Digital Ultrasound Systems

CHISON 8300 Service Manual Version number A0

Service Manual

38 Pages

CHISON 8300 Service Manual A0  TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...- 3 1-1 Summarization...- 3 1-2 Content of service manual...- 3 1-3 Safety...- 3 1-3-1 Warning...- 3 1-3-2 Classification...- 5 1-4 EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility)...- 5 1-4-1 EMC performance...- 5 1-4-2 Notice upon installation of product...- 6 1-4-3 General Notice...- 6 1-4-4 Countermeasures against EMC related-issues...- 6 1-4-5 Notice on service...- 7 1-5 Contact address...- 7 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION...- 8 2-1 PRE-Installation...- 8 2-1-1 Overview...- 8 2-1-2 The requirement of power...- 8 2-1-3 Physical Specification...- 8 2-2 Installation...- 9 2-2-1 Overview...- 9 2-2-2 Average installation time...- 9 2-2-3 Checking the components...- 10 2-2-4 Unpacking CHISON 8300...- 10 2-2-5 Assembling CHISON 8300...- 10 2-2-6 Installation of optional accessories...- 11 2-2-7 Adjustment of monitor contrast and brightness...- 11 2-3 Electrical safety tests...- 11 2-3-1 Outlet test wiring Arrangement...- 12 2-3-2 Grounding impedance test...- 12 2-3-3 Chassis Leakage Current Test...- 13 2-3-4 Probe Leakage Current Test...- 15 2-3-5 When there’s too much Leakage Current…...- 18 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM OUTLINE...- 20 3-1 Overview...- 20 3-2 Structure...- 20 3-2-1 Structure...- 20 3-2-2 Main unit dimensions...- 20 3-2-3 Rear Panel...- 21 3-2-4 Control Panel...- 21 3-3 Electric performance...- 22 3-3-1 Power supply...- 22 3-3-2 Electrical socket requirement...- 22 3-4 Storage and operating requirements...- 22 3-5 Options...- 23 CHAPTER 4 FUNCTIONAL CHECK...- 24 4-1 Overview...- 24 4-2 Procedures of Functional Check...- 24 4-2-1 Monitor Display after turning on...- 24 Confidential  -1-
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