Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center

Post Procedure Cleaning Guide 1286/2086/2286

2 Pages

Post proce dure cl e aning  1286 / 2086 / 2286 FLUSH ING W ITH ADAPTO R  2  1 H 2O 2 C2H 6O (70%) 3 O2  4A  W ASH ING / DISINFECTIO N  5 PACKAGING  3 ULTRASO NIC  4B  CLEANING W ITH O UT MACH INE  6 STERILIZ ATIO N  1 H 2O 2 O2  For additionalinform ation pl e ase contact: D.O .R.C. INTERNATIO NAL b.v. Sch e ijde l ve w e g 2 3214 VN Z uidl and Th e Ne th e rl ands Ph one : + 31 181 458080 Fax: + 31 181 45809 0 e -m ail : sal e s@ dorc.nl  2286-A  1286-CAP3  1286-SS  In North Am e rica pl e ase contact: Dutch O ph th al m ic USA 10 Contine ntalDrive , Bl dg 1 Exe te r, NH 03833 U.S.A. Ph one : 800-75-DUTCH or 603-778-69 29 Fax: 603-778-09 11 e -m ail : sal e s@ dutch oph th al m icusa.com  Pl e ase visit us at w w w .dorc.nl  30312200/C ® 2008 D.O .R .C. Inte rnationalb.v. ® 2007 Dutch O ph th al m ic USA Inc. Spe cifications are subje ct to ch ange w ith out notice  1 RINSING
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File Name: Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center - DORC - 30312200-C - Post Procedure Cleaning Guide 1286-2086-2286 - 2008 - Rev C.pdf

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