Chattanooga Group

Traction Devices

Tru-Track Model 4779 User Manual

User Manual

41 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD... 1 Product Description... 1  ABOUT TRACTION THERAPY... 28 Precautionary Instructions... 2 Cautions... 3 Warnings... 4 Dangers... 5 Overview of Traction Therapy... 6 Common Terms... 6 Indications... 7 Contraindications... 7  NOMENCLATURE... 813 Base Unit - Front View... 8-9 Base Unit - Rear View... 10-11 LCD Base...12 Symbol Definitions...13  SPECIFICATIONS... 14 Unit Dimensions and Specifications...14  SETUP... 1519 Contents of Carton...15 Mounting Unit on Table...16 Initial Unit Setup... 17-18 Attaching The Patient Switch Hook...19  OPERATION... 2030 Patient Preparation... 20-21 Operating Controls - Home Screen... 22-24 Adjusting Traction During Treatment...25 Saving Treatment to a Patient Data Card... 26-28 Retrieving Data from Existing Patient Data Card...28  Tru-Trac® Traction Unit Erasing Patient Data Card...29 User Protocols...30  ACCESSORIES... 3132 TROUBLESHOOTING... 3336 Troubleshooting... 33-34 Error Messages... 35-36  MAINTENANCE... 37 Cleaning...37 Calibration Requirements...37 Service...37  WARRANTY... 38
File Type: PDF
File Size: 546 KB
File Name: tru-track_model_4779_user_manual.pdf

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