Chattanooga Group

Ultrasound & Stimulation Systems

Forte CPS Series 200 & 400 STIM & COMBO User Manual

User Manual

72 Pages

78081_I.qxd  6/17/2004  11:19 AM  Page 3  Table of Contents Introduction...1 Features of the Forte™ CPS Electotherapy System...1 Foreword...1 Forte CPS Series Product Matrix...2 Liability Disclaimer...2 Precautionary Instructions... 2 Principles of Operation...3 Initial Setup Instructions...3 System Components...4 Patient Control Center (PCC)...4 Optional Accessories...4 System Operation...5 Operator Interface...5 Control Panel...6 Indications/Contraindications/Adverse Effects for Electrical Stimulation...12 Interferential Current... 12 Premodulated Current...13 VMS, Russian, HIVOLT...14 Microamperage Pulsed Current (Microcurrent)...15 Microcurrent Probes...16 HIVOLT Probe...16 IFC – Interferential Current (Sine Wave)...17 Quick Start...17 Detailed Treatment Procedures...18 Modifying Treatment Parameters...20 Interferential Parameter Options... 20 Technical Specifications...21 PREMOD – Premodulated (Sine Wave)...22 Quick Start...22 Detailed Treatment Procedures...23 Modifying Treatment Parameters...24 Premod Parameter Options...25 Technical Specifications...26 MICRO – Microcurrent (Microamperage Pulsed Current)...26 Quick Start...27 Detailed Treatment Procedures...28 Modifying Treatment Parameters...29 Microcurrent Parameter Options...29 Microcurrent Application with Hand Held Probe (Optional)...30 Technical Specifications...31
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File Size: 629 KB
File Name: forte_cps_series_200___400_stim___combo_user_manual.pdf

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