Chattanooga Group

Traction Devices

Triton Traction Model 4749 and 4798 User Manual

User Manual

60 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword... 1  Product Description... 1  About traction therapy... 2-8  Precautionary Instructions... 2 Cautions... 3-4 Warnings... 4-5 Dangers... 5 Overview of Traction Therapy... 6 Common Terms... 6 Indications... 7 Contraindications... 7  Nomenclature... 8-13  Base Unit - Front View... 8-9 Base Unit - Rear View... 10-11 LCD Base... 12 Symbol Definitions... 13  specifications... 14-16  Traction Unit Dimensions and Specifications... 14 sEMG Module Dimensions and Specifications... 15 Description of Device Markings... 16  setup... 17-23 Contents of Carton... 17 Mounting Unit on Table... 18 Attaching the Patient Switch Hook... 19 Installing the sEMG Module... 20 Removing the sEMG Module... 21 Initial Unit Setup... 22-23  Operation... 24-48  Patient Preparation... 24-25  Triton® Traction Operating Controls - Home Screen... 26-28 Operating Controls - Treatment Screen... 29-32 sEMG Traction Treatment... 33-35 Starting, Pausing and Stopping Treatment... 36-37 Saving Treatment to a Patient Data Card... 38-40 Retrieving Data from Existing Patient Data Card... 41 Erasing Patient Data Card... 42 User Protocols... 43-44 Clinical Protocols™... 45-46 Multimedia Card (MMC) Graphics Library... 47 DTS Pull Patterns (If Applicable)... 48  accessories... 49-50 troubleshooting... 51-54  Troubleshooting... 51-52 Error Messages... 53-54  Maintenance... 55-56  Cleaning... 55 Preventative Maintenance Schedule... 55 Calibration Requirements... 55 Service... 56  Warranty... 57
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File Name: triton_traction_model_4749-4798_user_manual_.pdf

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