epifluorescence on the Axio Observer ... 116 Replacing the fuse ... 122 Replacing the power supply fuses ... 123
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Carl Zeiss
Safety notes
Axio Observer
Axio Observer microscopes have been designed, manufactured and tested in compliance with DIN EN 61010-1 (IEC 61010-1) and IEC 61010-2-101 safety requirements for electrical measuring, control and laboratory instruments. They meet the requirements of EU directive 98/79/EC (In-Vitro-Diagnostic) and are labeled with the marking. This operating manual contains information and warnings which must be observed by persons operating the instrument. The following warning and information symbols are used in this manual: NOTE This symbol indicates an instruction which requires particular attention. CAUTION This symbol indicates a potential hazard to the instrument or system. CAUTION This symbol indicates a potential hazard to the user. CAUTION Hot surface! CAUTION UV radiation emission! CAUTION Disconnect the instrument from the power supply before opening!
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Axio Observer
Carl Zeiss
Axio Observer microscopes and original accessories are to be used for the microscopy procedures described in this manual only. Particular attention must be paid to the following notes: The manufacturer cannot accept liability for any other applications, including applications making use of individual modules or components. The same applies to any service or repair work which is carried out by persons other than authorized service personnel. Such actions will also render any warranty claims invalid.
The socket into which the power cable is plugged must be earthed. The earthing protection must not be rendered ineffective by the use of an extension cable which is not earthed. − − −
The microscope must not be operated in areas with potential danger by explosion. Use the microscope only on rigid and non-combustible bases. Specimens have to be disposed in comply with legal requirements and internal labor standards.
If it is determined that the earth protection is no longer effective, the instrument must be removed from operation and measures taken to ensure that the instrument is not operated inadvertently. To repair the instrument, contact the Carl Zeiss microscopy service team in Germany (see page 124) or your local Carl Zeiss overseas representative.
Axio Observer microscopes are not equipped with any special equipment for protection from substances which are corrosive, potentially infectious, toxic, radioactive or otherwise hazardous to health. All legal requirements, in particular local accident prevention regulations, must be observed when handling such samples.
Defective microscopes are not to be disposed of as ordinary domestic waste. They should be disposed of in accordance with the relevant regulations. Risk of squeeze between stage carrier and stand base when using stands with motorized focussing drives. Do not reach under the stage carrier when lowering the stage.
If reflector modules inserted in the reflector turret are equipped with neutral splitters or partial mirrors at the beam splitting mirror position and the HBO, X-Cite or HXP lamp is switched on, there will be the danger of glare damaging to health when looking into the eyepieces. This is especially the case if the specimen or the specimen holder has reflecting properties. To avoid damage to the eyes, suitable measures must be taken to attenuate the radiation (e.g. by inserting neutral filters).
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Carl Zeiss
Axio Observer
Axio Observer.A1 and .D1 (manual) are equipped with an integrated power supply. The power supply can be connected to a mains voltage of 100 to 127 V AC or 200 to 240 V AC ±10 %, 50/ 60 Hz. The power supply automatically adjusts to the corresponding voltage.
The Axio Observer.Z1 (motorized) is supplied with power from the external power supply VP231. The power supply can be connected to a mains voltage of 100 to 127 V AC or 200 to 240 V AC ±10 %, 50/60 Hz. The power supply automatically adjusts to the corresponding voltage. The power supply units for HBO 100 (ebq 100 dc) and XBO 75 (ebx 75 isolated) respectively can be connected to a mains voltage of 100 to 240 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz. The power supply units automatically adjust to the corresponding voltage.
Before switching on the power units for the HBO 50 / HBO 100, check that you are using the correct power unit for the local mains voltage. Always disconnect the instrument from the mains power supply before opening the instrument or replacing the fuse. Use only fuses with the correct current rating. Do not use temporary fuses or short-circuit the fuse carriers.
Gas discharge lamps such as the HBO 100 emit ultraviolet radiation which may cause burns to eyes and skin. Never look directly into the light and avoid direct skin exposure. When using the microscope, always use the instrument's protective devices (e.g. special attenuation filters). Gas discharge lamps develop high internal pressure when hot. They should therefore only be replaced when cool. Protective gloves and eyewear should be worn (for detailed information, please see operating manual B 40-065 e).
When using fluorescence filters, the heat filter, which provides protection from radiant heat emitted by the microscope illuminator, is not to be removed. Fluorescence filters are heatsensitive and their function may be impaired if the heat filter is removed.
Placing objects against or covering ventilation slits may lead to a build-up of heat which may damage the instrument and in extreme cases lead to fire. Keep ventilation slits clear and ensure that no objects are inserted into the instrument through the ventilation slits.
Do not touch lamp housing when hot. Always disconnect the instrument from the power supply before replacing the bulb and leave the instrument to cool down for approx. 15 mins.
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Axio Observer
Carl Zeiss
Dust and dirt may impair the performance of the instrument. The instrument should therefore be protected from dust and dirt and covered with the dust cover when not in use. Always check that the instrument is switched off before covering.
These instruments are to be operated by trained personnel only, who must have received training on possible hazards associated with microscopy and their specific area of use. Axio Observer microscopes are precision optical and mechanical instruments, the function of which may be impaired if they are handled incorrectly. Users must read the safety data sheet for Immersol 518 N.
Immersol 518 N immersion oil is a skin irritant. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. In the event of skin contact, rinse with plenty of water and soap. In the event of eye contact, rinse the eye with plenty of water immediately for at least five minutes. If irritation persists, consult a physician.
Disposal (Immersol 518 N): Ensure that immersion oil does not enter surface water or the sewage system.
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
INTRODUCTION Notes on warranty
Carl Zeiss
Axio Observer
Notes on warranty
The manufacturer guarantees that the instrument is free of material or production defects when delivered. You must inform us immediately of any defects and take all reasonable steps to minimize any damage arising as a result. If the manufacturer is informed of such a defect, he is obliged to remedy it by, at his discretion, repairing the instrument or supplying an instrument free of any defect. No warranty is given for defects arising from normal wear and tear (in particular for wear parts) or improper use. The instrument manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by incorrect operation, negligence or any other tampering with the instrument, in particular the removal or replacement of components of the instrument or the use of accessories supplied by other manufacturers. Such actions will render any warranty claims invalid. With the exception of the work described in this manual, no maintenance or repair work is to be carried out on these microscopes. Repairs are only to be performed by Carl Zeiss service staff or personnel specifically authorized by Carl Zeiss. In the event of a problem with the instrument occurring, please contact the Carl Zeiss microscopy service team in Germany (see page 124) or your local Carl Zeiss overseas representative.
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Axio Observer
INTRODUCTION Stand types (overview)
Carl Zeiss
Stand types (overview)
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
DESCRIPTION Designation and intended use
Carl Zeiss
Designation and intended use
Axio Observer
Manufacturer's designation: Inverted microscope for transmitted light and epifluorescence Short designation:
Axio Observer.A1 (manual version) Axio Observer.D1 (coded / semi-motorized version) Axio Observer.Z1 (fully motorized version, including motorized Z-drive)
The Axio Observer microscopes' position in the family of inverted light microscope products is as follows: Laboratory microscopes −
Axiovert 40 C
Axiovert 40 CFL
Research microscopes −
Axio Observer.A1 / .D1 / .Z1
Axio Observer microscopes are inverted light microscopes for universal use. They are used primarily for examining cell and tissue cultures and sediments in culture flasks, Petri dishes and microtiter plates under transmitted and reflected light. Axio Observer microscopes can be used for bright field, phase contrast, differential interference contrast, VAREL contrast and PlasDIC contrast transmitted light techniques and epifluorescence techniques. Axio Observer microscopes form the basis for microscopy work on living cells. −
The robust stand allows the attachment of a variety of tools (micromanipulation), various light sources and incubation components.
The microscope's inverted design, LD condensers and the use of fixed stages means that there is ample space for specimens and mounting frames. This allows experiments which would not be possible with upright microscopes to be performed.
The design allows the simple attachment of cameras, lasers, custom stages, etc.
Typical fields of application: Examination of human blood and tissue samples, observation of intracellular processes in living cell cultures, cell/cell interactions, motility, growth, measurement of potentials, drug detection, microinjection, IVF (in-vitro fertilization), toxicity studies, patch-clamp techniques, ion measurements, digital recordings, time lapse studies with automated processes, z-sectioning, deconvolution, visualization of molecular structures, Fura (Ca measurement), GFP, optical tweezers and scissors, single molecule detection, TIRF. There are separate operating manuals for the temperature control and incubation units, and these must be observed when using these units.
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Axio Observer
DESCRIPTION Description and main features
Carl Zeiss
Description and main features
The Axio Observer is supplied with three stand types - manual (.A1), semi-motorized (.D1) and fully motorized (.Z1). Accessory components have a modular design. For the documentation of microscopy examinations, the Axio Observer can be equipped with up to five camera / TV ports as required. The instrument's main features are (see also overview of equipment variations in section 2.3): −
ICS optics for image generation
High thermal and mechanical stability
High degree of flexibility for documenting results
Improved ergonomics
LCD display for instrument parameters
Instrument parameters are displayed on and can be configured using a TFT display
23 mm field of view
Light Manager, Contrast Manager
Modular design for optimum adaptation for different applications
6-position nosepiece
6-position reflector turret - can be loaded in situ or removed for loading
5 or 6-position condenser turret
3-position Optovar turret
Removable aperture stop and luminous-field stop sliders for reflected light
Fluorescence shutter (internal standard shutter or external high-speed shutter)
HAL 100, HBO 100, HBO 50 illuminators
All essential microscope functions are motorized (.Z1)
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
DESCRIPTION Equipment and compatibility table
Carl Zeiss
Axio Observer
Equipment and compatibility table
readable by PC
LCD display
TFT display
Docking station
RS 232
Socket for external UNIBLITZ shutter
Trigger socket (in/out) for shutter
Light Manager
Contrast Manager
manual (2mm / 0.2mm)
motorized, stepper motor drive (z-step size 10 nm)
Nosepiece ACR
Reflector turret ACR
Z-drive operation (flat control knob)
Z-drive, 13 mm extended travel range
Stand Coding
Operation button at focus knob (control ring)
Z-focus drive Adjustable limit stop for z focus left (focus stop) Automatic Component Recognition (ACR) Power supply
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Axio Observer
Tube lens mount, fixed / Optovar turret
Sideport (type)
Sideport (accessory)
DESCRIPTION Equipment and compatibility table
6-pos. H DIC man. (3x H / 3x H DIC)
6-pos. H DIC cod.
6-pos. H DIC mot.
6-pos. H DIC mot. ACR
1-pos. tube lens mount, fixed
3-pos. optovar turret, encoded
3-pos. optovar turret, motorized
2 or 3-pos. man. (exit to the left only)
2 or 3-pos. man. L/R
3-pos. mot. L/R
60N L, 2 switching positions (100% vis : 0% L / 20% vis : 80% L)
60N L 100, 2 switching positions (100% vis : 0% L / 0% vis : 100% L)
60N L, 3 switching positions (100% vis : 0% L / 0% vis : 100% L / 50% vis : 50% L)
60N R, 3 switching positions (100% vis : 0% R / 0% vis : 100% R / 50% vis : 50% R)
60N L/R, 3 switching positions (100% vis : 0% LR / 0% vis : 100% L / 20% vis : 80% R)
60N L/R 100, 3 switching positions (100% vis : 0% LR / 0% vis : 100% L / 0% vis : 100% R)
Scanning stage 130x85 mot; CAN
Scanning stage 130x85 mot; CAN and CAN – USB converter
Scanning stage 120x100 STEP
100W HAL
100W HAL with LCD display
Path deflection to the tube (VIS only) Beam path switching (for VIS / front port / base port) Baseport / Frontport
Scanning stages
Transmitted light illumination
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Carl Zeiss
DESCRIPTION Equipment and compatibility table
Carl Zeiss
Shutter for transmitted-light
Reflected light illumination Slider for reflected light illumination
Shutter for reflected light
LD 0.35/0.55, manual
LD 0.55, motorized
Axiovert 40 LD 0.2/0.4/0.55
Axio Imager 0.8/1.4
external, high-speed (with int. controller)
Shutter FL, internal
High-speed, external (with int. controller)
6-pos. manual
6-pos. encoded
6-pos. motorized
6-pos. motorized ACR
via CAN (TFT or PC control)
via CAN (PC control)
via CAN – USB converter (PC control)
Port for custom laser
Reflector turret
Excitation filter wheel (8 positions) mot. CAN
FluoArc control
Laser safety upgradeable ApoTome +
O = O* = O** = =
Axio Observer
included in stand optionally available optional: motorized reflector turret, reflected light illumination, LD condenser 0.55 mandatory not available
B 46-0111 e 05/2012
Axio Observer
System overview
Fig. 2-1
System overview (sheet 1)
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DESCRIPTION System overview
Carl Zeiss
DESCRIPTION System overview
Carl Zeiss
Fig. 2-2
Axio Observer
System overview (sheet 2)
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