Embla Systems Inc

Embletta Sleep Testing Systems

Embletta PDS User Manual May 2001

User Manual

23 Pages

Table of Contents ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  ○  Introduction ... 2 Warnings... 3 Embletta®PDS Items... 4 Using the Embletta PDS ... 5 Step 1. Attaching the Sensors...5 Respiratory effort sensors ... 5 Snore sensor ... 6 Nasal cannula ... 7 Oral thermistor ... 8 Oximeter sensor ... 9 Step 2. Connecting the Parts to the Recorder ...11 Step 3. Testing Procedure ...13 Status lights ...13 Battery light ...13 Sensor lights ...14 Step 4. Starting a Sleep Study ...15 Performing a sleep study ...15 Performing a CPAP study ...16 Step 5. Stopping a Sleep Study ...18  Glossary ... 19 Questions and Answers ... 21 1 14879r2.p65  1  4/5/01, 12:41 PM
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File Name: Embla Systems Inc - Embletta PDS User Manual May 2001 - 2001-05.pdf

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