Dräger Medical
Infinity Vista XL Instructions for Use VF7 April 2007
Instructions for Use
382 Pages
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Infinity Modular Monitoring Series
Infinity Vista XL Instructions for Use
WA R N I NG : F o r a f u l l u n d e r s ta n d i n g o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e characteristics of this device, the user should carefully read this manual before use of the device.
Manufactured by: Draeger Medical Systems, Inc. 3135 Quarry Road Telford, PA 18969 Infinity Vista XL Instructions for Use Software VF7 ©Draeger Medical Systems, Inc. 2007. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This device bears the H label in accordance with the provisions of the Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices (this label is not applicable for US devices). Distributed By: Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG Moislinger Allee 53-55 D-23558 Lübeck Germany Dräger reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein without prior notice. Please contact your local Dräger Sales Representative for the most current information. Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English or in any other languages, except for brief excerpts in reviews and scientific papers, is prohibited without prior written permission of Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG. All Dräger devices are intended for use by trained medical personnel only.
CAUTION: In the United States, Federal Law restricts these devices to sale by, or on order of a physician. Before using any Dräger devices, carefully read all the manuals that are provided with your device. Patient monitoring equipment, however sophisticated, should never be used as a substitute for the human care, attention, and critical judgment that only trained health care professionals can provide. ACE, MultiMed, Cardiology Review Station, Scio, and OxiSure are registered trademarks of Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG. CAPNOSTAT is a registered trademark of Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc. Masimo, Masimo SET and Signal Extraction Technology (SET) are registered trademarks of Masimo Corporation. SILICON SOFTWARE © 1989, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 Microtec Research Inc. All rights reserved Some graphics courtesy of Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of
the Rights in Technical Data & Computer Software clause at DFARS 252 227:7013 MICROTEC RESEARCH INC. 2350 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Microstream is a registered trademark of Oridion Medical 1987 Ltd. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. This device is subject to EU Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE). It is not registered for use in private households, and may not be disposed of at municipal collection points for waste electrical and electronic equipment. Dräger Medical has authorized a firm to dispose of this device in the proper manner. For more detailed information, please contact your local Dräger Medical organization.
Overview Overview... III Intended Use ...IV Indications For Use ...V Documentation Features ...VI Notes, Cautions, Warnings ...VI Cross-references...VI Quick Reference Tables ...VI Footer ...VI Applicability...VI Safety Considerations...VII Site of Operation ...VII Inspection and Maintenance ...VII General Electrical Safety ...IX Pacemakers ...IX Peripheral Devices ...IX Electrosurgery...IX Electromagnetic Compatibility...XI Table of Contents ...XII
Intended Use The Infinity Vista XL monitors are intended for multi-parameter patient monitoring. The devices will produce visual and audible alarms if any of the physiological parameters monitored vary beyond preset limits, and timed or alarm recordings will be produced. These devices will connect to R50 recorders either directly or via the Infinity network.
Indications For Use The Infinity Vista XL monitors are capable of monitoring: z
Heart rate
Respiration rate
Invasive pressure
Noninvasive pressure
Cardiac Output
Arterial oxygen saturation
Pulse rate
ST Segment Analysis
12-Lead ST Segment Analysis
The devices are intended for use in the environment where patient care is provided by Healthcare Professionals, i.e. Physicians, Nurses, and Technicians who will determine when use of the device is indicated, based upon their professional assessment of the patient's medical condition. The devices are intended to be used on Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal populations with the exception of the parameter cardiac output, STsegment analysis, and arrhythmia which are intended for use in the adult and pediatric populations only. The Infinity Modular Monitors are not compatible for use in a MRI magnetic field.
Documentation Features Warnings, Cautions, Notes WA R N I N G ! A w a r n i n g s ta t e m e n t p r o v i d e s i m p o r ta n t i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t a p o t e n t i a l l y h a z a r d o u s s i t u a t i o n w hi c h , i f n o t a v o i d e d , c o u l d re s u l t in d e a t h o r s e ri o u s i n j u r y. CAUTION! A caution statement provides important information about a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided may result in minor or moderate injury to the user or patient, or in damage to the equipment or other property. NOTE: A note provides additional information intended to avoid inconvenience during operation.
Cross-references Cross-references specify chapter and page (e.g., page 16-3 refers to Chapter 16, page 3). Chapter number and title are given when text refers to an entire chapter (e.g., Chapter 1, Introduction).
Quick Reference Tables Wherever possible, a quick reference table is provided for easy access to information about monitor functions.
Footer The current software version appears at the bottom of each page, together with the chapter and page number and the device name.
Applicability All references to “the monitor” in this manual refer to the Vista XL patient monitor.
Safety Considerations This Instructions for Use assumes a working knowledge of patient monitors. To support proper, safe and accurate operation of equipment, read all operating instructions carefully before you use the monitor. The monitor complies with IEC 60601-1 and applicable collateral and particular standards.
Site of Operation WA R N I N G : z C o n n e c t t h e A C A d a pt e r t o h os pi ta l g r a d e e l e c t r i c a l o u t l e ts w i t h m e d i c a l p ow e r c o r d s . z
M o n i t o r o p e r a t i o n i s n o t c u r r e n t l y s u p p o rt e d i n t h e f o l l o w i n g e nv i r on me nts : m a g ne t i c r e s o n a n c e i m a g i n g ( M R I ) e n v i r o n m e n ts , a i r c r a ft , a m b u l a n c e , h o m e o r h y p e r b a r i c c h a mb e r e n v i r o n m e n ts .
D o n o t o p e r a t e t h e m o n i t o r o r i ts r e m o t e d i s p l a y s i n t h e p re s e n c e o f f l a m m a b l e g a s e s .
D o n o t u s e t h e m o n i t o r n e a r d e v i c e s w i t h m i c ro w a v e o r o t h e r h i g h- f r e q ue nc y e m i s s i o ns . T he s e e m i s s i o n s m a y i n t e r f e r e w i t h t h e m o n i t o r ’s o p e r a t i o n .
P os iti on the m on ito r a nd ac ce ss ori es w ith at le as t 2 i n. ( 5 c m. ) o f s pac e a ro und a ll si des to p rev en t o ve rhe at ing .
D o n o t a l l o w f l u i d s t o c om e i n c o n ta c t w i t h m o n i t o r o r p e r i p h e r a l s . I f f l u i d s a r e a c c i d e n ta l l y s p i l l e d o n equipment, remove affected unit from service as soon a s p o s s i b l e . C o n ta c t y o u r b i o m e d t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e r e i s n o c o m p r o m i s e i n e l e c t r i c a l s a f e t y.
The site of operation must meet the environmental requirements outlined in Appendix B, Technical Data.
To avoid patient injury, ensure patient is disconnected from all sensors, etc. before moving patient.
Inspection and Maintenance Regular equipment inspection and maintenance is required. The user should verify that the monitor operates as described in this manual and that all safety labels are legible and should also maintain a record of these and other inspections. Safety checks, verification, calibration and maintenance should be performed at least every two years by trained personnel, as described in the Service Manual (see individual
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE parameter chapters for information about calibration and verification of parameterspecific functions and devices). All cables, alarm functions, accessories, and associated devices should be checked for damage, ground resistance, chassis and patient leakage currents on a yearly basis, or more frequently, based on usage. WA R N I N G : z Disposable accessories (such as disposable e l e c t r o d e s , t r a n s du c e r s , e t c . ) a r e f o r s i n g l e u s e o nl y. Do not reuse disposable accessories. z
D o n o t u s e c a b l e s t h a t a p p e a r c ra c k e d , w o r n , o r d a m a g e d i n a n y w a y. S u c h u s e m a y c o n t r i b u t e t o p o o r m o n i t o r i n g p e rf o rm a n c e o r t h e d i s p l a y o f e r ro n e o u s values.
M o i s t u r e u n d e r t h e f r o nt pa n e l c a n d a m a g e t he e l e c t r i c c i r c u i ts a n d c o m p r o m i s e k e y f u n c t i o n . R e a d c a r e f u l l y c l e a n i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s o n pa g e 2 1 - 2 .
Because of the danger of electric shock, never remove the cover of any device while it is in operation or connected to a power outlet.
The monitor’s Service Manual is available from your local Dräger Medical service representative.
Dispose of all equipment in accordance with local regulations.
Dräger Medical recommends:
Maintenance, modifications, and repairs are carried out by trained personnel.
Components are replaced with Dräger Medical provided spare parts, otherwise the correct functioning of the device may be compromised.
Devices are used in accordance with Dräger Medical operating instructions, as described in this Instructions for Use.
Ensure electrical shock classifications for all equipment connected to the patient are suitable for the intended application. Leakage current will increase when connecting multiple medical devices to a patient.
It is the user’s responsibility to verify that the overall system is connected in accordance with local regulations and your hospital’s policies, and that it complies with EN 60601-1-1, “Collateral Standard: Safety Requirements for Medical Electrical Systems.”
Pacemakers NOTE: See “Pacemakers” on page 8-3 for safety precautions when monitoring paced patients.
Peripheral Devices CAUTION: In the interest of patient safety and equipment performance, the connection of other manufacturers’ equipment to the monitor is not authorized, unless the connection is explicitly approved by Dräger Medical. It is the user’s responsibility to contact Dräger Medical to determine the compatibility and warranty status of any connection made to another manufacturer’s equipment.
Electrosurgery WA R N I N G : z K e e p E C G, t e m p e ra t u r e , p r e s s u r e , SpO2 tr a n s d u c e r s , and intermediate cables off earth ground and away from ESU knife and return wires.
Use only Dräger blue ECG lead wires or the ESU block w i t h c o n v e n t i o n a l l e a d s ( s e e pa g e 8 - 7 ) . T h e y a r e d e s i g n e d t o p r o v i d e r e s i s ta n c e t o i n t e r f e re n c e f r o m t he E S U a n d t o p ro t e c t t h e pa t i e n t f ro m b u r n s c a u s e d b y E S U - i n d u c e d c ur r e n t f l o w i n g t hr o u g h t h e l e a ds .
I m p e d a n c e r e s p i r a t i o n m o n i t o r i n g a n d pa c e m a k e r s p i k e d e t e c t i o n a re i n o p e r a t i v e w h e n y o u a re u s i n g t h e E SU Block.
Use SpO2 or ART instead of the ECG parameter to determine heart rate.
Use rectal temperature probe sheaths to cover internally placed temperature sensors.
Always use accessories designed for ESU environments.
Electromagnetic Compatibility The monitor has been designed and tested for compliance with current regulatory standards (EN55011 Class B and EN60601-1-2) regarding its capacity to reduce electromagnetic emissions (EMI) and to block EMI from external sources. Dräger Medical recommends these procedures to reduce electromagnetic interference:
Use only Dräger Medical provided accessories, otherwise the correct functioning of the device may be compromised (see Appendix C, Approved Options and Accessories for more information).
Ensure that other products in patient-monitoring and/or life-support areas comply to accepted emissions standards (EN55011, Class B).
Maximize distance between electromedical devices. High-power devices relating to electrocautery, electrosurgery, and radiation (X-ray), as well as electrical stimulators and evoked potential devices, may produce interference on the monitor.
Strictly limit access to portable radio-frequency sources (e.g., cellular phones and radio transmitters). Portable phones may periodically transmit even when in standby mode.
Maintain good cable management. Avoid routing cables over electrical equipment. Do not intertwine cables.
Ensure electrical maintenance is done by qualified personnel.
NBP circuits use motors that emit very low-level electromagnetic fields that may interfere with other sensitive medical devices.
For more information on Electromagnetic Compatibility, see B-2
Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: Introduction Overview...1-2 System Components...1-3 Base Unit ...1-3 Device Markings...1-6 Modules ...1-8 Other Features and Components ...1-8 Power Sources...1-9 Battery Power ...1-9 Getting Started...1-12 Turning the Monitor On and Off...1-12 Accessing the Main Screen ...1-12 Using the Rotary Knob ...1-13 Remote Keypad ...1-14 Menu Access...1-15 Fast Access Menu...1-15 Main Menu ...1-15 Fixed Keys ...1-16 Control Buttons...1-16 Data Archive Applications ...1-16 Storing Events...1-17 Event Recall...1-18 Navigating the Event Recall Screen ...1-20 Help Functions...1-21
CHAPTER 2: Monitor Setup Overview...2-2 Configuring the Monitor...2-2 Main Menu Setup ...2-2 Quick Reference -- Main Menu Setup...2-3 Setups Management...2-10 Specialty Menus ...2-11 OR Mode ...2-11 Unit Manager ...2-13 Biomed ...2-17 Parameter Colors ...2-19
CHAPTER 3: Network Applications Overview...3-2
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE Connecting to the Network...3-3 Connecting the Vista XL to the Network...3-3 Network Message...3-3 Disconnecting the Vista XL from the Network ...3-3 Wireless Network...3-4 Wireless Network Safety Considerations ...3-4 Wireless Network Setup ...3-5 Wireless Mode ...3-6 Wireless Messages ...3-7 Network Transfer ...3-9 Patient Data ...3-9 Software Licenses...3-9 Remote View ...3-10 Privacy...3-13
CHAPTER 4: Admission, Transfer, and Discharge Overview...4-2 Admitting a Patient...4-3 Transferring Patient Data...4-4 Data Transfer Using the Memory Card...4-4 Network Data Transfer...4-6 Discharging a Patient...4-7
CHAPTER 5: Alarms Overview...5-2 Alarm Grades ...5-2 Alarm Management ...5-4 Suspending Alarms ...5-4 Alarm Control ...5-4 Alarm Setup (Alarm Limits Table)...5-5 Upper and Lower Alarm Limits ...5-7 Modifying Alarm Functions...5-13 Quick Reference -- Alarm Limits Table Setup ...5-14 Alarm Limits Shortcut...5-15 ST and Arrhythmia Alarms...5-15 Alarm History Table...5-15 Anesthesia Alarms ...5-16
CHAPTER 6: Trends Overview...6-2 Trend Setup...6-2 Trend Graphs ...6-4
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE Trend Table ...6-7 Mini-Trends ...6-8
CHAPTER 7: Recordings Overview...7-2 Recordings...7-2 Layout ...7-2 Timed ...7-6 Continuous ...7-6 Events and Trends ...7-7 Pending Recordings ...7-7 Recorder Setup...7-7 Quick Reference: R50 Series Setup Menu...7-8 Primary and Secondary Recorders ...7-9 Replacing Recorder Paper ...7-10 Reports ...7-11 Quick Reference: Reports Setup ...7-12 Status Messages ...7-13
CHAPTER 8: ECG and Heart Rate Overview...8-2 ECG Precautions ...8-3 Pacemakers ...8-3 Electrosurgery...8-6 Infusion or Roller Bypass Pumps ...8-7 Line Isolation Devices ...8-8 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators...8-8 Patient Preparation...8-9 Three-, Five-, and Six-Lead TruST Configurations ...8-10 Derived Twelve-Lead Configuration (TruST) ...8-11 ECG Signal Processing and Display ...8-12 TruST 12-Lead ...8-13 Alarms and Alarm Conditions ...8-14 ECG Setup Menu ...8-15 Quick Reference Table -- ECG Setup ...8-15 Status Messages ...8-21
CHAPTER 9: Arrhythmia Monitoring Overview...9-2 About the Arrhythmia Template...9-2 Beat and Rhythm Classification ...9-3 Automatic Learning and Relearning ...9-4
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE Arrhythmia Setup ...9-4 Modes (Full, Basic, OFF) ...9-4 Channel - Lead Selection ...9-5 Arrhythmia Setup Table...9-6 Status Messages ...9-9
CHAPTER 10: ST Monitoring Overview...10-2 MultiMed Pods for ST Analysis ...10-3 ST Display ...10-3 ST Analysis Setup ...10-3 Quick Reference: ST Analysis Menu...10-4 Measuring Points ...10-5 ST Alarms Table ...10-7 Status Messages ...10-8
CHAPTER 11: Respiration Overview...11-2 RESP Precautions ...11-3 Patient Preparation...11-4 Display Features...11-5 RESP Setup Menu ...11-6 Quick Reference Table -- Respiration Setup ...11-7 OxyCRG (OCRG) Monitoring ...11-10 Scale...11-11 Cursor ...11-11 Review Summary Screen Overview ...11-11 Accessing Review Summary Screen ...11-13 Quick Reference Table -- OCRG Review Summary ...11-17 OCRG Setup Menu ...11-17 Quick Reference Table -- OCRG Setup ...11-18 Second and Third Channel Label ...11-18 Time Base ...11-18 Recordings ...11-19 Status Messages ...11-20
CHAPTER 12: Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Overview...12-2 Display Features...12-2 NBP Setup ...12-3 Safety Considerations ...12-3 Cuff Selection and Placement...12-3
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE Setup Menu and Quick Reference Table...12-7 Taking NBP Measurements...12-8 Venous Stasis ...12-10 Status Messages ...12-11
CHAPTER 13: Invasive Blood Pressure Overview...13-2 Precautions ...13-3 Hardware Setup ...13-4 Tubing ...13-4 Transducers ...13-4 Hemomed...13-7 IBP Y-Cables...13-7 Display Features...13-8 IBP Setup...13-10 Quick Reference -- IBP Setup ...13-11 Labeling Pressure Channels...13-12 Pressure Label Conflicts ...13-13 Pulmonary Wedge Pressure Display ...13-13 Status Messages ...13-15
CHAPTER 14: Calculations Overview...14-2 Physiological Calculations ...14-3 HemoMed Parameters ...14-5 Oxygenation and Ventilation Parameters ...14-7 Drug Calculations...14-7 Titration Tables ...14-8 Drug Calculator Setup ...14-9 Default Drug Setup (Unit Manager) ...14-11
CHAPTER 15: Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) Intended Use ...15-2 Overview...15-3 Precautions ...15-3 Patient Preparation...15-5 Display Features...15-7 SpO2 Setup ...15-8 Quick Reference Table -- SpO2 Setup ...15-8 Status Messages ...15-9 SpO2 MicrO2+® ...15-12 Overview ...15-12
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE Parameters...15-12 SpO2 MicrO2+ Setup ...15-12 SpO2 MicrO2+ Trends ...15-13 Status Messages ...15-14 ...15-15
CHAPTER 16: etCO2 (End-Tidal CO2) Monitoring Overview...16-2 Sampling Methods...16-3 Mainstream ...16-3 Sidestream (Adult and Pediatric Patients Only)...16-3 Display Features...16-5 Parameters...16-6 Capnograms ...16-7 etCO2 Setup ...16-8 Quick Reference Table--etCO2 Setup ...16-9 Cleaning, Calibration and Verification...16-12 Cleaning ...16-12 Adapter Calibration...16-12 Sensor Calibration and Verification ...16-12 Status Messages ...16-14
CHAPTER 17: FiO2 (Fractional Inspired O2) Monitoring Overview...17-2 Precautions ...17-3 Display Features...17-3 FiO2 Setup...17-4 Menu Access ...17-4 Calibration ...17-4 Status Messages ...17-6
CHAPTER 18: Scio® Four Modules Intended Use ...18-2 Overview ...18-3 Scio Four Oxi plus ...18-3 Scio Four Oxi...18-4 Scio Four plus ...18-4 Scio Four...18-5 Hardware Setup ...18-8 Site of Operation ...18-9 Installing the Water Trap ...18-10 Cable Connections...18-11
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE Tubing Connections ...18-11 Warm-Up ...18-14 Calibration ...18-14 Scio Setup ...18-14 etCO2* Monitoring ...18-14 O2/N2O Monitoring (Scio Four Oxi plus and Scio Four Oxi only) ...18-16 Agent Monitoring ...18-18 MAC Values ...18-20 Combined Display (O2/Agent/N2O) (Scio Four Oxi plus only) ...18-24 Dual Agent Display (Scio Four Oxi plus & Scio Four plus only) ...18-26 Maintenance and Repair ...18-26 Status Messages ...18-29
CHAPTER 19: Body Temperature Overview...19-2 Temperature Display ...19-3 Temperature Setup...19-4 ESU and Defibrillator Precautions ...19-4 Status Messages ...19-5
CHAPTER 20: Cardiac Output Overview...20-2 Accuracy ...20-3 Main Screen Display...20-4 C.O. Setup ...20-5 Hardware...20-5 C.O. Setup Menu ...20-5 Quick Reference -- C.O. Setup ...20-5 Measurement Mode ...20-6 Catheters (Comp. Constant) ...20-7 C.O. Measurement Procedures ...20-9 Averaging C.O. Measurements ...20-10 HemoMed Calculations (MiniCalcs)...20-12 Status Messages ...20-14
CHAPTER 21: Cleaning and Disinfecting Overview...21-2 Monitor and Peripheral Devices ...21-2 Patient Cables ...21-2 ECG...21-3 Reusable ECG Electrodes ...21-3 ESU Block ...21-3
INFINITY VISTA XL USER ’S GUIDE NBP ...21-3 IBP...21-4 Transducers...21-4 HemoMed Transducer Plate...21-4 SpO2 ...21-4 SET Pod ...21-4 etCO2 ...21-5 Capnostat Sensor ...21-5 Airway Adapter...21-5 Sidestream Sampling Pump (etCO2 only) ...21-5 FiO2...21-7 Temperature...21-7
APPENDIX A: Glossary APPENDIX B: Technical Data Overview... B-2 Overall Regulatory Standard Compliance... B-2 Electromagnetic Compatibility... B-2 Electromagnetic Emissions ... B-4 Electromagnetic Immunity ... B-5 Recommended separation distances ... B-6 System Components... B-7 Vista XL Base Unit ... B-7 External Battery... B-9 Battery Charger ... B-10 R50 N Infinity Recorder ... B-10 Monitoring Accessories... B-11 etCO2 Module ... B-11 HemoMed ... B-13 Scio Four/Scio Four Oxi/Scio Four plus/Scio Four Oxi plus Module... B-13 FiO2 Sensors ... B-15 Monitoring Specifications... B-15 ECG ... B-15 ST-Segment Analysis ... B-16 Respiration ... B-17 Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NBP) ... B-17 Invasive Blood Pressure (IBP) ... B-19 Cardiac Output ... B-19 Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) ... B-19 Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) Via Masimo SET SmartPod ... B-22 End-Tidal CO2 (etCO2) via etCO2 module ... B-23 FiO2 ... B-24
APPENDIX C: Approved Options and Accessories Power Supply... C-3 Power Cords ... C-3 Power Adapters... C-3 Grounding Cable ... C-3 External Battery ... C-3 Connections... C-3 Monitor Connecting Cables ... C-3 R50 Recorder Cables ... C-4 Recorders... C-4 Vista XL Monitor Options... C-4 ECG... C-6 MultiMed and NeoMed Pods ... C-6 Leads... C-6 Miscellaneous ECG... C-8 Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) ... C-9 Dräger Sensors ... C-9 Masimo Sensors ... C-9 Nellcor Sensors ... C-10 Pods ... C-10 Cables ... C-10 Temperature... C-11 Core Probes... C-11 Skin Probes ... C-11 Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NBP)... C-12 NBP Cuffs ... C-12 NBP Connecting Hoses ... C-12 Invasive Blood Pressure (IBP) ... C-12 Vista XL IBP Options ... C-12 HemoMed Pod ... C-12 Connecting Cables ... C-12 IBP Accessories - Ohmeda ... C-14 IBP Accessories - Abbott/Medex ... C-14 IBP Accessories - Edwards/Baxter ... C-14 IBP Accessories -SensoNor ... C-14 End-Tidal CO2 (etCO2)... C-14 etCO2 Module ... C-14 Sensors ... C-15 Main-Stream Accessories ... C-15 Side-Stream Accessories ... C-15 FiO2... C-15 MultiGas Monitoring... C-16