

Washer Disinfector Addendum 2 V6 Dec 2020


2 Pages

DISINFECTION GUIDE WITH WASHER DISINFECTOR SECTION 1: DISSASSEMBLING THE PARTS FOR REPROCESSING  ▪ Detach the head harness (B) from the silicone mask (face piece) (A) ▪ Remove the exhalation valve cover from valve assembly (2) by locating the snap feature on the cover that secures the cap to the valve seat. This feature is on the bottom edge of the valve seat. Using your thumb nail or a small blunt object, press on the snap until the cover springs free of the valve seat. Do NOT remove the silicone valve leaf. See image below.  ▪ Place mask (Face-piece) (A) and head harness (B) in the washer-disinfector. - Place the masks facing up with the arms down to prevent pooling in inside of the mask or cushion edges  - The exhalation covers should be placed in a small basket to prevent getting moved and lost in cleaning process  - Ensure that the head harness is free and not crushed or sitting under other components. ▪ For Washer Cycle Protocol - Refer to Section 2 Washer Disinfector protocol guidance ▪ When the washing process is complete, check the exhalation valve leaf is in place and lying flat against valve seat (not folded or misplaced). Replace the exhalation valve cover by inserting the small prong on the valve cover into the matching hole on the valve seat and clicking the cover securely back into place.  Please contact our team if you have question or enquiry: CleanSpace Technology Pty Ltd | Every Breath Counts Unit 5, 39 Herbert St., St. Leonard NSW 2065 Australia Contact:  Page 1 of 2
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File Name: CleanSpace - Washer Disinfector Addendum 2 V6 Dec 2020 - 2020-12.pdf

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