Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc
IOLMaster Haigis-L Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
2 Pages

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= ij~ëíÉê ê∆== fli e~ááÖáëJi= Frequ uently Asked d Questions Why does d the Haiigis-L formula work with the IOLMastter only? The Haigis-L H works s with the IOL LMaster beca ause it uses th he smaller (ap pprox 2.5 mm m) keratomete er measurement radiu us of the IOLM Master, which h gives a morre clinically re elevant anterio or curvature for po ost-myopic LV VC power calcculation. ents with las ser correction can benefiit with the Ha aigis-L formu ula? Whatt type of patie Haigiss-L works for post-myopic or post-hyperropic laser vission correctio on (LASIK, PR RK, LASEK, epi-LA ASIK). It does s not work forr RK. Warren Hill MD webssite describess methods for post RK and hyperropic LASIK using u the ATLAS corneal to opographer (w meters are ne eeded with th he Haigis-L? Whatt input param Haigiss-L uses the same s measurrements as th he regular Haigis formula (axial length, keratometry k and anterior a chamb ber depth). Why does d it work k even if the posterior p surrface curvatu ure of the co ornea is not measured? m Unlike e other formulas, Haigis-L does not use e measure corrneal curvaturre to predict the t postoperative lens position and is therefore not n compromiised by a form mula specific error. e Dr. Haigiss established a correlation between corrneal power based on IOLM Master kerato ometer measurements and d those derive ed from cliniccal history. A correction c facctor was then applied to the e standard Haigis forrmula based on this correlation function n, resulting in the Haigis-L formula. Whatt lens consta ants are used d with the Ha aigis-L formu ula? The le ens constants s used for the e Haigis formu ula are (a0, a1 1 and a2). d the Haiigis-L use th hree constantts (a0. a1 and a2)? Why does For th he Haigis and Haigis-L form mulas, the a0 constant moves the powe er prediction curve c up, or down. The a1 cons stant is tied to o the measure ed anterior ch hamber depth h and the a2 constant c is tie ed to the e measured ax xial length. Th herefore, the a1 and a2 co onstants are used u to vary th he shape of the po ower predictio on curve and they change the power ba ased on the ce entral corneal power, anteriior chamber depth d and individual lens geometry. g
IOL.3462 Carl Zeiss Medditec, Inc. 5160 Hacienda H Drive, Duublin, CA 94568 1-800-342-9821 1
Where can I obtain lens constants for the Haigis-L? Since the three Haigis constants play an important role into the IOL power calculation for postrefractive eyes (Haigis-L), we recommend a couple of ways to obtain Haigis constants as a starting point: a) ULIB (User Group for Laser Interference Biometry) - this database is maintained by Prof Haigis (Wuerzburg University). ULIB is an independent group of scientists and users who work in the field of optical biometry. One of ULIB major concerns is the optimization of lens constants for the calculation of IOL. ULIB offers lens constants for IOLMaster users for more than 100 lenses. We recommend these constants as the starting point and later, we recommend surgeons to personalize their lens constants. Link to ULIB:
b) Prof Haigis has an on-line calculator to convert IOL constants into one another. You could use this calculator in case you have optimized your lens constants with other formulas. You just have to input the data on this calculator to convert the optimized lens constants derived from other formulas into the lens constants for the Haigis formula. Link to on-line calculator:
Is the Haigis-L a "Zeiss" formula? No. This is a formula developed by Wolfgang Haigis, PhD. He utilized the unique measurement capabilities of the IOLMaster to derive this method. Important links Warren E Hill, MD web page: ASCRS post-refractive calculation:
Disclaimer: Formula selection is a medical decision. Carl Zeiss Meditec does not recommend one formula over the other.
. IOL.3462 Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc. 5160 Hacienda Drive, Dublin, CA 94568 1-800-342-9821